Chapter 429
"Sister is amazing, even better than dad." Lu Xinming understood what Liu Ying meant without saying it directly.The eyes are like stars, shining with dazzling light, looking at Liu Ying with admiration.

It was really her, Steward Wang pricked up his ears and listened, a flash of shock flashed across his face.Such a dangerous collision, how did Liu Ying do it, could it be?With a flash of inspiration, he suddenly remembered something, Wang Butler looked at Liu Ying in surprise.Could it be that Liu Ying is a person with supernatural powers and has supernatural powers, so he blocked the car that hit him with his supernatural powers, and even seriously injured the other party in turn.Thinking of this ability, Steward Wang gasped. When he looked at Liu Ying, his eyes were similar to those of Lu Xinming's, shining like stars.

The three of them did not lose the fun of shopping in the Forbidden City because of what happened on the road.The Forbidden City is indeed an ancient capital that has gone through several dynasties. In addition to being well preserved, the splendid and luxurious decorations made Liu Ying's eyes shine.Thinking of Zhiwu Kingdom's capital and comparing it with it, Liu Ying felt that the Forbidden City was more majestic.The essence of China for thousands of years, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, glazed jade tiles, all stunned all the tourists who visited the Forbidden City.Dazzled and amazed.

Knowing Liu Ying's ability, Lu Xinming's love and admiration for Liu Ying is even more continuous than the surging river.Almost as long as Liu Ying said one thing, Lu Xinming would never say anything else.After wandering around the entire Forbidden City, the three of them were still refreshed and didn't look tired at all.Until noon, when the sun was shining directly, the three of them went to Wangfujing to eat various authentic delicacies of BJ.

Anyway, they all knew each other, Liu Ying was not afraid to scare Lu Xinming and Butler Wang, and ordered a large table of delicious dishes.Open the stomach and stuff it desperately, what kind of duck with skin, meat pie nailed at the door, donkey rolling, pot stickers or bag fire.As long as it is a famous delicacy, Liu Ying will order one, and eat it as much as she can, her mouth is full of oil.Even the waiter in charge of delivering the food was dumbfounded, and Liu Ying finally shut up contentedly.

One word, praise.Two words, that is delicious.No wonder Shangjing can make the whole country the capital. In addition to the ancient and modern cultural heritage, this food is also indispensable.There are all kinds of special snacks, even the special tribute dishes in the palace in the past, now as long as you have money, you can light them at will.It's very enjoyable, it's really enjoyable.At this moment, Liu Ying once again sighed in her heart, it's nice to have money.

Don't talk about houses and cars, as long as you can satisfy your appetite to your heart's content, that's the real skill.

"How about sister, delicious, there are many things in Beijing. Not only local dishes are delicious, but also special dishes from other places. Sister, next time you come to Xinming's house, you can not only eat special dishes from all over the world, but also from abroad. You can enjoy famous dishes as you like." Patting his bulging belly, Lu Xinming continued to seduce Liu Ying with a smile.

Although Lu Xinming's cowhide sounds quite big, but Lu Xinming did not make a draft.Lu Qingtian, who loved her son dearly, and Lu Xinming, who was afraid of picky eaters, would not eat, so she specially picked a few chefs from five-star hotels to go back.It was specially prepared for Lu Xinming in different ways, so that Lu Xinming would not eat the home-cooked food cooked by the nanny, and would get bored and refuse to eat it.For Lu Qingtian, money is not bad anyway, as long as Lu Xinming is happy.

"Really? The chef in your family is so delicious, so why did you go to your sister's house every day to eat and drink?" After paying the bill, Liu Ying glanced at the boastful Lu Xinming in a funny way. laughed.

"This, that, hehe, of course it's because my sister's cooking is also delicious." Since he opened his mouth, Lu Xinming was stared at by Liu Ying's strange eyes, and his face blushed unbearably.With a guilty smile, Lu Xinming flattered him.

If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero. This sentence has harmed many people, and Liu Ying is one of them.

Because it was Saturday, the tourists who came to climb the Great Wall were unprecedentedly popular.Liu Ying led the old and the young, and they were almost crushed into meatloaf.The sour smell of sweat and all kinds of weird smells made Liu Yingxun unbearable.I just turned off the sniffing, which made me feel better.Although it was a little unbearable to be crowded by the crowds coming and going, but since they all came, there was no reason to go back the same way.Holding my breath, I insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain. I felt that the time was almost up, and everyone went down the mountain out of breath.

Sitting in the car, Liu Ying looked back at the crowd that was still pouring in, and shook her head speechlessly.It's not easy to be a hero, no wonder only a few people in the world can become a hero, because it's really not easy.

Inadvertently, Liu Ying accidentally saw a familiar figure in the crowd.Taking a closer look, Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect her guess to be right.Miao Xin'er and Miao Huo'er are a pair of sisters, seeing Miao Xin'er being delicate and contrived, throwing everything to Miao Huo'er, while she looks relaxed and at ease with nothing.Liu Ying couldn't help frowning, even her own sisters were like this, this Miao Xin'er was really the best and hopeless.

However, what Liu Ying couldn't see was that Miao Huo'er didn't mind at all.She also asked Miao Xiner with a smile on her face if she was tired and if she wanted to stop and rest.Shaking her head, Liu Ying thought to herself, this is probably a fan of the authorities.Because they are real sisters, Miao Huo'er believed in Miao Xin'er's various reasons and was willing to be deceived by Miao Xin'er.

There is nothing to do if you can't see the past. It is difficult for one family to manage two affairs.It's Miao Huo'er's family business, and Liu Ying will not be stupid to intervene.However, if there is a chance to meet again next time, it is not right to remind Miao Huo'er.Miao Xin'er is too scheming, if she is not careful, she will suffer a big loss one day if she is so careless about everything.

Back in the dormitory, Xiaojin turned back into a human body and sat lazily on the stool, gnawing the spirit fruit in his hand in boredom.Thinking of something, Xiaojin said unhappily: "Master, why did you let that ugly monster go? Although she is Luo Cheng's mother, it is a fact that she sent someone to harm the master. Courtesy is not a gentleman. No matter what, I will give it to her anyway." A lesson to let her know that we are not easy to mess with."

"Forget it, Big Brother Luo finally put his heart down and concentrate on training. It's better not to make such troubles, making it difficult for Luo Cheng. No matter what, Deng Minzhi is also Big Brother Luo's biological mother. Anyway, she can't do anything to us. Besides, We also killed the people she sent, and it’s not too bad. Of course, if there is another time, if she doesn’t repent and keeps pestering her for trouble, then a proper lesson will be fine.”

Liu Ying is not the Holy Mother, but Xu Luocheng's feelings have to be tested.Now that they are together, Luo Cheng's family can be regarded as half of her relatives even if they are not officially married.If Deng Minzhi is killed, then she will become Luo Cheng's mother-killing enemy. Liu Ying dare not take this charge casually.Even if Luo Cheng loves her badly, Liu Ying is not willing to make Luo Cheng difficult.

Loving someone is mutual, Luo Cheng is willing to pay so much for her, it is understandable that she endures little things for Luo Cheng.Anyway, Luo Cheng's family members are just mortals, a hundred years has passed in the blink of an eye, there is no need to argue so much with Deng Minzhi.

(End of this chapter)

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