Chapter 433
The fading was complete, and the robbery cloud in the sky was as fast as it appeared, but within a few minutes, the dark cloud layer quickly disappeared.The hot sun poked out his head again, shining warmly on his body.

Yaya flapped her wings and flew in front of Liu Ying. The moment she landed, the huge colorful wings on her back suddenly disappeared out of thin air.The brilliance on her body faded away, Yaya's black hair, her face as delicate as that of a beautiful girl in manga, and her fiery figure all made people dumbfounded.Even the beauty who has always been recognized by everyone has lost a little bit of color in front of Yaya.

Because Ya Ya has an extra temperament of a queen that Liu Ying doesn't have.With a sharp glance, he intimidated the domineering of the ministers, and did not get angry.Compared with the previous Yaya, the Yaya at this moment makes Liu Ying feel more threatened.However, with the silly smile flashing on Yaya's face, Liu Ying mistakenly thought for a moment that what she saw just now was just her illusion.Because the difference between the front and the back is too large, it is really difficult for people to adapt.

"Master, I succeeded. I finally broke through the limitations of the bloodline, and suddenly reached the fourth level." The deep joy made Yaya so excited that she couldn't help herself.Looking at Liu Ying with a smirk, he wanted to convey his excitement to Liu Ying.Looking down at her own changes in ecstasy, it made Yaya go crazy with joy.She has really turned into a human body, and she can go out with her master to go out like Brother Xiaojin in the future.

Although everything in the space is good, but after a long time, it is really boring.Yaya can't wait to break through to the fourth level, and most importantly, she envies Xiaojin, who can go out with Liu Ying every day.Seeing the colorful world outside through the space, Ya Ya was very interested, and she wanted to follow her out to explore.

"Well, I saw it, it's very beautiful. Congratulations, Yaya, you have broken the limitations of your innate blood and can start a new journey. Let's go, let's go back, Xiaojin and the others should be waiting impatiently." Holding Yaya's hand, With a thought, Liu Ying disappeared from the spot.Opening his eyes again, the two of them had already appeared in the bamboo house in the space.

Xiao Jin, who had been waiting in the bamboo hut early in the morning, saw Ya Ya's transformed figure, his eyes lit up.Taking a closer look, Xiao Jin smiled and praised: "Ya Ya, you did a good job, you can hang out with me from now on."

"Yes, brother Xiaojin." With Xiaojin's promise, the smile on Yaya's face deepened a little.Hearing the humming sound from outside, Ya Ya nodded to Liu Ying.Quickly dodging out of the bamboo house, she told her subjects and countless friends to report her success, making everyone happy too.

The queen returns, and countless bees are dancing in the sky excitedly.Especially knowing that Ya Ya's breakthrough has been smooth, the beauty bees are so happy that they can't care about picking pollen.They all flew over one by one, circling around Ya Ya continuously.

Seeing the change in Yaya, Xiaolu was also happy, but soon became disappointed again.Everyone has made new progress, only it is still a snail crawling, slowly making Xiaolu want to kill people.

Since Wang Lina was entrusted with the matter of loyalty, Yang Shaoyuan was brought to Wang Lina's birthday party.Naturally, Liu Ying couldn't break her promise and made a phone call.Don't rush to tell Yang Shaoyuan whose birthday party it is, but let Yang Shaoyuan go with her.While Yang Shaoyuan was happy, he also felt lonely and suspicious.But in the end, there was still no doubt. He took his birthday present and obediently called Liu Ying to the party.

Wang Lina's home.

After all, the protagonist is not her, Liu Ying didn't dare to dress up, just casually picked out a more formal dress, put on a few accessories and hurried away.However, there is nothing to do with being beautiful. Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes, she still cannot conceal Liu Ying's natural demeanor.Stepping on three centimeter high heels, Liu Ying added a bit of femininity.If everyone didn't say it, I'm afraid no one would have thought that Liu Ying at this moment is actually only 14 years old in his bones.

Yang Shaoyuan knew Liu Ying's beauty from the first time they met.It's just that Liu Ying is always seen wearing loose school uniforms, or simple casual clothes.Suddenly seeing Liu Ying dressed so formally, Yang Shaoyuan was stunned for a moment, his eyes sparkled, and he was so dazed that he couldn't recover for a while.If it wasn't for Liu Ying's cough that woke him up, Yang Shaoyuan might not be able to wake up.

His face turned red, thinking of something, Yang Shaoyuan thoughtfully stood beside Liu Ying all the way.Seeing a man staring at Liu Ying, Yang Shaoyuan glared fiercely at him like a jealous husband.It wasn't until the other party retracted his gaze knowingly that Yang Shaoyuan retracted his gaze contentedly.

Liu Ying watched Yang Shaoyuan's every move, seeing that Yang Shaoyuan was still the same as before, not much changed.Liu Ying frowned, secretly worried about Wang Lina's pursuit of her husband.Auspicious people have their own celestial phenomena, I hope Wang Lina can persevere and make persistent efforts.After chasing Yang Shaoyuan, the top-notch handsome guy, stop clinging to her with hope.

Wang Lina deserved to be a lady from a rich family. The villa she lived in was not only big, but also extremely beautiful.Rich and luxurious but yet elegant, except for a few good classmates from the school, the others are all rich men and ladies similar to Wang Lina.Of course, the elders are also indispensable. As soon as Liu Ying and Yang Shaoyuan appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of countless people.And Wang Lina and Feng Shuyuan's eyes were even brighter, they both left the guests who were chatting and ran away.

Especially Wang Lina, her excited face was even blushed.

is her?Yang Shaoyuan stared blankly at Wang Lina, who was dressed in a snow-white princess costume, and guessed something immediately after thinking about it.Looking back at Liu Ying, a hurt look flashed in his deep eyes.Time and time again, why does he always push him to Wang Lina? Doesn't Liu Ying understand that she is the only one he likes?

"Shaoyuan, you're here." Taking a deep breath, Wang Lina couldn't help showing a big smile on her face.She secretly nodded gratefully to Liu Ying, her eyes caught the sadness in Yang Shaoyuan's eyes, and the smile on Wang Lina's face froze suddenly.Unconsciously grasping the hem of the dress with both hands, he looked at Yang Shaoyuan helplessly.

Wang Lina knew it was bad, but she just couldn't help it.

"Happy birthday, this is a gift for you." Squeezing out a stiff smile, Yang Shaoyuan didn't want to make Wang Lina look bad.After all, no matter what, the birthday person has the biggest birthday. With so many people watching, he couldn't fall into Wang Lina's position.

"Hey, Lina, why don't you open it to see what treasures the school girl from the Department of Economics of Peking University has given you." Miao Xin'er, who was on the side, came over, feeling a little stiff, and quickly helped to stir up the atmosphere.The young masters around and the ladies from the rich family are all good people, and they can see Wang Lina's thoughts on Yang Shaoyuan at a glance.She also agreed with a smile and asked Wang Lina to open the presents in public.

Wang Lina was so instigated by everyone that she had no choice but to sneak a glance at Yang Shaoyuan, and saw that Yang Shaoyuan didn't say anything.With an apologetic smile, she opened the small gift box with a look of anticipation in her eyes. It was a simple platinum necklace.Wang Lina's eyes lit up, she stretched out her index finger to caress the thin necklace, Wang Lina couldn't help but said, "Shaoyuan, can you help me put it on?"

(End of this chapter)

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