Chapter 434
Yang Shaoyuan glanced at Liu Ying subconsciously, seeing Liu Ying avoiding as usual, his face darkened.He nodded silently, took the box, took out the platinum necklace and put it on Wang Lina's neck.Looking at Wang Lina who was smiling like a flower, Yang Shaoyuan had mixed feelings in his heart.He was full of anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.Wang Lina is a good girl, Yang Shaoyuan understands, but he can't force himself to accept her.Because, in the bottom of his heart, Liu Ying's beautiful image has taken root and sprouted in his heart.

He is not a philandering person, and he really can't change his mind and hold another beautiful woman by his arm.

"Lina, is he also your classmate?"

Wang Lina's parents also noticed the appearance of Liu Ying and Yang Shaoyuan.Seeing the joyful Wang Lina and his wife looked at each other, a gleam flashed in their eyes in unison.Seeing Yang Shaoyuan with a reluctant face, Wang Ancheng frowned unconsciously.Although I don't agree with my daughter's early love, but seeing that Wang Lina's unrequited love is just wishful thinking, as a parent, I am even more worried that Wang Lina will be hurt.Glancing at each other, Wang Ancheng and his wife couldn't help but move closer together.

"Well, parents, let me introduce you. He is Yang Shaoyuan, a classmate from the Department of Economics. This is my roommate, Liu Ying, a talented woman from the Department of Foreign Languages, and the number one student in the National College Entrance Examination with a score of 745 in liberal arts. Shaoyuan, Liu Ying, These two are my parents." Satisfied, she stroked the cold necklace on her neck, Wang Lina nodded with a slight smile on her face.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie." Liu Ying and Yang Shaoyuan nodded at Wang Ancheng and his wife, the corners of their mouths slightly curved, revealing a formulaic and polite smile.She glanced at Wang Ancheng and his wife indiscriminately, and Liu Ying narrowed her eyes. As expected of being the top leader of Moon Bay, she is indeed astonishingly courageous.With just one glance, they should have discovered Wang Lina's thoughts on Yang Shaoyuan.

It is rare to be calm and able to deal with it with a smile on your face.Wang Lina has good parents, they are loving but open-minded and know how to let go.The children have grown up, so they should be allowed to fly freely and make their own way.

"Hi, I'm very glad that you can come to Lina's 21st birthday party. Besides the poor greeting, please don't be offended." Looking directly at Liu Ying and Yang Shaoyuan, Wang Ancheng and his wife were secretly startled.What a beautiful pair of talented men and beautiful women, exuding an elegant temperament in every gesture.Especially the girl next to her made Wang Ancheng and his wife's eyes stare straight.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, they are perfect and unbelievable.Hearing Wang Lina's introduction again, the couple were even more stunned.The top scorer in the national college entrance examination, how smart this must be, his eyes flashed.He glanced at Liu Ying's simple attire, but revealed a shocking deep meaning.The style is simple, but the material of the clothes makes the couple see signs of it.The quality of this is that the fabrics of international brands and the quality of handwork may not be comparable. The sharp-eyed inadvertently saw the jade bracelet hidden in Liu Ying's sleeve.

What surprised Wang Chengan and his wife was the high-grade jadeite bracelet with spring colors.Looking at the engraving and meticulous polishing, it can be seen that it is a masterpiece from a master.Without tens of millions of tickets, this pair of bracelets is absolutely impossible to win.Taking another look at the shiny pendant on Liu Ying's neck, her eyes lit up again, what a beautiful natural ruby.Whether it is gloss or processing technology, it is amazing.

Being priceless is by no means a bragging, who is the daughter of this girl, and she is covered in astonishing jewels with prices starting at tens of millions.Even they are not necessarily willing to spend such a large price on these expensive luxuries.A set of several million pieces of jewelry is almost enough, tens of millions or even more is not worth it.Besides, Wang Lina is only a student, so she doesn't need such expensive jewelry at all.

Everyone is a person who knows the goods. Following the eyes of Wang Ancheng and his wife, they were also shocked when they saw the things Liu Ying was wearing.For a moment, everyone remembered Liu Ying's appearance in their hearts.This girl is not simple, she is not someone who can play casually.Whoever dares to stand up to the wind to do something that burns himself is not thinking that his life will last forever.

Almost all the people present were wealthy and well-known people, only Miao Xin'er was a special case.Although the accidental death of both parents in the family received several million in compensation, Miao Xin'er spent these years lavishly.She has spent a lot of money on her, that's why she is so anxious to tie up a young master so that she can support her squandering in the future.Seeing that everyone was staring at the jade bracelet in Liu Ying's hand, Miao Xin'er spoke suddenly out of time.

"Liu Ying, your bracelet is really beautiful, but it's a pity that there are too many colors. Emeralds are mostly green, and your bracelet has three colors. It must not be expensive, and you can get it for tens of thousands of dollars."

Too many colors?Hearing Miao Xin'er pretending to understand and talking nonsense, everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on Miao Xin'er.I still don't know what to say when I see it, and chatter endlessly about self-righteous things.The corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help twitching, and the eyes they looked at Miao Xin'er became strange.Glancing at Wang Lina, he asked with his eyes, where did he find this top-notch idiot.

The rare spring ribbon color, dare to think that it is mixed in color, what is even more speechless.With tens of millions of bracelets, Miao Xin'er opened his mouth and said that they became tens of thousands of bracelets.

As the person involved, Liu Ying just smiled and didn't take it seriously when she heard Miao Xin'er's unreasonable words.Pretending to understand when she doesn't understand, and wanting to make a fool of her, Miao Xin'er still doesn't know it.Liu Ying found it funny when she thought about it, how could there be such a stupid person in the world.Those present are all well-informed rich ladies and sons, so I haven't seen anything good.Even if one person misses it, but so many people can see that something is wrong, how can Miao Xin'er be so arrogant.

He thought that the bracelet she was wearing was a street stall bought by Pan Jiayuan.

Wang Lina was stared at by everyone's weird eyes, and her face was also flushed.Miao Xin'er gave Miao Xin'er a hard look with a knife, and wanted to vomit blood in his heart.Usually this Miao Xin'er knows how to be a human being, so why did she suddenly have a brain twitch and make herself ugly.Although she knew that Miao Xin'er had always been more or less prejudiced against Liu Ying, and occasionally liked to sneer at Liu Ying, but she almost knew how to keep her mouth shut.

A small family with sharp eyes, Wang Lina's face flashed a look of displeasure.If it wasn't for Miao Xin'er's constant begging, everyone would be in the same dormitory, and there would only be a few people in each dormitory, so Miao Xin'er would not be short of one.Wang Lina agreed to let Miao Xin'er come.I didn't expect Miao Xin'er to be so ignorant, which made her feel ashamed as well.That's right, it's shameful to make friends with Miao Xin'er, and birds of a feather flock together, and everyone will mistakenly think that she is as worthless as Miao Xin'er.

Her face was so black that it couldn't be any darker. Wang Lina took a deep breath, and said softly, "Enough Miao Xin'er, if you don't understand you, don't pretend to understand. You want to make a fool of yourself, but please don't involve me. This is a spring belt Cai, a high-end variety of jade, can't even buy the corner of this bracelet for tens of thousands. What's more, such a perfect bracelet doesn't have more than ten million tickets. Even if you want to, others will not sell it at a loss. you."

(End of this chapter)

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