Chapter 439
In fact, Liu Ying didn't do anything to Miao Xin'er, she just made Miao Xin'er unable to hide what was in her heart and said it involuntarily.However, it is good to keep the words in your heart. If you say it out, it will be interesting.Especially Miao Xin'er's thoughts are hidden deep, and she specializes in superficial skills, making everyone mistakenly think that she is a good boy and a good lady's woman.

Sure enough, it was exactly as Liu Ying thought, and it really did not disappoint everyone.

In the morning class the next day, as usual, a classmate said hello to Miao Xin'er.It was obviously a very normal good morning, but Miao Xin'er suddenly said something ugly, which made the other party startled when they heard it.Immediately, he reacted, glared at each other, and immediately asked Miao Xin'er what he meant by that.

Miao Xin'er was also taken aback for a moment, never thinking that she couldn't help but say what she was thinking in her heart.He smiled apologetically, and wanted to say that he didn't sleep well last night, so he said something wrong.But when the words came to his lips, they suddenly changed and turned into a sharp rebuttal. "You're already ugly, so there's nothing wrong with saying you're ugly."

One sentence stirred up thousands of waves, and attracted countless strange eyes to look at Miao Xin'er.No one expected that Miao Xin'er, who is usually quiet and friendly to her classmates, would say such sharp and impolite words.Sarcastic about a girl's appearance in public, saying she is ugly, who will bear it.The girl stared at Miao Xin'er fiercely with angry eyes, she couldn't be more angry when she was struck by lightning.The girl raised her hand and gave Miao Xiner a resounding slap, and then threatened to break off friendship with Miao Xiner in the future.

This is just the beginning, but the good show is far more than this.What surprised the whole class the most was what Miao Xin'er said without any warning during class.The professor was talking endlessly in the classroom, and the classroom was quiet, but Miao Xin'er suddenly said loudly: "Damn old man, talking so much nonsense is simply wasting my time."

Miao Xin'er's abrupt words made everyone focus on Miao Xin'er, even the professor looked at Miao Xin'er in astonishment.When she came back to her senses, she figured out that the dead old man Miao Xiner was talking about was him.The professor immediately flew into a rage, walked off the podium angrily, and stared at Miao Xin'er with a fierce look in his eyes.With a snap, he threw the thick textbook in his hand onto Miao Xin'er's desk, and asked in a deep voice.

"Miao Xin'er stood up and said, what do you mean by what you said. If you don't like my class, just tell me, and I can give you special permission not to take my class after menstruation. Of course, if you don't want to take other professor's class, I might help you too."

Professor Fan is an old professor in Shangjing, who has taught at Shangjing University for decades.He has taught countless talented men and women, and its influence can be imagined.Not to mention the students, even the principal has to give Professor Fan three points, but Miao Xin'er has the audacity to say that his lectures are a bunch of nonsense.This is definitely a fatal blow to Professor Fan.

Miao Xin'er regretted it as soon as she said it, and she herself didn't know what kind of evil she was.He always involuntarily said what was in his heart suddenly, and he couldn't even control himself.Standing up, Miao Xin'er paled, laughed twice, and lowered her head not daring to look at Professor Fan's cannibalistic eyes.The English taught by Professor Fan is the main subject, and she was afraid of being dismissed, so Miao Xin'er raised her head anxiously to explain something.However, what made Miao Xiner want to vomit blood was that once the words came out, the taste changed again.

"Old man, why are you so fierce? I wish I had to take your class. I can't get into the topic after talking for a long time. If I were you, I would retire and go home to eat old rice, so as not to embarrass myself."

As soon as these extremely arrogant words came out, it immediately attracted countless gasps.Everyone cast a strange look at Miao Xin'er. They never thought that Miao Xin'er was so courageous that he dared to call for Professor Fan to retire.The corners of Wang Lina's and Feng Shuyuan's mouths also twitched, and they thought of something.The two of them turned their gazes to Liu Ying at the same time, and a thoughtful look flashed in their eyes.Could it be that this is what Liu Ying called a good play, but this play is too much.

With such a big fuss, Miao Xin'er's class will definitely be taken by Professor Fan.Moreover, if Miao Xin'er continued talking, she might be expelled from the school.After all, Beijing University puts the most emphasis on respecting teachers and keeping etiquette. How could the school accommodate students like Miao Xin'er if there were such students who had no teacher at all.

Sensing the gazes of Wang Lina and Feng Shuyuan, Liu Ying didn't answer, but just smiled.Seeing Miao Xin'er involuntarily spit out insincere words, Liu Ying couldn't help but smile.It's Miao Xin'er's heart to say that she can't be blamed by others, and it's none of her business.If Miao Xin'er hadn't thought this way in her heart, then nothing would have happened.

Seeing Professor Fan whose face was flushed red and his veins were bursting with anger, no matter what, she had a part in this matter.Liu Ying didn't want to blame Professor Fan. If Professor Fan had a cerebral hemorrhage because of this, it would be a serious crime.Waving his hands without a trace, he shot out a burst of spiritual power, which made Professor Fan, who was boiling with anger, slowly calm down.

Miao Xin'er slowly figured out the crux of the problem, wisely shut up and stopped talking, and didn't dare to think anymore.I just let Professor Fan reprimand me, and I can't guard against a few more words of scolding, as long as I can keep my class and not be pawned.But even so, the feats that Miao Xin'er did today still caught everyone's attention, and the impression of Miao Xin'er has completely changed.

Poison Tongue Woman is the title unanimously given to Miao Xin'er by everyone, and she definitely deserves her name, there is no room for it.Dare to tell Professor Fan to retire and go home to eat old rice in public, such arrogant words are absolutely unprecedented.

After all, Professor Fan is an old professor, and he is generous.Seeing Miao Xin'er's honesty afterward, she didn't say anything unruly again, so she let her go and just warned her a few words to settle the matter.This matter was exposed by Miao Xin'er by luck, but Miao Xin'er's bad image had already taken root in the hearts of the students.No matter if it's a boy or a girl, they don't want to make friends with Miao Xin'er anymore. Seeing her coming, everyone tactfully dispersed.

For a moment, Miao Xin'er was like a plague god in everyone's hearts, hiding from everyone.Even the boys who had a good impression of Miao Xin'er in the past lost interest immediately when they saw Miao Xiner like this.After more than half a month, Miao Xin'er was so angry that he almost went crazy.There is no place to complain about the suffering, because even the doctor was helpless and could not find out the cause of the disease after going to the doctor.

After acquaintance, Liu Ying made a phone call and told Huo'er about Miao Xin'er's situation, which made her feel a little bit more accurate.As for what happened later, Liu Ying couldn't control so much.Anyway, she has fulfilled her responsibilities, and that's all she can do to help.I believe that Huo'er is not a stupid person, he understands what kind of person Miao Xin'er is.In the future, I believe that I will never trust Miao Xin'er foolishly and allow myself to be used by Miao Xin'er.

Sisters have a deep love, which requires mutual dedication, and unilateral dedication is just wishful thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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