Chapter 440
After class, just after returning to the dormitory, Liu Ying saw a strange local call from the phone unexpectedly.Thinking that it was Lu Xinming who called from another phone, Liu Ying pressed the answer button and was about to say something jokingly.The other end of the phone spoke before Liu Ying, and an old and apologetic voice reached his ears.

"Liu girl, it's me, I'm Luo Cheng's grandfather. I'm sorry, I didn't expect Minzhi to become like this, and actually sent someone to deal with you. Don't worry, Liu girl, Grandpa Luo keeps his word. You can tell Luo In a few days, Grandpa, Grandpa Luo will definitely give you an explanation."

"Grandpa Luo? Don't blame yourself too much, Grandpa Luo. This is just what Aunt Deng did, and it has nothing to do with Grandpa Luo. As for the confession, let's forget about it. It happened anyway, and nothing happened to me. It's not good, she It's also Brother Luo's mother." Hearing that it was Mr. Luo's voice, Liu Ying was taken aback for a moment, and then heard Mr. Luo's words full of guilt.Liu Ying's heart tightened for no reason, this was Deng Minzhi's personal behavior, and Liu Ying would not take his anger on Mr. Luo, so she quickly comforted him.

"No, that's not what Liu girl said. It's a fluke that nothing happened this time. It must be the reason for your action. Don't hide it from Grandpa Luo. Xiao Cheng told me about your matter. In addition, Xiao Cheng also made it clear earlier in the morning Attitude, and also warned Allergic in person, since she knowingly committed the crime, you can’t blame everyone. Liu girl, you put it away, it’s not a big deal, just let them divorce the marriage. Anyway, they have reached this point, and they are worse than strangers in private. How about, instead of procrastinating, it’s better to help them settle it. Even if they are not tired, I, an old man, will panic when I see it.”

Mr. Luo shook his head, interrupted what Liu Ying wanted to say, and said firmly.Thinking about Luo Haizhi's recent actions, Mr. Luo was extremely disappointed with his son and daughter-in-law.None of them made trouble, and none of them made him feel at ease.Especially thinking of Luo Huimei who came to the door a while ago and threatened that she was also a descendant of the Luo family, Mr. Luo was worried for a while thinking about it.

This child is in his twenties, so there is no need to test anything, just by looking at his appearance, he can tell that he is definitely Luo Haizhi's seed.Of course, although he agreed to let Luo Haizhi and Deng Minzhi divorce, he did not openly agree to let his son and his little lover Wu Shaoying come together in a fair and honest manner.An unscrupulous woman doesn't even have to think about entering Luo's house according to her mother.As for Luo Huimei, an arrogant young lady, she dared to come to her door so arrogantly before she even entered.Don't take him seriously, if the mother and father are allowed to enter Luo's house, there will be a mess.

A Deng Minzhi left, and another mother and daughter came. How could Mr. Luo tolerate such a thing.Of the descendants of the Luo family, Mr. Luo admitted that only Luo Cheng was the only one, and the rest had nothing to do with the Luo family.

"Grandpa Luo, is this okay? Will it affect the reputation of the Luo family?" The Luo family is a serious military and political family, and the Huaxia Kingdom is a country that values ​​morality and family relationships.If something like this happens, it will definitely cause some criticism to a certain extent.

"It's okay. Grandpa Luo has lived to this age. I haven't seen any big storms. This little thing is nothing, as long as everyone lives comfortably. Well, Grandpa Luo just told you about this, by the way , You have been in Beijing for such a long time. If you are free this week, come to Grandpa Luo’s house to sit and get your way. Don’t worry, Miss Liu, I am the only old man in Luo’s old house now, so you don’t have to worry about inconvenience when you come.”

After explaining the mess and not hearing any dissatisfaction from Liu Ying, Mr. Luo heaved a sigh of relief.At the same time, he was even more satisfied with Liu Ying, the future grandson-in-law.Thinking of something suddenly, Mr. Luo's face became serious again, and he questioned with some displeasure.Before Liu Ying could explain, Mr. Luo couldn't wait to ask again.

People are afraid of being lonely when they are old, and with the absence of Luo Haizhi and Deng Minzhi in the old house, Ruo Da's house looks even more empty.Luo Cheng was away, and the other next of kin were not doing well, and they all came to the door hoping to gain something, and they were upset when they saw it.Now, only Liu Ying can catch old master Luo's eyes.

"Grandpa Luo, what?" Luo Cheng wasn't here, so it seemed that there was too much inappropriateness for a girl to come to her door rashly.Liu Ying opened her mouth, wanting to refute something, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted hastily by Mr. Luo.

"Okay, that's it. I'll ask the driver to pick you up at eight o'clock on Saturday morning. You don't need to prepare anything, just be normal." Mr. Luo guessed Liu Ying's concerns, and directly helped Liu Ying make a decision. Refused to hastily hang up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound from the mobile phone, Liu Ying shook her head in shame.As expected of someone who has been through the battlefield for a long time, he speaks decisively.Although I don't think it is suitable, but since Mr. Luo has helped her make the decision, it will be even more inappropriate if she refuses.Sighing, Grandpa Luo simply stated that Deng Minzhi and his wife are not in the old house, so there is no need to encounter embarrassment.Thinking of Mr. Luo saying that they want to divorce, Liu Ying thought about it and sloppily took care of it.After all, they and her are actually just a familiar stranger.

Furthermore, from the tone of Mr. Luo, he should also be dissatisfied with Deng Min.And even Brother Luo said that they don't have to care about them, so why should she pretend to be a good person.

"Master, shouldn't it be said that evil will be rewarded with evil? It's not that there will be no reward, but that the time has not yet come." Xiao Jin poked his head out and shook his tail excitedly, as if letting out a fierce breath of anger.Obviously, what happened last time did not teach Deng Minzhi a lesson, which made Xiao Jin very upset and kept it in his heart.

"Yes, as long as you are happy. There are no classes in the afternoon, and they are all electives. Why don't you just forget about it. By the way, the house has not been settled yet. Let's go and take a look together. I don't know that the housing prices in Beijing are rising now." What is it like? Can you buy a courtyard house, or if you really can’t, just buy a villa and make a living.”

She glanced at Xiao Jin angrily, seeing Xiao Jin's eyes glowing with excitement, Liu Ying shook her head amusedly.

Although there are only four people in the dormitory, it is still a bit inconvenient.Xiao Jin complained in his ear every day, and now even Ya Ya was also shouting, as Ya Ya's master.Liu Ying naturally knew what Yaya was thinking, Yaya was a great hero, if it wasn't for the royal jelly provided by Yaya.Her cultivation has not progressed so fast, anyway, it is not difficult, and Liu Ying will do her best to satisfy herself if she can.

"Master, what are we waiting for, let's go and see it." Xiao Jin's eyes lit up again when he heard that he was going to buy a house.Rubbing Liu Ying's neck, he couldn't wait to urge him.

There was no need to pack anything, and after talking to Wang Lina, Liu Ying walked briskly out of the school gate alone.With money in her pocket, she didn't panic. After leaving the school, Liu Ying waited for 10 minutes and took a taxi smoothly. She had a clear goal and went straight to the largest real estate agency company.Not long after Liu Ying left, a middle-aged man in a black suit suddenly walked out of the back alley.After seeing Liu Ying disappear in the car, the man quickly dialed the phone and reported Liu Ying's whereabouts.

(End of this chapter)

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