Chapter 449
But He Jinzhong was so frightened that his eyes almost fell to the ground, and his mouth was so wide that he could almost stuff a few big eggs.Taking a few deep breaths, He Jinzhong hurriedly asked in disbelief: "Yingying girl, what old man Luo said couldn't be true, you really got together with Luo Cheng, the face paralyzed member of the Luo family ?”

"Old Man He, what do you mean? What is the facial paralysis of our Luo family? My grandson Luo Cheng is not good. He is much better than your grandsons. He looks like a whole little white face. Playing tricks everywhere. How can Luo Cheng of our family be reliable, the whole person is Yingying in body and mind. Yingying, you can't listen to this old man talking nonsense, what about Xiao Cheng You know best, and you are definitely reliable."

Hearing He Jinzhong slander Luo Cheng in front of him, Mr. Luo immediately jumped up like a fried shrimp.He glared fiercely at He Jinzhong with fierce eyes, as if if He Jinzhong dared to say another word, he would rush up and fight He Jinzhong to the death.

"Fart, old man, who are you talking about, who are you talking about? My grandchildren are not good. They have red lips and white teeth, and they can speak well. You can tell at a glance that Vince has a reasonable future. If you marry a daughter-in-law in the future, you must be a good man who loves his wife. It's a thousand times better than your boring gourd. Yingying, you also know that kid Haoxuan likes you, and he still can't forget it. If you want to change your mind, if you think Luo Cheng is not suitable, it's not bad to think about Haoxuan. If you become the daughter-in-law of the He family, Grandpa He guarantees that no one in the He family will dare to show you face."

Being ridiculed by Mr. Luo that his grandson was a jerk, He Jinzhong suddenly looked like an old cat with fur.Ignoring old man Luo's murderous eyes, he poached corners of the wall in front of old man Luo endlessly.Half-true, not false, He Jinzhong sent kind persuasion.

The sharp eyes caught the fleeting seriousness in He Jinzhong's eyes, Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, thinking of He Haoxuan who had given her a huge headache.Liu Ying opened her mouth and was about to say something, but was interrupted again by Mr. Luo.

"Yingying, you can't believe old man He's nonsense, that kid in his family is full of tricks. He changes new tricks every day, who's the lady today, and which third-rate female star is it someday. You can't believe it. It's still Xiaocheng Reliable, if it were Xiaocheng, let alone being with so-and-so, he would never even have a little gossip."

He pricked up his ears and heard the boy from the He family, and He Haoxuan actually started thinking about Liu Ying, and Mr. Luo's nervous expression changed.Pushing He Jinzhong aside, he hastily spoke ill of He Haoxuan.In the bottom of his heart, Mr. Luo knows best how good this He Haoxuan is.The family background is quite similar, not to mention young, he is still a man of the hour in the school, and he is even more handsome.

"Old man Luo, you are talking too much. When did Haoxuan of my family get involved with so many women? But they are all entangled by themselves. It has nothing to do with Haoxuan. Yingying, don't listen to old man Luo's nonsense. Blow, you don't know what kind of person Haoxuan is, he's definitely not the one who messes around. He doesn't even have a girlfriend now, and he's been waiting for you all the time."

Being pushed aside vigorously by Mr. Luo, He Jinzhong blew his beard and stared in astonishment for a while.He Jin was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he heard Mr. Luo's series of slanders against his grandson.Not to be outdone, He Jinzhong rubbed up again and continued to praise He Haoxuan.

Listening to He Jinzhong and Mr. Luo talking about each other, attacking each other and complaining, three black lines flashed across Liu Ying's face.It seemed that the two of them seemed more excited than her client, and they didn't even give her a chance to say a word.The more they talked, the more vigorous they were, and they rolled up their sleeves to prepare for a big fight.Seeing this, Liu Ying couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted loudly.

"Stop, Grandpa He, Grandpa Luo, stop arguing. Although Brother Luo and I have just started dating, we are serious, and we will never shake our hearts because of anyone's words. So, stop arguing, Sit down and have a cup of tea to quench the fire."

The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry. It's really wrong.

After being yelled at by Liu Ying, the two old children realized that what they said was a bit too much.Shrinking their necks, they didn't dare to make another sound, and they sat on the stool obediently like children who had done something wrong.Not to mention Mr. Luo and Mrs. Chen, even Chen Ma, who was watching vigorously, was startled by Liu Ying's sudden roar.When they saw the two old men who had always been lawless and few people dared to control them, they really listened to Liu Ying's words and sat down obediently.He didn't even dare to raise his head, let alone refute, and his eyes were stared straight in shock.

A strong player has a strong player, and now the two old men can be regarded as their nemesis.

Under Liu Ying's stare, Mr. Luo put the tight teapot back on the table.Although he was upset, he resigned himself to pouring a cup of tea and slowly picked up Pinming.He Jinzhong was not angry when he saw Mr. Luo who was eating alone but not birds. He poured a glass automatically and followed the monkey to drink.Good things should not be missed, and it is a fool's thing not to drink when the opportunity is bad.Looking up at Liu Ying's playful gaze, He Jinzhong blushed and laughed a few times with a guilty conscience.

In fact, He Jinzhong is Gu Yiqi old man Luo, who doesn't like the way old man Luo is frightened in front of him.He Jinzhong understood the matter between Liu Ying and his grandson He Haoxuan early on.Liu Ying didn't mean anything to He Haoxuan at all, and everything was just her grandson's wishful thinking. Of course, there may be more or less competition mixed in it.Because Haoxuan grew up so big, he had never met a girl like Liu Ying, she rejected him face to face, not to mention her beauty.

This is definitely a fatal blow to a boy with a vigorous blood.

"Yingying, don't be angry, old man He and I were just talking for fun, not really angry. I have been friends with him for half a lifetime, and we usually have the habit of arguing like this, so I couldn't help it for a while and the old disease relapsed. He Old man, you don't think so." Seeing Liu Ying's still serious face, Mr. Luo tightened his hand holding the cup, and quickly explained cautiously.

"Ah, oh yes, that's the reason. Girl, don't be angry, we're just joking, just listen to it, don't keep it in your heart." Not daring to say anything else, He Jinzhong squeezed out a stiff smile, unable to stop Nodding in agreement.

Seeing the two old men fawning over a little girl like this, Mama Chen was dumbfounded again.It's not easy, I never expected to see two people who are fighting to the death every day, but they can still unite the front, and unanimously lower their faces to coax people.Glancing at Liu Ying thoughtfully, Mama Chen's affection for Liu Ying increased exponentially.

This girl is definitely not wrong to marry into the family, and she is more than a thousand times better than Deng Minzhi, a scumbag who is about to be kicked out.It's pleasing to the eye, not to mention beautiful, and she doesn't pretend to be noble.He can still control the hot-tempered master. Where can I find such a grand-daughter-in-law? If the old lady is still there, she will definitely like such a grand-daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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