Chapter 450
"Don't take this as an example, Grandpa Luo, Grandpa He. You are all over half a hundred years old, and it is not good for your health to keep such noisy faces and thick necks."

Lost by He Jinzhong's flattering looks, Liu Ying shook her head helplessly and sat down.As if in her own home, Liu Ying calmly took a piece of tea on the table, chewed it slowly and ate it leisurely.Thinking of something, Liu Ying glanced at Mr. Luo, wanting to ask a question, but felt that these matters were not her business to intervene.

After all, these are the affairs of the elders, and she is still just an irrelevant outsider, she can't get involved in the affairs of the Luo family at all.When the words came to her lips, Liu Ying swallowed them back in her stomach.

He Jinzhong, a person who couldn't hold back his words, was in a good mood after drinking the spirit tea, so he couldn't help asking again. "Girl, are you admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University? Are you tired of going to school? Are you used to living there? If you feel uncomfortable living in school, there is still a vacant house under the name of Grandpa He. You can move there if you like." .”

"Yingying, don't listen to your nonsense old man He. If you are really not used to it, just move in and live with Grandpa Luo. You live alone outside, and your safety is not guaranteed. If you feel unwell and no one knows, that's okay. It’s not good. Living with Grandpa Luo is different. Not only are there special attendants, but also doctors and nutritionists come to the door regularly. You can’t go wrong living with Grandpa Luo. And Yingying, don’t worry, Grandpa Luo is here You are so big, you are at home, you can do whatever you want, Grandpa Luo will never say anything wrong."

After scratching He Jinzhong's eyes, Mr. Luo would not let Liu Ying live in He Jinzhong's territory. Wouldn't that be a slap in the face for him?The future grand-daughter-in-law of the Luo family doesn't even have a place to live, and she has to borrow someone else's house.Besides, if a few boys from the He family found Liu Ying and came to sneak in, it would be a big loss if they were close to the water.

"No need, I just bought a house in Shangjing, and I plan to move in in the next two days. Grandpa Luo, if you have time, you can come and have a seat, and you can identify the door."

Interrupting the signs of a fight between the two, Liu Ying smiled and rejected the kindness of the two old men.No matter which house you live in, you will always feel a little uncomfortable on other people's land shows.There is a saying that a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse.She even bought the villa, so why bother to make things worse.Besides, besides her, there are Xiaojin and Yaya beside her.Even if she agreed, Xiao Jin and the others would definitely not be happy.

Especially Yaya, she had been waiting for a long time to come out and take a look.

Bought a house in Shangjing?He Jinzhong and Mr. Luo were taken aback when they heard Liu Ying's words, and asked in unison: "Yingying, where did you buy the house?"

"I bought a villa in Tianshui Xiaoyuan in the suburbs. Don't worry, the security there is good. It doesn't matter even if you live alone." Knowing that the old man was just concerned, Liu Ying replied with a smile.

Tianshui Garden?Hearing Liu Ying's answer, the two were surprised again. This is a famous villa group in Shangjing.The houses inside are not cheap, they all start at tens of millions.Wait, what did they hear? Liu Ying actually said that she bought a house, not a house.Taking a deep breath, Mr. Luo and He Jinzhong both looked at each other in astonishment, both were shocked by Liu Ying's generosity.A whole house, according to the current price, would cost hundreds of millions, at least.

Liu Ying is a little girl, and everyone in the family is idle, where can I get so much money.But after thinking about it, thinking of Liu Ying's ability, a flash of clarity flashed in the eyes of the two of them.This money must have been obtained by Liu Ying herself. As for how it was obtained, the two old men are quite in agreement.He closed his mouth tactfully, and didn't ask this more personal question.

"Tian Shui Xiaoyuan is not bad. When Grandpa Luo finishes dealing with the bad things at home, Grandpa Luo will definitely come and sit with you." Old Master Luo nodded in satisfaction, obviously he knew Tianshui Xiaoyuan well.You get what you pay for, the law and order there is really good, and Liu Ying can feel at ease living there.In addition, knowing Liu Ying's ability, Luo Chengchao is not inferior, or even better.The sharp eyes saw Liu Ying's firm eyes again, knowing that there was no room for maneuver in this matter, so he followed Liu Ying's wishes.

"That's right. Grandpa He is always free when he retires. When you are free, girl, Grandpa He will go and have a look immediately. I heard that the villas there are good. If the girl can save one for Grandpa He to live in occasionally It would be better to stay here." He Jinzhong said happily, his bright eyes fixed on Liu Ying, and he said expectantly.

As for He Jinzhong being so active, what kind of ideas are in his heart, only a discerning person can see clearly.And Liu Ying was even more clear that she didn't want to get out of the sea of ​​suffering, and turned around to be entangled by He Jinzhong again. Liu Ying quickly declined: "That Grandpa He, it's not convenient now, let's talk about it later. By the way, Grandpa Luo, I want to go." Go to Brother Luo's room and take a look inside, and talk to Grandpa He slowly."

Mr. Luo originally wanted to suggest that he lead the way, but Liu Ying hurriedly refused, and instead asked Mama Chen to help lead the way.Of course, Liu Ying didn't dare to say that she had actually seen the whole house early in the morning.Naturally, he also knew where Luo Cheng's room was and what it looked like.Under Chen Ma's leadership, Liu Ying hurried upstairs.Seeing Liu Ying's hurried back, Mr. Luo glared at He Jinzhong fiercely.It was He Jinzhong, an old man, if he hadn't just opened his mouth and said he wanted to run to live, Liu Ying wouldn't have been frightened and found an excuse to escape.

Thinking of something, Mr. Luo asked the guards waiting outside to come in and take out the things Liu Ying sent to take a look.Opening the box, Mr. Luo was nervous and excited, wanting to see what Liu Ying gave.When he saw the contents of the box clearly, Mr. Luo stared straight at his eyes, gasped, and let out a low breath in shock.

"Wild old ginseng, my God, how many years does it take to grow such a big one."

"Old ginseng?" He Jinzhong's ears immediately perked up when he heard Mr. Luo's exclamation, and he leaned over and stared at the fresh old ginseng in the box with wide eyes in shock.They all have thick wrists of adults, and they have faintly grown the facial features of dolls. It should be hundreds of years to say the least.And it's still wild, its value is absolutely immeasurable, it's a treasure that can be used to hang one's life.His eyes lit up, and what He Jinzhong saw was envy, jealousy and hatred.Such a good thing, why was it given to old man Luo instead of him.

It was in vain that he had known this girl for so long, and after all the good words had been said, he just ate some fruit to taste.Why didn't these top quality teas and these hundred-year-old ginseng go under his nose, and this old man Luo took them all.At this moment, He Jinzhong suddenly regretted it, and he knew it would be like this.Back then, he should have worked harder to help Haoxuan chase after Yingying.If it is done, these things should all be his, the corners of his mouth twitched, and He Jinzhong regretted that his intestines were all green.

(End of this chapter)

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