Chapter 451
Should this be called picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon, a big loss.

"Chief, this ginseng handle should be a 300-year-old ginseng." The guards at the side have been with Mr. Luo for a long time, and they have seen a lot of good things, and they have gradually developed some eyesight.Staring straight at the ginseng that Mr. Luo was holding in his hand, he couldn't help but tell what he knew.Wild old ginseng, and it is still 300 years old, this meeting gift is really big.

"300 years?"

Hearing what the guard said, Mr. Luo was shocked again.In this day and age, not to mention 300-year-old ginseng, even 100-year-old wild ginseng is rare.Carefully closing the box, Mr. Luo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.Liu Ying sent such a valuable thing to the door for the first time, which proved that Liu Ying attached great importance to it. When she looked up, she saw He Jinzhong's face full of pain.The smile on Mr. Luo's face became more serious. This was a gift from his future granddaughter-in-law, which made Mr. He jealous to death.

Give the things to the guard, and ask him to help put them away and lock them up, so as not to be stolen by He Jinzhong, a greedy old man.

Sure enough, when he saw Mr. Luo handing things over to the guards, He Jinzhong became anxious immediately, and couldn't help shouting in a hurry: "Old Mr. Luo, this good thing should be shared with everyone, and everyone who sees it should have a share. You see It’s better not like this, I will reluctantly stay at your house for lunch today. I don’t ask too much, just let someone cut up this old ginseng and make chicken soup, and just send me away.”

It is not expensive to use 300-year-old ginseng to cook chicken soup. Can He Jinzhong be thicker-skinned?The corner of Mr. Luo's mouth twitched, and he stared at the lazy He Jinzhong in a speechless manner.Shaking his head, he must not let He Jinzhong, who is lazy and lazy, succeed easily, Mr. Luo knew it very well.This old guy will only push his feet, and he will never be satisfied. This time he cut a little bit, and next time he will come to the door again and ask for a whole one to be thrown in. It would be better.

In order to prevent future troubles, Mr. Luo refused decisively without showing any face: "No, this is a gift from my future grandson-in-law. How can it be used cheaply, you gluttonous old fellow? If you really want to eat, why don't you let it eat?" A few boys will help you search, maybe you can find a good old ginseng. Back then, 300-year-old ginseng was hard to find, but two or three-year-old wild ginseng was still available."

Two or three years old wild ginseng?Can the old man Luo say a little more, if he refuses, he refuses, why he still takes the opportunity to sneer.What's the big deal, isn't it just a 300-year-old wild ginseng, at worst, he will go to grind Liu Ying this girl later.Get rid of this old face and see if you can rub back an old ginseng and try it.

Mr. Luo stared at He Jinzhong's rolling eyeballs, and with a thought, he immediately guessed what He Jinzhong was up to.Three black lines flashed across his face, this old man He is living more and more.In order to satisfy his hunger, he didn't even need his face.This is a 300-year-old ginseng, not a artificially grown fake ginseng that you can buy casually at a roadside stall.Can this old man be more shameless? Old man Luo didn't want Liu Ying to suffer, so he couldn't bear to sneer.

"Old man He, can you be thicker-skinned, and you don't feel ashamed to beg for things with a little girl like Yingying. Anyway, the artificially grown ginseng sold outside is very cheap now, if you are really greedy Want to eat. You can go and buy a bunch by yourself, you just make it for food, and no one cares about you until you vomit."

"Bullshit, if the artificially planted things are so good, how can I put my face down and rub against you. Cheapskate, I don't care if I don't want to give it to you, and even the girl has to take care of it. She hasn't entered your Luo's house yet, What the fuck." He Jinzhong blushed uncontrollably after a series of sarcasm from Mr. Luo.Glancing at Old Master Luo from embarrassment, He Jinzhong yelled back angrily.

"It doesn't matter if you don't come in, anyway, it's just a matter of time, she is the granddaughter-in-law of the Luo family, this is a sure thing. It's useless for you to be jealous, if you have the ability, let the boys in your family find one too Take a look at such a good daughter-in-law." Not paying attention to He Jinzhong's fire-breathing gaze, Mr. Luo was refreshed and retorted triumphantly.

This He Jinzhong also has today, in the past every time he had the upper hand, the feng shui took turns, this time it was his turn.

"Hmph, showing off, what's so great about it. With my grandsons, they are outstanding in everything, but I'm afraid I won't find a good wife. Just wait, one day you will be dizzy with jealousy." Can't see old man Luo being so arrogant He Jinzhong slapped the table and couldn't help but speak harshly.

"Really, I'll wait." In Mr. Luo's heart, his prospective granddaughter-in-law is the best, and he didn't take He Jinzhong's words to heart.Mr. Luo raised his eyebrows and chased after him provocatively.

Seeing the two old men pinching each other again with spiritual consciousness, Liu Ying shook silently.As expected of an old friend, they are really all the way, both of them are hot-tempered and strong.Listening to their clamor of coming and going, Liu Ying withdrew her consciousness suddenly, feeling bored.Let them make trouble, as long as they don't fight.After going up to the third floor, led by Mama Chen, they came to Luo Cheng's private site.

"Ms. Liu's room is the young master's room. You can take a look around. I'll go down and see if there's anything I need to help with. If there's anything I need, just call me." Mama Chen is also a good person and knows how to read people's faces.Today's young people like to have their own private space, so naturally they don't like being followed around like a thief.She nodded to Liu Ying, and after seeing Liu Ying nodding in agreement, Chen Ma thoughtfully helped Liu Ying close the door, and then went downstairs lightly.

"Brother Luo's room is really nothing new. You can see everything at a glance. It's no different from the apartment in S City. It's lifeless, without any sense of vitality. Hey, this is a photo of Brother Luo when he was a child. It's so cute and white. It's really different from now." Seeing the photo album on the table with her sharp eyes, Liu Ying's eyes lit up, and she picked it up curiously and looked through it carefully.

From birth to adulthood, and now, the first period covers everything.Looking at the melancholy boy who was still white and clean when he was a child, with a bun face, and then suddenly grew crazy in his teenage years.In the end, slowly, bit by bit, it transformed into what it is today, mature but with endless depth.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no matter what period Luo Cheng was in, Liu Ying thinks he is the best.

Everyone says that women have changed in the eighteenth century, but in fact men are not bad, they are exactly the same as when they were young.

Putting down the photo album in her hand, Liu Ying inspected Ruo Da's room again, to Liu Ying's surprise.There is also a small study in this room. I walked in and took a look, and found that the collection of books inside was really rich and colorful.In addition to military books, Liu Ying was surprised to find that there were also professional books on economics, as well as some economic times.Brother Luo is a soldier, why are you looking at this? Could it be that he is also interested in doing business.

With raised eyebrows, Liu Ying wondered curiously in her heart.I took out a book at random, and saw that the book was still marked, pointing out in detail the key content or the explanation with annotations.This time Liu Ying was [-]% sure, maybe Brother Luo should be really interested in doing business.No business, no adultery, I really can't see it, Brother Luo is upright on the surface, but there is still a small thought of being invisible in his bones.

(End of this chapter)

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