Chapter 452
I flipped through a few more books casually, but these books were too boring and too professional, so Liu Ying couldn't calm down and read them slowly.Returning the book to its original place, leaving the room and looking at other rooms, Liu Ying was shocked to find that Luo Cheng's accomplishments were quite a lot.The rows of awards, trophies, and medals actually had to move out of a room to barely put them down.Take a closer look, except for the certificates from childhood to childhood, the rest are all trophies and medals for meritorious service after joining the army.Every reward is inseparable from hard work. Looking at these things, Liu Ying can guess that Luo Ben himself should also love the life in the army very much.

Without her appearance, Liu Ying would definitely go all the way to the dark with Luo Cheng's character.Like Grandpa Luo, he has been immersed in the army for a lifetime and dedicated his life to the country.Stretching out her index finger to caress the huge trophy on the table, Liu Ying's eyes flashed a little rosy.Liu Ying admits that she is selfish and wants to own Luo Cheng, forever.

Love the house and the house, knowing that Luo Cheng respects Mr. Luo very much, Liu Ying can no longer treat Deng Minzhi the same, just perfunctory.After lunch, Liu Ying sent some spiritual fruits to He Jin Center and returned home contentedly.

Let Mr. Luo wait outside with the guards, and Mr. Luo enters the study alone.I gave Mr. Luo a few amulets and asked him to carry them with him.In addition, Liu Ying saw that Mr. Luo's body and bones were not smooth, so he complied with Mr. Luo's request and gave him some Lingwu tea.

After leaving the military and political compound, Liu Ying didn't go back to school immediately. It happened to be Sunday, and it would be a fool to go back to school and stay there.Let Xiaojin and Yaya show their bodies, and let's walk along the road together.It's been a long time since she came to Beijing, and she hasn't really done a good shopping by herself, so she has to do enough shopping this time no matter what.Although everything in the villa is quite complete, there are still some deficiencies that need to be repurchased by yourself.

"Master, where should we go shopping?" Arriving in a strange and strange world for the first time, Yaya felt that she couldn't see through both eyes.Eyes widened in excitement, looking around constantly.Not only did Yaya not feel embarrassed when she saw the scorching gazes that were not aimed at her, but she straightened her proud chest with confidence.

"Go get some clothes and shoes for you first, and then go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities to go back." Catching the anticipation in Ya Ya's eyes, Liu Ying decided to take Ya Ya for a stroll, lest Ya Ya stay in the space every day and get bored. up.

"Okay, the master treats Yaya the best." After being together with Xiaojin for a long time, Yaya has also learned Xiaojin's tricks ten percent.

All the way up to the third floor, Liu Ying led Ya Ya to shuttle around the women's clothing department, and saw Ya Ya excitedly looking around.The corners of Liu Ying's mouth curled up, and her mood became more cheerful.However, I don't know whether it's because Yuanjia's road is narrow or it was intentional. After visiting a few shops, I saw Deng Minzhi approaching aggressively.Unconsciously, he stretched out his hand and wanted to slap Liu Ying across the face.


It's just that Liu Ying is not an idiot, how could she stand and let Deng Minzhi open the brush.With a downcast face, he cast a cold glance at Deng Minzhi, and easily clamped Deng Minzhi's hand tightly.Frowning like frost, he frowned, and said sharply, "Auntie, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean, hmph, you bitch still have the nerve to ask what I mean. I want to ask what you mean, I have no grudges with you, why do you want to separate my husband and wife. Don't tell you that you didn't do it in front of the old man. What to say, if not, why would the old man suddenly speak up and ask Hai Zhi to divorce me. Let go of me bitch, today I must teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents. "

Deng Minzhi's wrist was tightly clamped by Liu Ying, and he felt bursts of tingling pain from his wrist.Deng Min's face flushed with anger, and he glared fiercely at Liu Ying, as if he wanted to eat people.

This sudden scene, coupled with Deng Minzhi's sharp roar, immediately attracted countless sideways glances.

"Shut up, ugly, you are not allowed to talk nonsense. Your mouth is so unclean, it's annoying." Before Liu Ying could say anything, Yaya slapped Deng Minzhi loudly.

Xiao Jin was also a little angry, but because of what Liu Ying said before, he didn't do anything.Seeing Ya Ya's clever way of cutting first and then gathering together, Xiao Jin secretly gave Ya Ya a approving look.

Well done, this kind of neurotic woman should be taught a lesson.


Liu Ying didn't expect that Ya Ya's hands and feet were so fast, and her mouth was so poisonous, she opened her mouth with an ugly sentence.It was too late to stop him, and he saw Deng Minzhi's frantic look with his sharp eyes.Liu Ying's brows were so frowning that she could make several knots, and it was really chaotic.There was a wave of ups and downs, why Deng Minzhi was so talented, the divorce was all pushed on her.It seems that she is the most innocent victim of the matter itself, completely forgetting that the main cause of the matter lies in herself.

Especially thinking of Deng Minzhi's words "no injustice and no enmity", it made Liu Ying feel speechless.If Deng Minzhi really had such awareness, why did he do it in the first place, sending people to disfigure her, and even wanting her life, it's really shameless.He has a thicker skin than He Jinzhong, and the thief yells "Catch the thief" and bites him instead. This bitter scene is even more wonderful and beautiful.As expected of a young lady from a political family, she really has extraordinary acting skills, even professional starlets can't match her.

"Ah, you coquettish fox dared to hit me. Birds of a feather flock together. You are not good people. Let go of me bitch, today you will die or I will die."

With one hand, he covered Lao Gao's burning, painful and swollen face.Deng Minzhi was completely angry, his noble and calm face instantly twisted, and he glared at Yaya and Liu Ying viciously.She shook her hands, desperately trying to break free from Liu Ying's grip.The potential of an angry woman is always unlimited, Liu Ying didn't dare to use all her strength to catch it, and Deng Minzhi, who was mad, broke free.

Women's fights are nothing more than a few moves, either scratching with nails or pulling hair.These were too low-level for Liu Ying, and she avoided Deng Minzhi, who was looking like a shrew, and rushed forward with no image.Because Liu Ying hid too suddenly, Deng Minzhi was caught off guard, and sadly couldn't brake in time, and fell down hard.Let those onlookers burst into laughter.

"Haha, it's so funny, I actually fell into a shit. Look, people can't even look at it. It's obvious that I hurt people first, and now I have retribution. If you don't stay at home and wake up, just wake up. It is simply unreasonable to have the face to come out and make irresponsible remarks."

Yaya would not sympathize with Deng Minzhi, and when he heard Deng Minzhi's dirty curse, Yaya returned it even more not to be outdone.Angry to the point of death, he saw Deng Minzhi standing up, blushing with anger and about to bleed out.The smile on Yaya's face became even more cheerful, and she scolded people more and more smoothly. It was so poisonous that people were amazed at Yaya's poisonous tongue, and could think of so many vicious words.

(End of this chapter)

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