Chapter 453
Especially looking at Ya Ya's beautiful face, it made many people dumbfounded.

"Enough is enough for Yaya, let's talk about it."

Hearing Ya Ya's increasingly outrageous and sharp words, Liu Ying slashed at her with a knife, signaling Ya Ya not to continue.Forgive others and forgive others, this Deng Minzhi is miserable enough now, there is no need to take another step.

It's just that Liu Ying's idea is good, but it may not be appreciated.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind and pretend to lie to me. Don't even think about it. I won't let you go. Go to death. Anyway, it's meaningless to live now. I want to die with you." Deng Minzhi was really caught Crazy with anger, she quietly took the pocket knife she had prepared earlier in the morning, and involuntarily wanted to stab Liu Ying in the stomach.

"Looking for death." If it was just a small fight, Xiao Jin could turn a blind eye, but now Deng Minzhi went too far and wanted to kill Liu Ying in public.Which can be tolerated and which cannot be tolerated, Xiao Jin put aside Liu Ying's words before.He kicked Deng Minzhi away, and at the same time, the knife in Deng Minzhi's hand flew out of his hand.It's just a little mortal, but just relying on being Luo Cheng's mother to want to do whatever he wants, it's wishful thinking, tired of working.

Liu Ying was also taken aback by Deng Minzhi's sudden sneak attack. She never expected that Deng Minzhi always pretended to be a condescending lady.To have such a crazy move, to actually want to kill her in public, is simply crazy.She opened her eyes and watched Xiao Jin kick Deng Minzhi away, this time Liu Ying didn't stop her.Poor people must have something to hate, and Deng Minzhi asked for it all.

She is not a saint, she opened her eyes and saw that Deng Minzhi was going to kill her with her own hands, and she could still smile and pretend nothing happened.

"Ah, no, help." Being kicked away by Xiao Jin, Deng Min slammed his head into a wall more than ten meters away.There was a loud bang, which shocked everyone present and watched with fear.Seeing Deng Minzhi lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment like a rag doll, there was no movement for a while, and everyone almost forgot to breathe in fright.

All this happened so suddenly that everyone couldn't react and just stared blankly.No one went up to help Deng Minzhi who fell on the ground, let alone called the police.

After a long time, Deng Minzhi came back to his senses and struggled to get up, with a mouthful of blood continuously overflowing from his mouth.One can imagine how hard Xiaojin's kick was just now.It's just that what everyone doesn't know is that Xiao Jin is actually merciful.Otherwise, with Xiaojin's cultivation base, Deng Min would have gone to see the King of Hades a long time ago, so there would be no chance to catch his breath.

"Ah, bastard, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, one day I will make you pay back ten times." Deng Minzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, and Deng Minzhi's eyes flashed crazy cruelty.The distorted face, stained by blood, shocked the onlookers again.This should be such a strong hatred, and bloody hatred is nothing more than that.

Glancing back and forth between Liu Ying and Deng Minzhi, and then thinking about what Deng Minzhi said just now, what this beautiful girl caused her to divorce.Everyone couldn't help but think normally, could it be that this beautiful girl like a fairy is a mistress who stole her husband.It made her want a divorce, so she went crazy and wanted to find Liu Ying desperately.Thinking of this possibility, everyone looked at Liu Ying with strange eyes.No wonder others, people always subconsciously sympathize with the weak.

And it just so happens that Deng Minzhi at this moment meets this condition.Even just a moment ago, Deng Minzhi was still yelling and cursing like a shrew, and even raised a knife to kill Liu Ying.

"Ten times more, Auntie, you have set yourself too high. No matter now or in the future, you don't have the ability. You don't even know where your mistakes are. You will only push the mistakes on others, Auntie. Can you be a little more shameless. No injustice, no enmity, why is there no injustice, no enmity, I should be the one who can say this, not you. I just met you once, but you sent me for no reason Someone came to harm me. If it weren't for the fact that you are Brother Luo's mother, you would have died long ago."

He stared coldly at the stubborn and unrepentant Deng Minzhi, and a strong murderous aura disappeared in a flash.With a cold snort of disdain, Liu Ying continued to sneer: "Auntie, to be honest, I feel ashamed that brother Luo has a mother like you. But fortunately, Grandpa Luo understands the carelessness and no longer cares about face and keeps you here." The Luo family, otherwise, I really dare not marry into the Luo family so soon."

Now that the faces were torn apart, Liu Ying no longer cared about each other's faces, and spoke out what was in her heart.Seeing Deng Minzhi's face turn green and pale for a while, the sarcasm on Liu Ying's face deepened a bit.If I knew this earlier, why bother.Everyone is not a fool, and they are clear in their hearts, who wants to continue to be angry.Even flesh and blood relatives will be chilled.

Following Liu Ying's words, the situation turned around again. No one thought that the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.This lady who fell on the ground with a look of embarrassment turned out to be a ruthless character.Sending people to harm people, everyone gasped when they heard this, and the way they looked at Deng Minzhi changed accordingly.Real people don't show their faces, they are the most poisonous to women's hearts, and thieves shout "stop thieves", which is really funny.

"Shut up, what's wrong with me, I just want to find a better partner for my son. What are you, but you are just a little girl in the countryside, with no power or power, and marrying into the Luo family will not help you at all. But just relying on saving Luo Cheng's life, you want to use this to climb into the Luo family, you are thinking beautifully. Hmph, as long as I have breath, I will definitely not let you successfully marry into the Luo family. "

Anyway, I have already put my face on it, so there is nothing wrong with getting angry from embarrassment.Being torn apart by Liu Ying's sharp accusations, the arrogant Deng Minzhi couldn't bear it.There was a tinge of blood in his eyes, and he stared at Liu Ying resentfully, if his eyes could kill.At this moment, even if Liu Ying died a thousand times or ten thousand times, it would not be enough for Deng Min to calm down.

He gritted his silver teeth and stood up straight while leaning on the wall with difficulty. The piercing pain in his chest made Deng Minzhi's hatred a little bit stronger.Viciously scratching Liu Ying with a knife, Deng Minzhi roared out of anger.

"Oh really? What about the village girl, what can you do to me. Then I want to see how and what you can do to stop it, Auntie." With a cold snort of contempt, Liu Ying said with a smile that was not a smile.The son couldn't help it, Deng Minzhi really thought that because he was Brother Luo's biological mother, he wanted to use this name to manage Brother Luo's marriage.It's really ridiculous, Brother Luo is not a three-year-old, let alone a soft-legged shrimp who can be manipulated by others.

If Deng Minzhi thinks this way, his calculation may be wrong.

The ferocious eyes that seemed to want to eat people scared the crowd.People can't be judged by appearances, they were all bewitched by ghosts just now, and they mistakenly thought she was a pitiful weakling.This is definitely a dominatrix. Hearing the phrase "village girl" made everyone's ears sting.After doing it for a long time, it is the powerful eyes of the rich and powerful, and it seems that it is not Cinderella.However, everyone turned their attention to Liu Ying curiously. Looking left and right, they couldn't believe that Liu Ying was actually the village girl Deng Minzhi was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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