Chapter 461 The Entire Army Was Destroyed (4)
What makes Liu Ying even more disgusted and resentful is that they are actually lingering on her bed.The fire-breathing gaze made Liu Ying unbearable, and she turned around and went to the toilet to fill a basin with leftovers from washing vegetables to pour out the toilet water.No matter what he didn't care about, he threw his head on the two people who were in the heat of the fight.Seeing the two of them shivering from the cold and looking at her in shock.Liu Ying's face was full of despair, but also grief and indignation. This is the husband who once said that he would hold her in the palm of his hand for the rest of his life, love her and love her.

In just a few years, this vow was completely forgotten, and the colorful flags were fluttering outside.From time to time, a friend told her, but she didn't see it, and Liu Ying endured it, pretending that nothing happened.Live as you want, but Ma Zhiwei should never, never should have brought the woman outside back home and shattered her last hope.

"Liu Ying, why are you so nervous, don't you see that I am busy?" Seeing that it was Liu Ying's fault, Ma Zhiwei not only didn't look guilty at all.Instead, she became angry from embarrassment, and confronted Liu Ying confidently, with that fierce gaze.It made Liu Ying feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave of ten thousand feet in an instant, and her heart was piercingly chilled.

Even though she has forgotten all the past, Liu Ying's aggressive and decisive style is still deeply rooted in her heart.His face sank, and he stared at Ma Zhiwei gloomily, seeing that Ma Zhiwei still had no regrets.Liu Ying no longer hesitated, rushed into the kitchen to pick out the sharpest kitchen knife, and rushed back to the room with a murderous look.Under the horrified gazes of Ma Zhiwei and the naked woman beside him, Liu Ying didn't even frown, her eyes were bloodshot, and she slashed at Ma Zhiwei fiercely.

Never die, even if Ma Zhiwei has been dead for a long time.Liu Ying still didn't stop, and fell into a frenzy, only knowing to chop off the two people on the bed non-stop.As deep as love is, there is as much hatred. Betrayal has unconsciously become Liu Ying's most feared demon.The blood mist all over the sky made the killing intent in Liu Ying's heart soar like never before.

Unknowingly, the scene changed again, and Liu Ying found herself in the lively street again.Looking down at himself, he found that the hot blood that had just stained his body had disappeared.Looking up inadvertently, I saw a familiar figure in the group, just.When she saw the strange woman holding his arm beside her with a sweet face, Liu Ying was stunned again.

Is it him, Brother Luo?How is this possible? Isn't he practicing in Xianle Peak? How could he be shopping with other women on the street, and who is the woman who is affectionately holding his arm?What is the relationship between them? Could it be that, with a flash of inspiration, Liu Ying's face darkened again.Could it be that even Luo Cheng betrayed her and dated other women behind her back?Luo Cheng clearly promised her that he would never betray her in this life, but why, he committed a man's common problem again.

She said that if he dared to betray her, she would kill him with her own hands.Although heartbroken, the murderous intent in Liu Ying's heart was even deeper, and the strong hatred almost drove Liu Ying into madness.The bright black eyes were once again stained with blood, and Liu Ying waved her hands, ignoring the astonished eyes of the people on the street, and entangled Luo Cheng tightly.

"Brother Luo, why did you betray me, why?" He gritted his teeth and controlled Xue Wu, entangled Luo Cheng tightly, and when he saw Luo Cheng being entangled, his blood vessels and internal organs burst.Liu Ying narrowed her eyes and couldn't help showing a happy smile.Anyone who betrayed her would die, her blood-colored pupils were filled with cruelty.At this moment, Liu Ying had already fallen into the signs of the devil, and even the Nascent Soul in the dantian was also stained with blackness.

Right here, the tears of the mermaid hanging on Liu Ying's chest suddenly brightened.A gentle magic power poured into Liu Ying's body continuously, cooling and compressing the boiling hatred in Liu Ying's heart little by little until it disappeared without a trace.The blood-colored pupils, as the hatred disappeared, slowly faded and returned to their original color.The absent-minded mind came back again, and under the reminder of the mermaid's eyes, Liu Ying quickly recalled that she was going through a catastrophe.

Seeing Luo Cheng who was entangled in blood all over his body, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched upwards.Withdrawing the blood dance, he said calmly: "You are not brother Luo, brother Luo will not betray me, let alone go shopping with other girls. And, even if it is, I don't mind. No one will belong to anyone forever, After a long time, there is nothing wrong with getting tired of getting tired. If Brother Luo really betrays me one day, I will choose to let him go and let him pursue the happiness he wants."

Following Liu Ying's words, Luo Cheng, who was covered in blood and had a ferocious face, suddenly laughed.Nodding at Liu Ying, his face became distorted again, after a while of dizziness.Liu Ying opened her eyes again, and saw the familiar place, the mess everywhere, the scorched land that was devastated by the Five Elements Thunder.A relieved smile appeared on Liu Ying's face, she won, she truly survived all the tribulations, and became a justifiable Nascent Soul cultivator.

Looking up at the blue sky, knowing when the Jieyun will disappear without a trace, I feel more comfortable than ever.Reassuring the hatred and resentment deposited in her heart made Liu Ying's whole body relax.Standing on tiptoe, he jumped lightly, and jumped away from the body that was sunk deep into the ground.Standing out of nowhere, watching the thick layer of scorched skin on his body heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally return to its original state.Even more perfect, like an egg that has been peeled off its shell, exuding a white brilliance, which makes people's eyes shine.

And the hair on his body that was completely burned by the thunder fire also began to grow rapidly, in the blink of an eye.A head of black hair that reached the ground was draped like silk on Liu Ying's back, and it moved automatically without wind, making people's eyes brighten when they looked at it.

With a thought, I randomly found a piece of clothing in the space and changed into it.Taking a look inside with her spiritual consciousness, Liu Ying's smile deepened when she saw the one-year-old little Nascent Soul who looked almost the same as hers.Taking a closer look at other parts of her body, Liu Ying was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did Lei Jie's impact not leave any traces in her body.On the contrary, the body becomes more flexible and the meridians become wider.

Thinking of something, Liu Ying tried to wave her hand with vigor.But it was only less than [-]% of the skill, and there was a loud bang, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a deep pit of tens of meters was blown out in the open space not far away.What surprised Liu Ying even more was that the power of lightning from the five elements was actually hidden in this energy.

This surprised Liu Ying so much that she couldn't help herself. The Thunder of the Five Elements was the nightmare of all evil cultivators, even all monks.Its power is unimaginable, although there is not much contained in it, but it can be accumulated and practiced slowly.Even at this level, if you meet a monk below the Nascent Soul stage, it is definitely enough to make the other party drink a pot.He even changed his face when he heard it, and fled in despair.

"Master, that's great, you're alright, I thought?" Flashed out of thin air, looking at Liu Ying who was safe and sound, Xiao Jin's eyes turned red.He leaned in front of Liu Ying, hugged Liu Ying tightly, and felt Liu Ying's strong heartbeat, Xiao Jin's heart was hanging in mid-air, and then he fell to the ground.

That's great, the master is really fine, and survived all the disasters.

(End of this chapter)

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