Chapter 462 The Entire Army Was Destroyed (5)
For Liu Ying, the catastrophe was just a blink of an eye, but for Xiao Jin, three years had actually passed.Three years, three years of being trapped in numbness, if it is an ordinary monk, I am afraid that his cultivation base will have been exhausted.Only his master, with the help of the star ring and the support of the mermaid's eyes, can survive without incident.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. It's okay, everything is over. Let's go, let's hurry back to the space, presumably Yaya and Xiaolu are about to jump when they are waiting." Feeling the ups and downs in Xiaojin's heart, and the deep concern.Liu Ying's heart warmed, and she realized that she was really dissatisfied, and Xiaojin returned Yaya and the others to accompany her.Why care too much about the past, or the things that haven't happened yet.

So what about love betrayal, anyway, no one can die.

Days went on as usual, and the earth continued to go on.Without love, there is still friendship, family affection, no matter how bad she is, she still has a body of cultivation, which is enough to keep her safe and worry-free for the rest of her life.It's not that I have nothing, so why bother if I'm too persistent.After being reborn, she didn't live a good life without love.Thinking about it this way, the knot in Liu Ying's heart, and the remaining shadow really completely disappeared.

"Okay." Letting go of each other's arms, Xiao Jin looked thoughtfully at Liu Ying who was smiling.Suddenly, he found that his master seemed to have changed a lot after this thunder disaster.The gloom that flashed in his eyes from time to time disappeared, and he became truly cheerful.His eyes flickered, and Xiaojin laughed without asking why.

No matter what the reason is, as long as it is good, Xiao Jin has no objection.

In a flash, the two of them disappeared in place.With the disappearance of Xiaojin, the enchantment also disappeared without a trace.The people who waited outside for a long time were stunned when they saw a huge deep pit suddenly appearing out of thin air, and there were large areas of scorched black areas that had been burned by thunder fire.Thinking of the legend left by the ancestors, everyone's face was shocked again.

Immortals, here, right under their noses, it is here that Immortals pass the tribulation and ascend.No one needed to speak, everyone knelt down neatly on the ground, kowtowed non-stop, begging the gods not to blame them for their unintentional offense.

"Master, congratulations to the master for being promoted to Yuanying monk." Sensing the presence of Xiao Jin and Liu Ying, Ya Ya rushed into the bamboo house excitedly.Seeing Liu Ying who was safe and sound, Yaya's eyes lit up again, and she congratulated without delay.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for worrying Ya Ya." Nodding, Liu Ying said with a smile.After leaving the bamboo house, seeing Xiaolu waving a branch excitedly, Liu Ying patted the branch extended by Xiaolu, and said without changing her smile.

"Xiaolu, I have taken another step forward, and you have to work hard. You see, the aura in the space has become much stronger. I believe that with Xiaolu's efforts, he will definitely make great strides in cultivation."

Letting go of his consciousness, Liu Ying's eyes lit up again when he sensed the great change in the space.It's too scary, this is not a huge change, it is simply an earth-shaking change.The space is becoming more and more perfect, and the ground has multiplied and multiplied, and has become an existence larger than the earth.Except for the absence of human beings, everything else that should be there is almost complete.Instead, many races unfamiliar to Liu Ying appeared. Unlike the earth, it looked like a magical world.

Even ancient creatures like giant dragons have appeared. Of course, this is also very different from the ancient times of the earth.There are many kinds of these huge dragons, everything that walks on the ground and flies in the sky.What surprised Liu Ying was that these giant dragons could breathe fire, breath, and even have other magic.What shocked Liu Ying the most was that individual mature dragons could transform into beautiful men and women.

In addition to the giant dragons, there are elves with pointed ears, and all kinds of strange monsters.All of this made Liu Ying a little at a loss, feeling like she was in the magical world in the game.With a flash of inspiration, based on this inference, Liu Ying couldn't help but wonder if there would be dwarves, giants, and humans with all kinds of magical magic next.

Thinking of this possibility, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched. It's truly a miracle.

"What's the matter, master, is there something wrong?" Sensing Liu Ying's dull expression, Xiaolu rubbed Liu Ying's face a little uneasy.

"No, I was just shocked by the change in space."

Withdrawing her consciousness, thinking of what she saw, Liu Ying was really at a loss.Space is her territory, but now there are so many strange creatures.If it weren't for her being able to freely control the entire space, those destructive creatures would not be allowed to enter this area.Otherwise, Liu Ying might not be able to bear the impulsiveness, and these suddenly transformed creatures will be swept into outer space.

Come out of sight, out of mind.

"Master, are those also dragons? Why do they look so ugly, they don't look like dragons at all." In his heart, Xiao Jin had deeply implanted the appearance of Shenlong.Seeing the strange appearance of the giant dragon, of course he will not get used to it, and even find it an eyesore, destroying the perfect image of the dragon in his heart.Squinting his eyes, Xiao Jin made no secret of his displeasure on his face.

The Dragon Clan is a superior existence, shining golden light, turning hands into clouds and turning hands into rain.Such bloated and ugly monsters are not qualified to have the blood of the dragon, it is simply a humiliation.Even if he didn't like it, Xiao Jin still couldn't deny the feeling of being related by blood.These strangely shaped giant dragons do have a trace of dragon blood.

"Don't you know better than me?"

After pinching Xiao Jin's face, Liu Ying asked back angrily.There is no way to not want to accept this fact, the fact of their appearance is already in front of you.Sighing, Liu Ying didn't dare to chat with Xiaolu and the others, as her advanced cultivation hadn't been fully established yet, so she couldn't stay for too long.I have to go back and build it up, and I have to practice it again, returning the spells of the Nascent Soul stage and practicing them together.In order not to go to the battlefield and fight, you can't even use your own skills.

Furthermore, in addition to the cultivation base, there are also magic weapons that need to be re-trained in order to achieve better results.Especially the blood dance and the golden phoenix hairpin are the first to bear the brunt, using the spiritual power of the Yuanying stage to sacrifice.It can not only strengthen the connection with each other, but also improve the power of the magic weapon.Compared with the strength of the Jindan stage and the Yuanying stage, the strength is definitely not on the same level.After the sacrificial training, Liu Ying was sure that the power of the magic weapon would increase greatly.

After a few words of advice, Liu Ying hurried into the bamboo house.After gnawing on dozens of spiritual fruits full of spiritual energy, feeling the warmth of the spiritual energy in his stomach, he sat down cross-legged like an old monk with satisfaction, and began his decades-long retreat.

Time is like running water, for cultivators, especially high-level monks.Decades or even hundreds of years are just a blink of an eye, and it will be decades before Liu Ying completes his cultivation.Immediately afterwards, they began to sacrifice magic weapons without stopping, starting with the star ring and ranking them one by one from high to low.

(End of this chapter)

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