Chapter 484
"Nan Siding, the patriarch of the giant dragon clan, has seen the master." Nan Siding bowed to Liu Ying respectfully, and Nan Siding said solemnly.The tip of his eyes glanced at Xiao Ling who was flapping his small wings in the air, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.Inadvertently, his gaze turned to Xiao Jin, sensing the breath of blood coming from Xiao Jin's body, Nan Siding was shocked again.

Same race?Squinting his eyes, Nan Siding couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

And the few old people behind them followed suit, bent over excitedly and said in unison: "I have seen the master."

"Excuse me, Nan Siding, do you know the purpose of our visit this time?" Catching the splendor in Nan Siding's eyes, everyone is a smart person, Liu Ying believes that the patriarch of the Dragon Clan must have guessed something.That being the case, then there is no need to go around with the Dragon Clan anymore, it is better to speak straight to the point and openly.Furthermore, Liu Ying couldn't wait to see what the Hualong Pond could do, so Xiao Ling specifically mentioned it.

"Master, please come with Nan Siding. We have been waiting for the master's arrival for a long time." Nodding, Nan Siding did not dislike Liu Ying's directness.From Nan Siding's point of view, the whole star ring belongs to Liu Ying, as long as she wants to, she doesn't even need to ask.You can do whatever you want, no one can stop you.Besides, Liu Ying can still ask politely, which is considered the respect of the Dragon Clan.

Talking to a smart person is straightforward, and the other party can understand what you mean without too many prompts.Nodding, without too much verbal expression, everyone followed Nan Siding to the dragon's lair.When she saw the giant dragons on the ground, Liu Ying's shocked eyes stared straight.It seems to have a feeling of falling into the age of dinosaurs, no, these giant dragons are bigger than the dinosaurs in the movie.And they are more dangerous, because they are not dinosaurs that only know how to bite people.

These giant dragons not only know the unique magic of the dragon clan, but also breathe out dragon breath.If it is a monster with a low cultivation level, even the human race will be instantly killed by the dragon's breath, and there is no need for the dragon to bother to do it.

In addition to the countless giant dragons, Liu Ying discovered that there are also many giant dragons that can transform into human bodies as adults.Moreover, the appearance of these dragons in human form is no less than that of the elves.The difference is that the elves exude a peaceful and natural atmosphere, while the people transformed into dragons have a bloodthirsty arrogance on them, which makes people feel stressed.

These giant clans are all strong, sensing someone flying above, they all looked up.When they saw that it was the patriarch and a group of elders, everyone was taken aback for a moment.However, when he saw Liu Ying standing next to the patriarch, and a group of strangers behind him.Everyone in the Dragon Clan was shocked, curiously guessing who these people were and where they came from.

The Dragon Clan is extremely xenophobic, but seeing these strangers, everyone did not feel hostile at all.On the contrary, it's like seeing the same family, it feels very cordial, especially for Liu Ying, everyone even feels like seeing their own parents.I can't help but feel a sense of awe and love.This strange feeling made everyone in the Dragon Clan baffled, wondering why they had such a weird feeling.

This shock was far more than that, when he realized that the patriarch had brought these strangers straight to the sacred place of the Dragon Clan, Hualongchi.The eyeballs of everyone's frightened eyes almost fell out, peering at each other, unable to recover for a while.Just stood and watched, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.

Under the leadership of Nan Siding, everyone came to the legendary Hualongchi.To say it is a pool is to the Dragon Clan. In the eyes of Liu Ying and others, it is a huge lake.The sparkling light makes people fall in love with this beautiful lake at a glance.However, what makes Liu Ying and Xiao Jin have doubts is that the Hualong Pond does not seem to be as big as the water of life.A mask can make people feel the majestic power contained in it, this Hualongchi is like an ordinary lake that can no longer be ordinary.

There is no aura fluctuations, and there is no breath of immortal power.

Liu Ying, Xiao Jin and Ya Ya looked at each other, with a hint of disappointment flashing on their faces.Could it be that they were deceived by Xiao Ling, or that they didn't observe carefully enough to discover the magic of Hualongchi.

After all, this Hualongchi can be regarded as a holy place by the dragon clan, so there must be something extraordinary about it.Otherwise, the people of the Dragon Clan are not fools, so why protect Hualongchi more than their lives.Thinking of this, Liu Ying suddenly had new expectations in her heart, and swept away with her spiritual sense to see if she could detect any clues.

"Master, this is the Hualong Pond. You can't see anything on the surface. You can only know the magic of Hualong Pond if you go down and experience it yourself." As if seeing the doubts in Liu Ying's heart, Nan Siding explained with a smile.While speaking, Nan Siding couldn't hide the pride on his face. Obviously, he was full of pride in Hualongchi Nan Siding.

It's the same tone as Xiaoling, you have to experience it yourself to know the magic of Hualongchi.Catching the eagerness on the faces of Xiaojin and Yaya, Liu Ying nodded and said, "Nan Siding, they are my partners, can you come to Hualongchi with me and have a try?"

Blessed to share, Liu Ying will naturally not be too selfish, only thinking of herself.

"He has the blood of the dragon family and can go to Hualongchi, but she can't. Going to Hualongchi will not only do no good, but will harm her. Master, it will take seven to 49 days to come up to Hualongchi. If the master's time allows Now you can go down to the Hualong Pond and start soaking, and after seven to 49 days, the owner will know the benefits of this Hualong Pond." Looking at Xiao Jin, Nan Siding nodded.Turning his gaze to Yaya, Nan Siding said apologetically, and tactfully prevented Yaya from going down the Hualongchi.

Seven seven 49 days?Hearing Nan Siding's words, everyone's expressions were different.When Yaya heard that she couldn't go down, a look of disappointment flashed across her face, but it quickly disappeared.Chance is not something that everyone can get. She has achieved what she has today, and she has already had a great fate, so she can't be greedy anymore.After all, it is already a great opportunity for Yaya to be able to follow the master of the transformation stage.

Yaya believes that as long as she follows Liu Ying wholeheartedly, one day she will also be able to achieve a positive result.

"Okay, Xiao Jin, what are we waiting for, go down and try it out, and get a feel for what kind of treasure is hidden in Hualong Pond." Seeing Yaya's normal expression, Liu Ying nodded approvingly.Turning his gaze to Xiao Jin, he took the lead in jumping into the huge lake.When her body touched the water of Hualong Pond, Liu Ying's whole body shook, and she felt a warm current pouring into her body.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, she began to continuously forge her body, meridians, and internal organs.Xiao Jin also followed, and his whole body was submerged in the Hualong Pond. Xiao Jin wanted to raise his head to the sky and roar comfortably.It's great, this Dragon Pond actually has the effect of building a body.Sensing wave after wave of heat pouring into his body, Xiao Jin hurriedly closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the slight tingling pain and the joyful combination of fire and ice.

(End of this chapter)

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