Chapter 485
Reshaping the body is the dream of all monks.

Cultivators pay more attention to the cultivation of skills, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, ignoring the body.Long-range attacks are okay, but sometimes it is easy to suffer a big loss when encountering close-up physical training.If you can use your body and spells to practice together, it will definitely be a terrifying existence.Since ancient times, one has to choose one or the other, and few people will practice both.Because it is too time-consuming to practice both together, although a monk has an infinitely extended lifespan, he still has to hurry up and practice continuously.

No one wants to waste a lot of time because of the two fellow practitioners, resulting in limited progress in cultivation and eventually dying.It is unrealistic and a waste of energy, so everyone wisely focuses on one, lest the bamboo basket be empty at both ends.The same goes for Liu Ying, with the five spirits, she is dozens of times slower than others, and if she doesn't work hard, she won't even have a chance.Even if there are exercises for physical training, I dare not waste time practicing them.

It's just that Liu Ying didn't expect that she could take advantage of it for nothing and don't need to waste time to practice.As long as you take a dip in Hualongchi, you can get a physique as strong as a monster like a body repairer for nothing.Thinking that she could be like Xiao Jin in the future, without magic weapons, she could beat the enemy all over the ground with her fists, Liu Ying couldn't help feeling agitated when she thought about it.

This time, her character really exploded, and all the things that happened in the sky fell on her head.Seeing that Xiaojin closed his eyes, he tried to experience the changes in his body with his heart.Liu Ying took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and then devoted herself wholeheartedly to the practice.I hope that I can better strengthen my body and not waste this rare opportunity.

"Essence of the Tree of Life, I never imagined that you would be able to give up your body, and even bring your master to the Dragon Clan yourself. What do you think of this new master? Is there any chance of success? After trillions of years, I don't know how Mr. Chuangshen is doing now. Now, what happened to the old witch of the witch god? Is it stored, or has it already destroyed the body of Lord Chuangshen?" Her eyes flickered, and she looked straight at Liu who was soaking in the Hualong Pond. Ying, Nan Siding, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, said in a leaflet with a secret method that can only be heard by each other.

Thinking of the madness of the witch god, Nanstin's wrinkled old face was stained with deep worry.If you can't get it, you will be ruined. Master Chuangshen would rather die than surrender. I don't know if it will anger the old witch, and he doesn't even let the corpse go, and continues to torture him in different ways.

"Don't worry, since the star ring chose her on its own initiative, I believe that the new owner will be able to lead us to rescue the owner. Also, don't be angry, Nan Siding, if my guess is correct. Mr. Chuangshen's The soul should be reincarnated, and may have appeared beside the master. We can only help to pay attention to find out the reincarnated adults. Then tell the master, let the master take the adults into the space to practice, I believe that one day we will definitely I can return to the God Realm and crush that old witch to ashes."

Speaking of this, Xiao Ling couldn't help being excited.Thinking of something, Xiaoling quickly reminded: "Nan Siding, don't call me the spirit of life in the future, I have a name. The master gave me a name. I am called Xiaoling now, and you can call me Xiaoling in the future. Don't call me Xiaoling." It’s too bad to hear the essence of the tree of life every bite. Also, it’s time for the master to improve his strength. If the blood race outside is not necessary, don’t meddle in other people’s business and take the initiative to help the master to kill it. Only if you are motivated Only with momentum and a strong enemy behind you can make the owner have the heart to keep making progress."

What, Master Chuangshen's soul has been reincarnated, and it is possible that he has appeared by the owner's side long ago?

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Nan Siding's eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked excitedly: "Spirit of the tree of life, is what you said true? Your lord has really reincarnated and may have appeared, then you What are you waiting for. We wait for the master to come out and let the master take us out to find Master Chuangshen. Wouldn’t it be better to let the master come in and practice, so that he can ascend to the God Realm as soon as possible. Then what a damned blood race, just kill him, why keep the threat Owner?"

In a moment of impatience, Nan Siding put Xiao Ling's reminder behind him and focused on the news of Master Chuangshen's reincarnation.In Nan Siding's eyes, Master Chuangshen is the most powerful.Even if he loses his body, it is the same to have a soul. He is still a genius among the rare geniuses in the God Realm, an existence that all the gods admire and look up to.With Master Chuangshen's talent for refining weapons, he was afraid that he would not be able to regain the lost place.

In Nan Siding's eyes, if he hadn't been tricked by the old witch, Mr. Chuangshen would not have been defeated at all.He will not be forced to die, and he will never let the old witch succeed.Now that she has a body but no soul, the old witch may be so angry that she wants to jump.After all the tricks were exhausted, nothing came up in the end, and even the most proud artifact, the star ring, which the master personally forged, also disappeared.Not only the old hag, but also the other gods who schemed against the master and wanted to get the star ring also vomited blood angrily.

Looking at the old Nan Siding who was still very hot-tempered and wanted to kill the blood clan, Xiao Ling twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.Reluctantly, he waved his hand and shot out a celestial force, calming down the furious Nan Siding, and then continued to explain earnestly.

"Calm down Nan Siding, why are you still so excited at this age? Because of the disappearance of the lord, the star ring has no owner, and everything in the space has returned to the original point. We just woke up, and both of us fell back to the realm of the mysterious fairy It's too early to want to take revenge, and you don't know how bad the aura of the earth is. Even if you reincarnate, your cultivation will definitely be gone, and you have to rebuild. So, we don't know how long we have to wait to recover In addition, Nan Siding, have you forgotten that the outside is not the God Realm. As soon as we leave the space, we must immediately ascend, don’t tell me that you have forgotten this common sense.”

"I don't need to go out, but it's okay for my family and grandchildren to go out, the spirit of the tree of life. Well, don't talk so much, it's not dry at all." Frowning, Nan Siding The old man who was trained by Xiaoling blushed, glared at Xiaoling from embarrassment, and shouted impatiently.

After waking up, he found that his cultivation base had fallen to the level of Xuanxian, and Nan Siding had the desire to kill people.But there is nothing to do.Knowing that the star ring has recognized a new owner, Nan Siding has new hope.And just sensing the great change in space made Nanstin's hope even deeper.Already at the stage of cultivating the gods, at the age of 14, even in the God Realm, he can be considered a medium existence, not too bad.Coupled with the help of space, even if it is a lump of mud, it should be able to help her become a talent.

This time Nan Siding's brain turned quickly, and he knew to let other descendants go out to cheer.However, hearing Nan Siding talking about the spirit of the tree of life, Xiao Ling couldn't help but frowned, and said with a stern face, "Xiao Ling, I've already told you, the master gave me a new name. In the future, you Just call it Xiaoling, don’t call it the spirit of the tree of life, or I won’t talk to you.”

"It's all right, Guimao, Xiaoling is Xiaoling. You are the only one who likes such an unpretentious name, and you are complacent and wish others would call it that." Catching the anger in Xiaoling's eyes, Nan Siding smiled embarrassingly. With a smile, he changed his words and did not forget to ridicule him.

(End of this chapter)

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