Chapter 610 Dwarves (5)
Basically, one is in the sky, and the other is under the ground being stepped on by people.The elves are not only beautiful, but also all born with natural magic and can communicate with any plant.He is also good at bows and arrows. Every elf bow and arrow is a treasure coveted by countless human beings.

In particular, human beings are visual animals, and they are extremely displeased with the ugly and weird appearance of dwarves.If it weren't for the most outstanding alchemy products of the dwarves, in the eyes of human beings, the dwarves might really become garbage, monsters with nothing to do.Back to the topic, Liu Ying coughed lightly and said in a friendly way with a small smile.

"Dear Mr. Dwarf, we are only here as guests of the dwarves, and there is no malice to visit. Don't worry too much, I'm afraid we will be bad for the dwarves."

As for Xiaojin and the others, they also found the little bows and arrows of the dwarves very interesting.In particular, the dwarf dared to point at everyone with an arrow that was too small for them as a toothpick, and dared to threaten them who were several times taller than the dwarf.It also made everyone feel ridiculous, looking at each other with a smile on their faces.

It's so funny, no one thought of it, the first time we met.It was a surprise that the dwarves gave them such a big surprise.Do these dwarves think that with these insignificant arrow feathers stained with a little poison, they can really hurt them?
"Hmph, human beings, don't try to deceive us with your glib tongue in front of us. Don't think that we don't know about your evil habits. If you don't get up early without profit, if there is no purpose. You humans will work hard to wear thousands of miles of evil. Yuan came to our dwarves' territory. We are dwarves, not fools, and we can't even understand this. Obediently, leave here immediately, otherwise we will be rude to you."

The toast was not eaten, and the fine wine was eaten. The little leader of the dwarves aimed his bow and arrow at Liu Ying's heart.Without changing his face, he scolded loudly in a rough voice.

"Dare, dwarves, don't be shameless. Hmph, I really thought you wanted to threaten us with your arrows, which are too small to be used as toothpicks. Put away the arrows in your hands, otherwise we will be impolite. "Just kidding, it's okay for entertainment.However, feeling the murderous look in the dwarf's eyes, Little Green at the side suddenly became a little angry.A sharp knife slashed at the headed dwarf fiercely, warning with a touch of cruelty.

They speak nice words but don't know good and bad, and even want to hurt their master.Afterwards, Ya Ya and others also put away their joking smiles.He stared at the dwarfs sternly, with a fierce gleam in his eyes.There is a big one that if the dwarfs don't know what to do, they will mercilessly kill the dwarfs who don't know good or bad.

"You, you?" Little Green stood on Liu Ying like a guardian, and the dwarf was frightened by all the men with fierce faces.Especially the cruelty in little green eyes made the dwarfs shudder uncontrollably.Thinking of something, the little dwarfs realized something was wrong, something they ignored.

With only the strength of six or seven people, they broke into the territory of the dwarves all the way without any injuries.It is conceivable how these few people are so harmless on the surface.The young and beautiful faces of Liu Ying and others made the faces of the dwarves change drastically.With such a strong strength, and each of them is so young, could it be that they are all legendary superpowers of the holy rank.

Thinking of this possibility made all the dwarves turn pale with fright and shiver uncontrollably.Then think of them holding a small bow and arrow, aiming at the super strong man that countless people look up to, and even giving warnings out of desperation.The leading dwarf shook his bow and arrow, and hurriedly removed the bow and arrow in his hand.Because the dwarf is [-]% sure, if he doesn't know what's going on.

He absolutely believed that these girls, who were obviously the leaders, would kill him without mercy.The spirit of chivalry stipulates that everything that threatens the existence of the master must be cleaned up for the master.And they dared to point their arrow feathers at Liu Ying in front of these guards, which was essentially a provocation.The other party did not kill directly, but issued a warning first.

Obviously, it was because of the face of the leading girl that they didn't kill them decisively.Swallowing, the respect for the strong is the same even for dwarfs who cannot use magic.Because, although dwarfs are born unable to use magic, they can still practice fighting spirit.Otherwise, how could the dwarfs have such great strength to forge amazing masterpieces.

One advantage and one disadvantage, there is a certain number in the dark.

There was no need for the leading dwarf to say anything, the other dwarves consciously put away the poisonous arrows in their hands.With these superpowers who can ignore even the super beasts in the forest, the poisonous arrows in this area are indeed as Xiaolu said.They couldn't hurt them at all, if it wasn't for the lack of malice, they would have killed him as early as he spoke disrespectfully.

As if enlightened, the attitude of the dwarf who suddenly realized it immediately made a 180-degree turn.With lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, he bowed respectfully to the leader Liu Ying, and said respectfully: "My lord, please forgive Bill's blindness. It's just that the dwarves have been framed by the human race too many times, so they have to be on guard. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome everyone to visit the dwarves, I wonder if there is anything Bill can do for you."

The transformation of the dwarf Bill made Liu Ying feel a little uncomfortable for half a second.Uncertainly, he blinked at Xiaolu and cast a look of approval.It was still Xiaolu who was capable, and unexpectedly caught the dwarves' lives all at once.Eat hard but not soft, it is really like what Xiaolu said, shameless and likes to be scratched.

With a half-smile, he glanced at the dwarf who called himself Bill. Those who know practical things are Junjie, and this dwarf is thorough.However, this is just right, it suits her heart.She just wanted to come to the dwarfs to have a look. It was just for fun and fun, and she didn't intend to find trouble.Both parties are happy to cooperate, and it is naturally better not to have a bloody battle.After all, she also wanted to come to the dwarves to see the alchemy skills of the dwarves.

Nodding, following Bill's intention, Liu Ying put aside the tit-for-tat verbal a moment ago.The generous grinningly grinned, and said: "Forget it, it's just your duty to guard here, so I don't blame you for this matter. Well, your name is Bill, right? Please help guide the way, I think Let's see what eye-catching alchemy products the dwarves have. If possible, I want to buy some and take them back for collection."

The dwarves are very smart, and what is concentrated is the essence, which is perfect for the dwarves.Liu Ying's words were obviously for stepping down, how could Bill not hear it.Relieved, Bill smiled gratefully, and immediately told the dwarf beside him a few words.Then he enthusiastically led the way for Liu Ying, while constantly introducing Liu Ying the unique things of the dwarves.

(End of this chapter)

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