Chapter 611: Prince of the Tiger Clan (1)
Under the leadership of Bill, Liu Ying went to the world of the legendary dwarves without any problems.Liu Ying was surprised to find that this is indeed the world of dwarves, and everything is several times smaller than the human world.Not only villains, but even the houses they live in are several times smaller than those used by normal people.Although they are small, they are all very finely crafted, and one can tell at a glance that the refining skills are extraordinary.

The sharp eyes saw countless betting on the body, one after another burning and surprised eyes.There are curious and malicious eyes, anyway, everything.What made Liu Ying almost laugh out loud was seeing some dwarf women.Even though he is as tall as a three or four year old child, he can move freely with a big belly.Walking on the street, doing many things within one's ability.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and Liu Ying once again marveled at the miracle of the Creator.This kind of visual impact is really powerful, making Liu Ying feel a little at a loss.In the eyes of normal people, one is a child with a big belly.If it weren't for knowing that these were dwarves, and Liu Ying could clearly see the sound of life beating in the dwarf's stomach.Like ordinary people, Liu Ying might wonder if the dwarf has some strange disease.

Liu Ying was even more stunned to see the little baby who could walk with dwarves.Can you imagine how you would feel if you saw a baby who was smaller than a normal baby walking fast right under your nose?In particular, this miniature child has a long, small nose and dark, rough skin.The eyes are surprisingly big, and most people would faint from fright, thinking it was a ghost in broad daylight.

Taking a deep breath, the smile on Liu Ying's face froze, and she was left speechless for a while by being shocked by the dwarves.Listening to Bill's chattering introduction, Liu Ying had mixed feelings.

"What's the matter, my lord? Is there something wrong?" After Liu Ying didn't reply for a while, Bill turned around and asked puzzledly.

"No, it's just that I don't get used to it. I feel like everything has shrunk when I look at it. By the way, Bill, where is the master of the blue sky you said now? Can you take me to meet him?" Hearing that Bill said that the dwarves are the most powerful The alchemist is a dwarf named Lan Tian.After prevaricating, Liu Ying hurriedly changed the subject.

"My lord wants to see Master Lantian? It's just that Master Lantian has a weird temper and doesn't like human beings. I'm afraid it will happen then?" Bill looked at Liu Ying with embarrassment, and vaccinated Liu Ying in advance to avoid any conflicts .Master Lantian is the pride of the dwarves. Of course, Bill can't let Master Lantian suffer even the slightest bit of damage.

Understanding Bill's scruples, Liu Ying was secretly shocked again by the dwarf's intelligence.He didn't play sloppy with the dwarf Bill, and immediately promised: "It doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't mean to hurt us. We will never embarrass him, and we just want to see Master Lantian's craftsmanship, and we won't make any mistakes. portion requirements."

The only thing the dwarves can sell is alchemy products, since this Master Lan Tian is the best alchemist among the dwarves.Then, one can imagine how high the status of this blue sky master will be in the hearts of the dwarves.If she dared to hurt the blue sky master on the dwarves' territory, Liu Ying thought she would definitely become the public enemy of the dwarves.Although she didn't take the dwarves' attack seriously, Liu Ying didn't have the intention to come here to make trouble.

Peace is the most important thing, so it doesn't necessarily stir up too much right and wrong.After all, in essence, these dwarves can also be regarded as her tenants.The owner of the space on his body, Liu Ying didn't want to have a bloody storm in He Lele's space.

The shrewd dwarf saw that there was no malice in Liu Ying's eyes, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief.The smile returned to his face again, he nodded, and respectfully led Liu Ying to the shop of Master Lantian.On the way, Liu Ying discovered that although the dwarves did not like the addition of humans, they did not seem to reject the addition of other races.The simple and honest orcs seem to be quite popular among the dwarves.Along the way, Liu Ying found many orcs running away among the dwarves.

After asking Bill, Liu Ying found out that the leader of the dwarves was an orc.And they are very friendly rabbits, and have never done any harm or conflict to the dwarves.Over time, the people of the two races gradually became acquainted and became friends with each other.

The most important thing is that the Rabbitmen are also very dexterous and can help the Dwarves with a lot of things.The dwarves have a special store in the human world, where they sell their alchemy products and exchange them for gold coins.Then you can buy back various foods that various dwarves do not have, especially the daily essential salt.

Although the rabbit clan can also use magic, it's just that the rabbit clan is too timid and their attack power is not high.So usually few people from the Rabbit Race would run into the human world, so in return for helping the Dwarf Race.It is to use some ordinary daily necessities to exchange with the rabbit family.Mutual benefit to each other, it has been peaceful for thousands of years.

Gradually, Liu Ying noticed that there were more and more people traveling with them. People were coming and going. From a distance, she saw a lot of people waiting in line at the entrance of a small shop.Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, thinking to herself that maybe this is the store of Master Lantian that Bill mentioned.The business is so booming that even the dwarves, who know alchemy themselves, are willing to spend gold coins to buy it and keep it at home.Liu Ying believed that Bill hadn't lied to her, and that Master Lantian's skills must be very superb.

Glancing at the store with her spiritual sense, Liu Ying really saw a middle-aged dwarf with a stern face and an unhappy expression.It is a rare miracle that so many people come to the store to sell his things, but they are still unhappy.

Turning around, Bill was about to say something, when he unexpectedly saw Liu Ying's direct gaze.Following Liu Ying's gaze, he saw exactly where he was about to take Liu Ying.A look of surprise flashed across Bill's face, thinking to himself that he was worthy of being an adult of the holy rank, and he was indeed more perceptive than ordinary people, and he found Master Lantian's store at a glance without his introduction.Seeing the long queue at the store, Bill felt proud, and couldn't help showing a look of pride on his face.

"My lord, that's Master Lantian's store. Please come with Bill. Bill will bring you there. Maybe Master Lantian will make an exception to receive you, and it's not necessarily true that he will be willing to sell the items in the store to you."

"Oh, is Bill very familiar with Master Lan Tian? From his appearance, it seems that he is not very willing to sell his alchemy items." Bill's self-confidence made Liu Ying's face flash a flash of surprise, puzzled Where does Bill's confidence come from.She had just heard with her own ears that even the dwarves of this mysterious master were not willing to sell their alchemy items.

The corners of his mouth twitched, listening to Master Lantian's arrogant words and forgetting not to sell them, he took out a broom to drive people out of his shop.Liu Ying was speechless to the extreme, never knowing that there are still people who can open a shop and do business so well.With so many customers coming to the door, the master who doesn't sell and drives away customers with a broom is probably only able to do it by the master in front of him.Sure enough, masters with excellent skills have different confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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