Chapter 694
Li Meijuan and other members of the Liu family had long experienced Lin Zhuzhu's appetite.No one blamed Lin Zhuzhu for anything, he just smiled knowingly, and as her husband, Liu Tao just threw a doting smile at Lin Zhuzhu.Seeing Lin Zhuzhu who was stared at by everyone's weird eyes, who seemed a little embarrassed and blushed, Liu Tao laughed loudly, and couldn't help jokingly said: "Zhuzhu, you also like to eat chicken, and once you eat it, you will eat chicken." The whole one, be careful, it really turns into a pig. It’s so fat that you can’t even wear nice clothes, let’s see how you will be ugly and beautiful when you go out in the future.”

"Mom, sister, look at how bad Liu Tao is, and think Zhuzhu is fat so quickly. You have to make decisions for Zhuzhu, and train Liu Tao, a big villain." Fat is something that every woman taboos, and Liu Tao made fun of it , Lin Zhuzhu suddenly pouted with dissatisfaction.Although she just gave birth to a daughter, she is still a girl at heart, and she can't help but act like a baby and let everyone make decisions for her.

Although he knew that Liu Tao was just joking, he didn't really dislike her.However, Lin Zhuzhu still couldn't help but looked down at her figure, and stretched out her hands to pinch her fleshy face.Really fat, especially the waist, which is almost as loose as a bucket.She pursed her lips, and Lin Zhuzhu's brows also knotted a few times.Anyway, the child has been born, so in order to wear beautiful clothes, should she lose weight?

Even if Liu Tao doesn't mind her fat body and loves beauty, any girl in her twenties can bear it.I have so much fat on my body, others don't like it, and I feel upset when I look at it.To be a fat mother, Lin Zhuzhu still thinks it is better to be a beautiful mother.

When the baby grows up, the two of them go out shopping, envious of a bunch of people, just thinking about it makes Lin Zhuzhu's heart bubbling with beauty.

Women understand women best. Seeing Lin Zhuzhu's frown that might pinch a few mosquitoes to death, Liu Ying immediately guessed what Lin Zhuzhu was thinking.Love of beauty is human nature, understandable.Anyone who doesn't want to eat can eat and drink as much as he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about losing shape.This is especially true for every mother who has fat all over her body after giving birth.

The most important thing in confinement is to keep your body and mind happy. I couldn't bear to look at Lin Zhuzhu's sad face. Liu Ying hurriedly smiled and said, "Zhuzhu, Taozi's words are careless. It's not because I think you're bad. If you want to eat, eat it." Eat, don’t worry about your figure, if you want to lose weight after the confinement period, my sister will make you a elixir for self-cultivation and beauty, and keep you in good shape after taking it, and you will also become more beautiful. How about the face not changing for a hundred years?"

"Really, sister is the best for Zhuzhu, thank you sister." Hearing Liu Ying's words, Lin Zhuzhu's eyes lit up.He didn't doubt what Liu Ying said at all, he talked excitedly and flattered Liu Ying.And Li Shuxin who was next to him heard it, and her eyes lit up. Although Li Shuxin didn't gain much weight, but the sentence that her appearance has not changed for a hundred years, how could Li Shuxin, who also loves beauty, not be tempted.

With a smile on her face, Li Shuxin couldn't hold back immediately, and also opened her mouth to ask Liu Ying for it. "Sister, I have both pearls and beads. My sister can't be partial and lose a share of comfort. By the way, my sister-in-law has to count as a share. My sister-in-law has gained a lot of weight during confinement. She talks to us every day, and when she is out of confinement Go to the gym to lose weight."

Li Shuxin is a good person. Apart from seeking favors for herself, she also doesn't forget Yang Cuixin who is confinement at home and cannot go out.The tip of her eyes caught Ge Xiaotian's approving gaze, and Li Shuxin knew she had done the right thing.

"No problem, even if Shu Xin doesn't say anything, my sister will not lose your share. By the way, Mom, don't call back and ask them to make it and send it to you. Shu Xin, Zhuzhu, what else do you want to eat with sister? Tell me, I will do it for you in a while." Liu Ying asked with a smile after preventing Li Meijuan from going out to make a phone call.

"Sister, is it true, you cook too much food for us. That's great, then we won't be polite. It's been a long time since I've eaten good dishes made by sister. I miss it. Sister, I have to eat a whole Chicken, and mushroom soup and tomato scrambled eggs." Liu Ying opened her mouth, but Lin Zhuzhu was not polite to Liu Ying, and immediately asked excitedly.

And Li Shuxin also knew Liu Ying's temperament, she said what she said, and she would never fool them with empty words.Thinking of Liu Ying's cooking, the feeling that she wanted to swallow her tongue, which made Li Shuxin swallow her saliva uncontrollably.A pair of bright eyes stared straight at Liu Ying, and when Lin Zhuzhu asked for it first, Li Shuxin hurriedly added and told Liu Ying what she wanted to eat.

"Sister, will it be too much trouble?" Liu Ying had just returned home, her buttocks and stool were not even touched.Hearing the long list of dish names reported by Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin, the corners of Ge Xiaotian's mouth twitched, and he wanted to reprimand them a few words, but Ge Xiaotian was a little reluctant.No matter what, Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin just had a baby, so it's good to have an appetite.But, not wanting Liu Ying to be tired, Ge Xiaotian frowned and said in embarrassment.

"Sister, why don't you just forget about it, just let the older sisters in the family help with cooking. Zhuzhu is not sensible, so she ordered so many dishes all at once. My sister has just arrived home, so it would be bad if she gets exhausted. Anyway, the dishes cooked by the elder sisters are not bad, Zhuzhu and the others are also very happy." Lin Zhuzhu stared at her without turning her head, like a little child.Liu Tao was angry and funny, and lost his temper with Lin Zhuzhu's guilty look.Especially seeing the little princess being held in Grandma Liu's arms and teasing her non-stop, Liu Tao couldn't even get angry even if she wanted to.

"It's okay, it will be fine in a while, it won't take much trouble. You guys will be fine in a while." After interrupting her grandmother and everyone's persuasion, Liu Ying shook her head with a smile.How could it be difficult for her to do such a small thing as cooking.Without waiting for anything from everyone, Liu Ying disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye.In the astonishment of Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin, it took only a few minutes for a table full of hot dishes to be served on the small table on the bed.

The color, fragrance and taste are complete, and it is the dish that Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin requested.Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin, who had an empty stomach, were the two brothers Liu Tao. Seeing Lin Zhuzhu and Li Shuxin put a table of dishes on the table, they couldn't help swallowing, their eyes gleamed.

"Sister, how did you do it? My God, it's too fast. There are so many dishes, and my sister actually prepared them all in less than 5 minutes." Looking down at the hot dishes, Lin Zhuzhu He actually knew what Liu Ying was capable of, but he was still shocked when he saw the table of dishes in front of him. In less than 5 minutes, if it was her, she would not have enough time to cook the dishes, let alone cook the meals.

Staring at Liu Ying with shining eyes of worship, Lin Zhuzhu respected Liu Ying like a god.Putting aside the idols she once liked, Lin Zhuzhu decided that from today onwards, Liu Ying is the only idol she admires the most.Those other celebrities who rely on their faces to fool people are nothing, but my sister is the most powerful, she is omnipotent.

(End of this chapter)

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