Chapter 695
"Delicious, is this real?" Fearing that this was just her hallucination, Li Shuxin picked up her chopsticks and threatened her favorite braised pumpkin in disbelief.Sweet but not greasy, the deliciousness makes the heart soft.Staring blankly at Liu Ying, Li Shuxin's jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter. Well, hurry up and eat it while it's hot. If it's cold, it won't be so delicious. By the way, grandma and grandma, have you all eaten? Do you want to make more? Some, let's go over there and have a meal." Looking at the wall clock on the wall, it was just after twelve o'clock.Seeing Liu Dasheng and others secretly swallowing saliva from time to time, Liu Ying quickly thought that everyone must have not eaten at this time.

"Where do you have time to eat? It was only about eleven o'clock when Zhuzhu and Shu Xin came. How can they eat so fast at home. Yingying, seeing Zhuzhu and the others eating happily, grandma didn't feel much just now, now It seems that I feel hungry. Everyone is tired and tired, and they must be hungry too. If Yingying is not too annoying, just get a few dishes to pass away."

Seeing that Liu Ying's cooking is so simple, Grandma Liu is really hungry, so she is no longer polite.Nodding with a smile, he said casually.

"I don't know if I don't say anything, it's past twelve o'clock." Averting Liu Ying's gaze, Grandma Li hugged Ge Xiaotian's son, looked at the clock on the wall, and said in surprise.

"It's okay, it'll be fine in a while, everyone wait." Chong Yaya winked, and the two of them went into the space to cook more delicious dishes based on the news, to make up for the tired family members who had been tired for most of the morning.Especially grandma and mother's elders, sister-in-law Yang Cuixin is definitely not easy in confinement.Especially children will cry in the middle of the night, may not sleep well at night, and everyone's eyes are a little dark.

All kinds of professional kitchen utensils are available in the space. In order to save time, Liu Ying almost uses magic to complete all of them.Asking Yaya to come over to help, the speed is much faster, ten or so dishes are finished very quickly.According to the time ratio outside, it took less than 1 minute, and a table full of good dishes was successfully served on the table.

The family ate happily and ate up all the dishes on the table. Even Li Shuxin's endless dishes, Ge Xiaotian didn't dislike them.Helping to solve it together, Liu Ying doesn't feel hungry. In fact, at Liu Ying's level of cultivation, it is impossible to feel hungry at all.Everyone was busy eating, and no one rushed to hug her two cute little guys.To Liu Ying's surprise, the two little guys seemed to like her very much. As soon as Liu Ying got started, no matter if it was a boy or a girl, they would all smile.

Li Meijuan, who came over to watch it while eating, was amazed and said that Liu Ying was destined to have children.When Liu Ying hugged her, the two little guys not only opened their eyes, but also smiled at Liu Ying knowingly.

After giving birth to a child, he would have to stay in the hospital for observation for three to five days before being discharged, and Liu Hai's son will be full moon in only two days.The invitations were also sent out, leaving behind Li Meijuan and the two high-spirited fathers.Liu Ying and Grandma Liu all returned home. Anyway, apart from Liu Tao and the others, the hospital also hired four confinement sisters to take care of them, so there won't be any major problems.

Back home, Liu Ying can't wait to go into Liu Hai's room to see Dabao who is about to be full moon.After getting Yang Cuixin's consent, Liu Ying smiled happily and hugged her nephew named Dabao in her arms.Like Lin Zhuzhu's baby, Dabao seems to like Liu Ying quite a bit.Once in Liu Ying's hands, he immediately giggled and reached out to touch Liu Ying's face lightly.

Liu Ying looked at the chubby little guy and liked it very much. Thinking of something, Liu Ying hurriedly took out the things she had prepared earlier.A golden lock of longevity was worn on Dabao's neck. Liu Ying also prepared the silver bracelet and anklet for Quxie, and Liu Ying specially bought the one with the bell for the bracelet to be worn on the feet.As long as the little one moves, you will hear the sound of the bell.

Yang Cuixin and Liu Hai saw the things Liu Ying wore for Dabao, and they knew that these were common children's things.Knowing that this was Liu Ying's liking for Hai Hai, they glanced at each other, but they didn't make a sound to stop Liu Ying from putting Da Bao on.

"Brother, sister-in-law, where is the full moon wine going to be placed? Has everyone posted a post?" Dabao was patted on the back and teased a few times from time to time.Thinking of something, Liu Ying asked curiously.

"It's been arranged a long time ago. I discussed it with Cui Xin. Dabao's full moon wine is not going to be a big deal. It's just a few tables in the hotel and invites relatives and friends." When Liu Ying asked about the wine arrangement, Liu Hai With a smile on his face, he explained in a leisurely manner.

"It's okay to just invite relatives and friends. By the way, sister-in-law's family doesn't seem to be in Beijing. Did the elder brother let them know in advance and ask sister-in-law's parents to come over earlier? If possible, you can stay at home instead of going to the hotel Open house to live in.” The family villa has three floors, and it occupies a large area and has many rooms.Although there are many more people in the family, it is still possible to squeeze out a room for Yang Cuixin's parents to live in.

Thinking that there will be more and more people in the family in the future, and all of them will be crowded together, it will definitely be a little crowded.In case a few more relatives come over during the Chinese New Year, it may be a bit difficult to live in.Eyebrows raised slightly, Liu Ying thought, maybe she should buy a few more flats for emergencies.

Thinking of this, Liu Ying thought of the three mothers who added children to the Liu family.The eldest brother and the others are all married and have children.Big Brother and Tao Tsai may not feel anything wrong living with so many elders with grandma, but there are a few married women nowadays who really want to live with a lot of old people.It may be nothing now, but after a long time, who knows if there will be any small awkwardness.

Take precautions, sometimes distance is also a kind of beauty.Perhaps, she should buy a few more apartments in Shangjing and give them as gifts.If sister-in-law and Zhuzhu really want to move out and fly solo, they don't have to worry about the house.With the housing prices in Beijing now, a villa like this is not cheap, although the eldest brother and the others should have some money in their hands.

However, if you want to buy a house like this, I'm afraid it's still a bit overwhelming.But now that she has plenty of money, it's not a big deal to give her sister-in-law a villa for each of them.A house, at most, is worth nearly [-] million, not even a fraction of Liu Ying's bank card, it's a drop in the bucket.

As long as the family is happy, Liu Ying doesn't think there is any disadvantage in spending some money.

"I've already called, and I think I'll be there tomorrow morning." Yang Cuixin was very grateful for Liu Ying's concern.My parents are not in Beijing, and the company is also busy.Hurriedly took a look at Dabao when he was born, then hurriedly went back to work in his hometown.But Yang Cuixin doesn't blame anything, who made her marry so far away.

"That's good, that's right, sister-in-law. I bought some baby clothes and cots. You and elder brother can choose and see what you like to keep for Dabao." While speaking, Liu Ying With a wave of his hand, he took out the baby stored in the storage bag with a single brain.In the blink of an eye, Ruoda's room suddenly had a lot of things as tall as hills.There are clothes for children, as well as various toys, small wooden beds, trolleys, in short, as long as children can use things Liu Ying has bought.

(End of this chapter)

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