Chapter 698 Execution of old friends (2)
Xu Tianyang knew about Liu Ying's abilities, but Xu Tianyang didn't know about cultivators.But Xu Tianyang, the supernatural being, still knew that money could make ghosts pervert, so he became cruel.In order to prevent Liu Ying from retaliating afterwards, Xu Tianyang paid a lot of money and hired ten supernatural beings to protect him and Chen Huilan.Right now, Xu Tianyang is not afraid of anything, and he speaks boldly and fearlessly.There was also a touch of madness in his eyes. Obviously, Xu Tianyang was insane right now.

He went to the doctor in a hurry, and didn't care about anything. He only wanted to keep the jewelry kingdom he built with great difficulty.How willing to watch it fall from his hands bit by bit, or for other people's things.After failing once, Xu Tianyang will never allow him to fail a second time.Anyway, he had already broken his face with Liu Ying, and Xu Tianyang no longer shy away from anything.

The ignorant are fearless, talking about the current Xu Tianyang.

"It really is you, Xu Tianyang, you are really crazy. Can you be a little more greedy? If you want to return what I took back, forget it, but you still have the face to be greedy and ask me to give you another bag of rough jewelry as compensation." Are you not afraid of choking to death if you are not greedy enough?" After receiving Xu Tianyang's affirmative answer, Liu Ying winked at Xiao Jin and other partners behind her without showing any emotion.

Signal the target to confirm, you can go to find Nannan.As long as the daughter is found, it will be Xu Tianyang's death day.However, Liu Ying was a little curious. Xu Tianyang had seen her abilities before, so if he offended her like this, could Xu Tianyang be sure to escape her revenge?

"Don't be afraid. I have nothing to be afraid of. I'm even more afraid that there will be no food for me. If I want to choke, I won't have a chance to choke. Liu Ying, haven't you heard of Liu Ying? It's the true nature of a businessman to strive for the greatest benefit." , what’s wrong. Well, I’ll stop here, you should hurry up and get things ready, and pay for them and deliver them. I’ll let you go when you get things ready. I forgot to say, you guys It’s best not to call the police, otherwise? Everyone is a smart person, so you should understand what I mean without me saying it.”

Xu Tianyang didn't pay attention to Liu Ying's irony.Anyway, he has done everything, so what else is there to say, he dares to do even nastier things in order to make money.It's nothing to tie up a child and threaten the other party.Killing and setting fire, as long as he can keep the Shunyi Jewelry, there is nothing he dare not do.

With a cold snort of disapproval, Xu Tianyang decided not to talk to Liu Ying anymore, and directly gave Liu Ying an ultimatum.As long as the rough jewelry is obtained, the urgent need of the company will be solved.This matter survived, and everything will no longer be a problem.Even if Liu Ying calls the police, Xu Tianyang is not afraid, money is everything.As long as he has money and the relationship he has dredged up over the years, he can easily cover up this matter.

"Are you really being cautious? Hmph, I will prepare things. I hope you will keep your word and return the things after you receive them. Otherwise, if something happens to your daughter, Xu Tianyang, you won't be able to die even if you have ten lives." According to Xu Tianyang's wish, drag Xu Tianyang first, as long as he finds his daughter back safely.How to deal with Xu Tianyang in the future will be easier for Liu Ying than crushing an ant to death.

"Master, don't worry, I believe that it won't be long, Brother Xiaojin and the others will be able to bring Nanna back smoothly." Shang Jing said that it is not big, the novel is not small, everyone is familiar with Nana's breath.As long as you are still in Shangjing, you will definitely be able to find out.Looking at Liu Ying who was frowning tightly, Yaya who stayed behind comforted her.

"I know, Xu Tianyang is asking us for something now, so he will definitely not do anything to her." Chong Yaya shook his head, expressing his peace of mind.Thinking of something, Liu Ying made several phone calls to tell Lin Zhuzhu, Liu Tao, and the current situation of her elder brother.Don't worry everyone, she will get her daughter back soon.

Things were unexpected, Xu Tianyang was really capable, but within a few hours, he actually got rid of his daughter and Lin Fan's family early on.Xiao Jin and Li Ji searched almost every block in Shangjing, but they couldn't find her.The answer is that they have already left Shangjing.Flashing back to Liu Ying, everyone told Liu Ying what they found out.

Hearing everyone's narration, Liu Ying raised her eyebrows, secretly thinking that Xu Tianyang should have been prepared.In the vast sea of ​​people, breath disappears quickly, it is not easy to find a needle in a haystack to find a newborn child.Because most of the children are actually almost the same, with a faint milk fragrance on their bodies.With her eyes sinking, Liu Ying stopped hesitating and called Xu Tianyang again, telling him that the things were ready and that they would be handed over to the person and delivered to him.

Liu Ying was anxious, and Xu Tianyang was even more anxious, eager to get the rough jewelry immediately.Plus knowing Liu Ying's ability, Xu Tianyang didn't doubt anything, and agreed immediately.

What surprised Liu Ying was that Xu Tianyang chose neither Shangjing nor S City for his transaction.It's about the bustling W City. Xu Tianyang is really good at calculating, knowing that Liu Ying will definitely send people to search and hide him so far away.After talking to her family, Liu Ying went to City W, waiting for Xu Tianyang to agree on the exact place to trade.In order to get the rough jewelry as soon as possible, Xu Tianyang will definitely bring his daughter along.

So, when she arrived in W City, Liu Ying no longer bothered to find someone, but patiently waited for Xu Tianyang to take the initiative to deliver it to her door.

In the dead of night, in the middle of the night, Xu Tianyang finally called, informing Liu Ying that he was trading in an abandoned factory in W City.Naturally, Liu Ying was not surprised. She swept her consciousness and quickly found the address on Xu Tianyang's newspaper.After waiting for a few minutes, the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from overhead.Glancing with her consciousness, Liu Ying didn't see Xu Tianyang's figure, but she managed to see her sleeping daughter in the helicopter.

Seeing her daughter breathing evenly, Liu Ying's tense nerves relaxed.As long as there is nothing to do, Liu Ying is not too concerned about whether the cunning Xu Tianyang will show up.However, what surprised Liu Ying was that Xu Tianyang was really capable, and actually invited several supernatural beings to come and trade with her.

The ranks are not low, and the lowest cultivation base is also a third-rank ability user.It's a pity that Xu Tianyang's wishful thinking was wrong. She is not a supernatural being. In Liu Ying's view, these supernatural beings are actually no different from ordinary people, and they are vulnerable.To kill them, you don't even need to raise your hand, and you can directly kill these supernatural beings who are in the wrong line with just one look.

Before Xu Tianyang called and said something, Liu Ying was the first to dodge into the helicopter.With the speed of lightning, the few supernatural beings didn't even have time to react, and easily hugged the sleeping daughter in their hands.At this time, the few supernatural beings in the helicopter could realize that something was wrong, when they saw Liu Ying's figure clearly, and the niece that Liu Ying snatched into his hands.The fool also knows that something is wrong, and the strong are attacking.

Apart from anything else, several supernatural beings quickly got up and wanted to attack.It's a pity that it was a little late, and Xiao Jin, who came from behind, did a few dodges and wiped out all four abilities.Under the incredible gaze of the supernatural beings, he stared at his heart helplessly.Holding it in Xiao Jin's hand, Xiao Jin lightly squeezed bloody blood, and the four hearts were crushed and burst at the same time.He fell straight on the ground, Liu Ying didn't even look at it, and returned to the ground in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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