Chapter 699 Execution of old friends (3)
Within a few minutes, the unmanned helicopter crashed into a hill not far away.There was only a loud bang, and the dazzling firelight illuminated the darkness, awakening the sleeping people nearby.Liu Ying set up a barrier on her body, no matter how terrifying the sound of the explosion was, it wouldn't affect her at all.

Not long after, Liu Ying's cell phone rang.Turning on the phone, it was Xu Tianyang calling, presumably wanting to ask if the transaction was completed.A cold light flashed in Liu Ying's eyes. Now that her daughter has been rescued, it's time to clean up Xu Tianyang.Unlike Nannan's Qi instability, it is difficult to track.Finding out Xu Tianyang, Liu Ying, Yaya and others couldn't be easier.

Covering most of China with his spiritual consciousness, within a few breaths, Liu Ying successfully found Xu Tianyang who was calling her.Catching the eagerness in Xu Tianyang's eyes, Liu Ying snorted coldly.Hand over her daughter to Li Ji, and ask Li Ji to hand her daughter to her mother Lin Zhuzhu.No one was more anxious and sad than Lin Zhuzhu and Liu Tao when the child disappeared.

After a few words of advice, Liu Ying took everyone to meet Xu Tianyang who was still confused about the situation.Xu Tianyang found six or so supernatural beings to block her and avoid her revenge. Xu Tianyang was really whimsical.Seeing Xu Tianyang who was disconnected from the phone and wanted to call again without giving up, Liu Ying suddenly interrupted Xu Tianyang's movements.With a series of laughter like silver bells, Liu Ying teased: "Xu Tianyang, don't call anymore, I'm right behind you. I'll give you one last chance. Tell me, what else do you want to say to me now?" of."

"You, why are you here? Didn't you go to trade?" Liu Ying and a group of handsome men and women behind him reappeared out of thin air, which shocked Xu Tianyang a lot.Turning around quickly, meeting Liu Ying's bloodthirsty gaze, Xu Tianyang shivered uncontrollably.His face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed in disbelief.

And the six aliens with good grades who followed Xu Tianyang didn't sense the strangeness when Liu Ying appeared at all, and their faces turned pale with shock.Taking people's money to eliminate disasters with others, if you know the ability of the other party is so terrible, even a fourth-level supernatural user can't sense it.Even if they were beaten to death, they would not dare to accept Xu Tianyang's case. It's just that there is no need to back away from the problem of reputation.No need for Xu Tianyang to order anything, the six supernatural beings reacted quickly to protect Xu Tianyang tightly in order to prevent Liu Ying and others from attacking.

As for Xu Tianyang, when he saw that he was protected by six supernatural beings, his tense nerves finally relaxed.

"There's no need to trade anymore, I've already found it. Since you have nothing to say, don't blame me for being ruthless. You found everything by yourself. So, you can die, but don't worry, I will definitely let you die easily without too much pain." Catching the change in Xu Tianyang's eyes, Liu Ying raised her eyebrows with a half-smile, and once again had a new understanding of Xu Tianyang's white eyes.

Death is imminent, still wanting to make a deal, and still thinking about knocking things out of her, it is simply hopeless.People who are smarter will see that there is a problem, and whoever cares about the transaction will first worry about their own life or not.

It went smoothly, and I caught a glimpse of Xu Tianyang whose face was as pale as paper after hearing what she said.The smile on Liu Ying's face deepened. Poor people have their own hatred.It's really stupid to find a few supernatural beings and just want to play tricks on her.I don't even ask about it, let alone a few supernatural beings, even if I find a whole sect of cultivation, I can't stand her.

"What, how is it possible, what about them, what happened to the people I sent?" Facing Liu Ying's stern gaze, Xu Tianyang couldn't help shivering.Unwilling to give up, unwilling to believe what Liu Ying said, Xu Tianyang stared at Liu Ying in a daze, unable to believe that the master he sent was killed by Liu Ying in such a silent manner.Thinking of Liu Ying's murderous intent just now, it made Xu Tianyang feel chills in his heart.

If Liu Ying can't even deal with the last hole card, then, him?Thinking of this possibility, Xu Tianyang took a step back, his feet became weak uncontrollably.

"They? It's just a few useless garbage, not even qualified to let me do it. Similarly, these people are also, huh, so stupid. They just want to stop me after inviting a few mere supernatural beings. It's really stupid. Well, I've said so much to you that I've done my best. Now, you can go down to find them with peace of mind. Don't worry, I won't make people lonely for too long, and soon your wife and children will too. Go down to find you, and then your family can go down to reunite."

Xu Tianyang's terrified eyes made Liu Ying smile brightly.He narrated unhurriedly, as if what he was talking about was not a matter of human life, but just an ordinary chat about the weather, nothing unusual.

However, the more Liu Ying was like this, the more Xu Tianyang shuddered to hear it.Unwilling to be defeated like this, Xu Tianyang glanced at the six supernatural beings who were protecting him, and roared angrily: "What are you still doing, why don't you kill them all quickly."

After receiving Xu Tianyang's order, although all the supernatural beings felt a little uneasy.But he rushed forward obediently, trying to kill Liu Ying and the others.With a lot of tricks, they all tried their best to arouse all the differences in their bodies.There are spirit-type people who kill with their minds, as well as fire-type metal-type and earth-type supernatural beings. However, all kinds of attacks have not hit Liu Ying yet.Suzaku and Jin Pengze, who were the most violent beside Liu Ying, couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to greet them.

"A bunch of rubbish dare to show off in front of the master, they are looking for death." With a cold snort, Suzaku was furious, regardless of whether it would hurt innocent people or not.He opened his mouth and sprayed out a tongue of fire, burning the counterattack of the fire-type abilities to slag alive.Then he dodged, his five fingers turned into claws, and one by one with each hand, he directly smashed the heads of the two supernatural beings.The sudden bloody scene almost made Xu Tianyang faint.

And Jin Pengze was not bad at all. At the same time as Suzaku made his move, he punched and sent all the other three supernatural beings flying.He vomited blood, no, he even vomited out the pieces of internal organs.He fell to the ground like a rag doll, dying of breath.They clapped their hands and looked at the several supernatural beings who couldn't die anymore.Jin Pengze gave Suzaku a look of confidence.He nodded with a smile, obviously very satisfied with their feat just now.

As for the frightened Xu Tianyang, who had lost all blood, the two tacitly agreed not to touch him, and planned to hand Xu Tianyang over to Liu Ying.Let Liu Ying do it herself, and saw Xu Tianyang's legs trembling with sharp eyes.Both of them cast a disdainful look, they wanted to embarrass the owner by inviting such a few rubbish, it was really kicked in the head by the donkey.

"No, no, it's impossible, how could it be like this?" Looking at the supernatural being he hired with all his money, he didn't even have the strength to fight back, so in the blink of an eye.Xu Tianyang was so frightened that his heart stopped beating for a few beats when he was killed by two young men and women who were not easily provoked by Liu Ying.Taking a deep breath, I couldn't believe what I saw before my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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