Chapter 754: Being Targeted (2)
Hand over the things that I have accumulated over the years to others, and look at each other.Regardless of whether he kicked the iron plate or not, the only thing he can do is fight hard.They really don't believe it, these rich young men and young ladies really have some great abilities, how can they win them.

They exchanged glances at each other, and without saying a word, they all started to fuck each other, trying to catch him first with their housekeeping skills, and caught him off guard.But, can things really make these robbers get what they want?

"Idiot, don't be ashamed of your face, Master, let's see how I deal with these idiots." Seeing that the opponent made a move first, the belligerent Nanstin couldn't hold back immediately.Shaking his body, he transformed into a ferocious body, stretched out his huge fleshy claws in unconcealed excitement, and slapped down on these looters fiercely.

"Nan Siding, leave a few for us to play with, don't take care of it all by yourself." Sensing Nan Siding's actions with sharp eyes, Suzaku and Jin Pengze immediately became anxious.They rushed up and robbed Nan Siding one after another.After finally getting the chance, he could vent his anger fiercely, how could Nan Siding be outflanked by himself.

So, before Liu Ying could make a move, Suzaku's hot-tempered fanatics had already rushed to fight with these lifeless robbers.Nan Siding now also has the strength of the mid-stage Celestial Immortal, coupled with the inherently strong body of the Dragon Clan, he can still fight on par with the leader of the mid-stage Golden Immortal.They couldn't get any benefits from each other, but it made Nanstin feel like he was meeting his opponent, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, the more he fought, the more vigorous he was.

The frenzied look in his eyes made the opponent's scalp tingle.An unknown monster in the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal was able to almost draw with him. This amazing discovery made Old Monster Hu in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal feel very bad.The tip of his eyes glanced at the other partners, seeing them being held like sandbags and being beaten up crazily, it made Mr. Hu feel chills watching him.

Looking at Liu Ying and the others who were staring at them with a smile on their faces, and who hadn't made a move from the beginning to the end, it gave Mr. Hu an ominous premonition.From the beginning to the end, this should be a trap. These people must have discovered them early on, but they just kept pretending that they didn't know anything.Just wait for them to jump in foolishly.

This time I am [-]% sure that I must have hit a big iron board.He often walks by the river without getting his shoes wet, and a ruthless light flashes in his eyes.Unwilling to fall into the hands of a few wealthy young men and ladies like this, Old Freak Hu made up his mind and decided not to hold back any more.Regardless of whether he could kill the opponent in one fell swoop, it would be good to have a chance of escape.As for the others, Hu Laoguai had no choice but to help them.

"Go to hell." With a stern voice, Old Monster Hu took a strange black bead from the storage ring, and threw it at Nan Siding fiercely.Afterwards, no matter what the result was, he immediately resorted to all his strength and frantically dodged to escape.

"No, this is the soul orb made by the dragon and tiger inner alchemy in the late stage of Jinxian. Everyone, get out of the way." Liu Ying has been paying attention to every move of Hu Laoguai. when something comes out.Liu Ying froze for a moment, watching helplessly as Old Monster Hu activated this weird bead.Seeing the light appearing, a tiger roaring bead faintly emitted, and it condensed into a huge fairy beast with dragon claws and a tiger body, Liu Ying's face turned pale instantly, and hurriedly shouted to stop everyone from escaping from the explosion of the soul bead scope.

The explosive power of the soul orbs in the late Jindan period is astonishing, it's not a joke.This old monster is so capable, it even has the soul orbs of dragon and tiger beasts in the late Jinxian period. His gaze sank, and Liu Ying narrowed his eyes in shock.Not daring to take a peek, Liu Ying quickly escaped from the explosion circle to avoid unnecessary harm.

Seeing the old monster Hu who was fleeing in a hurry, Liu Ying snorted coldly, how could this old thief who almost killed Nan Siding escape.With a flash of her figure, Liu Ying chased after him and took several pictures of Accelerator Talismans, determined to capture Old Monster Hu.Dare to hurt her partner, she is so daring, no matter whether she is hurt or not, this old guy can't stay.

"Old thief, where can I escape? Dare to use the soul orb to hurt my partner and kill him." Old Monster Hu threw the soul orb to hurt someone, just right, so I used him to practice.Let's see how effective the talisman she developed with high-level fairy animal skin and animal blood is.There was an evil smile on the corner of her mouth. These immortal beasts were at least above the Golden Immortal cultivation base. Liu Ying believed that the effect of the talisman produced should not disappoint her too much.

Reluctant to be the same as before, Liu Ying tentatively tore off a fairy talisman.Throwing it at Monster Hu with a flick of his hand, the Immortal Talisman quickly turned into a huge black bear, roaring and pounced on Monster Hu.The thick palm patted Hu Monster's back heavily, and immediately, the unlucky Hu Monster immediately gave a sad reminder.He spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell vertically like a kite with a broken string.

With a bang, it fell heavily to the ground.It sank deep into the ground, stirring up bursts of dust, which is far more than that.How could the giant beast transformed from the fairy talisman lose its effect in one blow? Hu Laoguai fell from the sky, and the giant bear still didn't relax at all.Fly down with them.Seeing the old monster Hu who was deeply buried in the soil, the black bear was as excited as seeing a fun toy.

Lifting his foot, taking advantage of the dizziness of Hu Laoguai, he stepped on Hu Laoguai's body fiercely.Immediately, scarlet blood splashed, shocking.Old Freak Hu screamed in pain, his old face turned pale.Being stepped on his chest by the black bear, Mr. Hu could clearly feel that all the bones in his chest were crushed to pieces by the black bear in front of him.Even the internal organs were crushed and burst, and the heart-piercing pain made Mr. Hu miserable.

Whether it is a human or an immortal, when their lives are threatened, they will desperately fight back.People like Mr. Hu who cherish their lives are no exception, and they caught the strong murderous look in the black bear's eyes.Fearing that the next kick of the black bear would trample the Nascent Soul in his dantian, Hu Laoguai moved his mind and manipulated his natal magic weapon, and a transparent triangular cone pierced fiercely through the black bear's forehead.

Although the black bear was also transformed from a talisman, it seemed to already have life.He was hit in the head by a triangle cone, and the blood flowed continuously in an instant, and a wound the size of a bowl appeared on his huge head.With a roar of pain, he glared at Old Freak Hu fiercely, fell to the ground unwillingly, and disappeared without a trace as it turned into a wisp of black smoke.

Seeing this, Old Freak Hu was overjoyed, and looked down at the horrific wound on his chest.Old Monster Hu hastily took out a elixir to repair the wound and swallowed it into his stomach. Sensing that the elixir had begun to exert its medicinal power and was repairing the severely injured wound at a speed visible to the naked eye, Old Monster Hu heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.Raising his head and inadvertently meeting Liu Ying's half-smiling gaze, Mr. Hu was taken aback and caught the frost in Liu Ying's eyes.Even the old monster Hu, who saw the wind and rain, shivered uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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