Chapter 755 Rookie Contest (1)
The cold eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. The bone-biting cold made Mr. Hu have the illusion that Liu Ying's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"You, what do you want?" Taking a deep breath secretly, Old Monster Hu suppressed the fear in his heart, and asked with a stammering tone.Obviously, he is a monk in the Golden Immortal Stage, and the other party is just a female cultivator in the late Celestial Immortal Stage.But, inexplicably, Hu Laoguai felt a sense of danger.Especially what Liu Yinglu did just now made Mr. Hu feel lingering fear.

"I don't want to do anything, but I want your life. Show your skills, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you a chance." Liu Ying stared coldly at the panic-stricken Old Freak Hu, and smiled wickedly. Said in a deep voice without haste.Liu Ying wanted to try the cultivation base of Jinxian in the middle stage, and how sure was the chance of winning in a head-on confrontation.

"Hmph, what a big tone, if you want the old man's life, let's see if you have the ability." Liu Ying's words made Mr. Hu unable to bear a nameless anger in his heart. No matter what, Liu Ying also It's just a female cultivator in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal.After all, he was a genuine Golden Immortal cultivator, so why should he be afraid of her.Set your mind down, catch the looming murderous intent in Liu Ying's eyes, since you can't avoid it, then try your best.

From the bottom of his heart, Old Freak Hu thought that he was just hit by a black bear because he was only focused on escaping.He didn't care to pay attention to other things at all, so he accidentally followed Liu Ying's way.His gaze sank, Old Freak Hu comforted himself in this way.Hu Laoguai's favorite is to attack first to be strong, and to attack later to suffer.

Before Liu Ying could make a move, he suddenly appeared without any warning, and silently attacked his favorite triangle cone at Liu Ying's dantian.

The monk's innate intuition felt that danger was coming, Liu Ying followed her heart and did not even think about it, so she dodged the sinister triangle sideways.Although she couldn't see it, Liu Ying could clearly sense the source of the danger intuitively.The consciousness glanced at it, and in an instant, Liu Ying easily caught the faint movement emitted by the triangular cone.It turned out to be such a vicious thing, specially used to attack the monk's Nascent Soul.

Eyes cast a cold glance at Old Monster Hu with a sinister smile on his mouth, Liu Ying's face turned cold again, and her eyes were full of murderous intent when she looked at Old Monster Hu.Sensing this weird thing coming towards her with her spiritual sense, Liu Ying moved her body quickly, no longer being soft-handed.A three-flavored real fire flung over, no matter whether it was invisible or not, as long as it existed, it would not be able to escape the pursuit of the three-flavored real fire.

With just one face-to-face encounter, the triangular cone that Hu Laoguai specially used for Laiyinren was burnt to the point that there was not even a slag left.This is the magic weapon of old monster Hu, once the triangle cone is destroyed, old monster Hu will also suffer from the fish pond immediately.There was a sudden stab in the chest, and with a pale face, he spat out a lot of blood and congestion.Liu Ying looked at Old Freak Hu's strange appearance, and sneered disdainfully.Without half a second of hesitation, he waved his hand to open the reincarnation field that had not been used for a long time, and sacrificed it with the blood of Hu Laoguai.The cultivation base of Jinxian in the middle stage has sucked up the cultivation base of Hu Laoguai, I believe it should be more or less helpful to her cultivation base.

At the critical moment, it is also a good thing that the cultivation level can increase a little bit.

"Field? What field is this?" Wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, Monster Hu had no time to catch his breath.The surrounding lush woods suddenly disappeared without a trace, and when I looked up, I saw a big roulette full of danger.Old Monster Hu was taken aback, especially looking at the constantly spinning roulette, it made Old Monster Hu feel chills from the bottom of his heart.The ambiguous gaze on Liu Ying made Mr. Hu shiver uncontrollably.

"This is the realm of reincarnation. If you dare to use such a vicious thing to hurt people, then let your blood be sacrificed to my realm of reincarnation." Catching the horror in the eyes of Mr. Hu, Liu Ying showed a bright smile in satisfaction.No longer giving Freak Hu a chance to fight back, with a thought, Liu Ying controlled the roulette to spin rapidly.Following Liu Ying's thoughts, the power of death shot out a black light, as fast as a flash of lightning, and suddenly struck the stunned Hu Laoguai.

"Reincarnation field?" Old Freak Hu hadn't had time to savor it carefully before guessing what the hell this so-called reincarnation field was.Seeing a black light attacking him, the heart of Old Freak Hu was frightened.In a panic, he wanted to escape quickly, but this black light seemed to be intelligent, and he would chase after Old Monster Hu and attack him.

After a few dodges, Old Monster Hu was defeated and hit by the force of death.As if struck by lightning, Old Monster Hu trembled uncontrollably, when the power of death disappeared.Hu Laoguai looked like someone who hadn't eaten for a few days, and was dying all of a sudden. His whole face was terribly pale, and even his lips were bloodless.Don't look at it as just a blow, but it is the strongest blow in the current death cycle, and it cut off 100 million years of lifespan of Hu Laoguai in an instant.

This is not just a trivial matter, what frightens Old Monster Hu the most is that the power of death also took away one third of Monster Hu's mana.Losing one-third of his mana, this is more frightening to Old Monster Hu than asking for the 100 million lifespan of Old Monster Hu.Because, without a whole body of cultivation, Hu Laoguai is like a bird whose fur cannot be plucked. He can't fly out even if he wants to, and can only watch himself being obliterated.

"No, it's impossible, how is this possible?" After one-third of his mana was cut off, Monster Hu was terrified.Mumbling to himself, he couldn't believe this fact.Looking up at Liu Ying's playful gaze, Old Freak Hu shuddered, as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were bigger than a bull's.

It's too scary, Old Monster Hu thinks he's well-informed, but for millions of years.Hu Laoguai has never encountered such a strange thing.It is unheard of that a domain can actually take away a monk's lifespan, and also cut off a monk's cultivation base.

"The most indispensable thing in this world is miracles. Well, you can go to die." Ignoring Mr. Hu's fearful eyes, Liu Ying glanced at Mr. Hu contemptuously and raised his eyebrows.No longer giving Monster Hu a chance to stand up, he once again controlled the reincarnation disk to attack Monster Hu, trying to kill Old Monster Hu as quickly as possible.Absorbing a third of the monks from Hu Laoguai, the strength of the reincarnation disk has greatly increased, and even Liu Ying has benefited a lot.

"No, let me go."

Several forces of death attacked Hu Laoguai at the same time, trying to solve it at once.Anyone who dared to hurt her would have to pay with their lives. In his heyday, Monster Hu was not the opponent of the reincarnation disk.Right now, one-third of his cultivation has been lost, and another one million lifespan has been taken away, so it is very unlikely that he is the opponent of the reincarnation disk.In just a few breaths of effort, Old Monster Hu was deprived of all his cultivation base and lifespan.

Looking at himself helplessly, because he didn't have Shouyuan to die of old age, he swallowed his last breath.

"Yes, it seems that the cultivation base has improved, and the power of the reincarnation domain has not advanced by itself." Seeing the weathered and dry corpse of Hu Laoguai, Liu Ying once again had a new level of power in the reincarnation domain. insights.After absorbing an old monster in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, the power of the reincarnation field has increased a lot, and the speed of rotation is a few points faster than the speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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