Chapter 785
Chong Liuying nodded with a smile, and the hearty Dudu took the initiative to call out. "Auntie, I'm Dudu. You hugged me when you were young. Do you still remember Dudu?"

"Remember, when you were young, you were so greedy. I didn't expect the little fat man back then to grow up and become a handsome man. Eat slowly. My aunt brought a lot of fruit, and I can eat whatever I want after a while. There's nothing wrong with it." After taking a look at Dudu, Liu Ying smiled and nodded at Dudu who had almost become two people when he was a child.Seeing that Dudu was in a hurry to eat, as if he was afraid not to jump up and grab the apple in his hand, Liu Ying persuaded him dumbfounded.

Shaking his head, although his appearance has changed, Dudu's greedy mouth has not changed at all.And also kissed her, not unfamiliar at all, Liu Ying was very satisfied with Dudu's natural performance.A family doesn't speak two words, it should be like this, don't be too polite.

"Auntie Xie, Dudu knew that aunt treats Dudu the best." Dudu was not afraid that a big man would be laughed at if he acted like a baby in public, so he blurted out naturally.As if time has not changed, everyone is still the same as before.

"This heartless brat, he only cares about eating by himself, and his parents don't want anyone who gives him delicious food. Sister, long time no see, everyone misses you very much. This is Yangyang, Dudu's daughter, who is nine years old today. Don't be shy, Yangyang, come here and call for someone, this is my aunt." Li Shuxin looked at her greedy son, and shook her head speechlessly.Over thirty years old and still have this temper, people don't know what to say.

Dudu and Nannan followed Dabao's slogan and called Aunt Liu Ying together with their generations confused.Li Shuxin didn't let the next generation mess up their generations, and also called Dongdong brothers and sisters grandma.Most importantly, Li Shuxin felt that calling her aunt would sound awkward, but it would be more pleasant to call her aunt.

"Auntie." Looking at the surprisingly young and beautiful Liu Ying, Yang Yang's eyes widened in surprise.After receiving grandma's imperial decree, Yangyang shouted without timidity.I don't know why, but at the first sight of Yangyang, I really like this young and over-the-top aunt, and I feel very kind.

"Hey, come here, your name is Yangyang, right? This is a meeting gift from my aunt. Dongdong and the others have it all, so you can put it away and wear it with you." Liu Ying stroked Yangyang's black, shiny and smooth hair, and looked at the little girl. At a young age, she has already grown into a beauty model.Generously took out another piece of Jade Guanyin and stuffed it into Yangyang's hand, and told him that he could not refuse.

"Thank you, auntie." Looking back at grandma, seeing grandma nodding, Yang Yang smiled at Liu Ying and hurriedly thanked her.

"Sister, you can't be partial, favor one over the other. Yangyang has several, and my twin grandsons are also indispensable. Xiaoyu, Xiaoan, go and call someone, and ask my aunt for a meeting gift." Looking at Yangyang and Dong Dongdu accepted the gift, but Lin Zhuzhu was not polite to Liu Ying, and shouted with a smile on his face.Lin Zhuzhu was not shy when asked two ten-year-old grandsons to ask for a meeting gift, but made Xiao Yu and Xiao An do nothing, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Receiving the urging from Lin Zhuzhu's eyes, the two brothers still obediently stepped forward and said loudly to the audience: "Auntie."

"Hey, you two are twins, right? You really look alike. Here, keep one piece for each of you, and don't take it down with you." Although I don't have a good impression of Nannan, and Nannan is now considered a married woman.However, half of these two children belong to the Liu family's blood no matter what.The grandson of my younger brother Taozai, good things cannot be done without them.

Glancing at the pair of men and women who were standing behind Liu Tao, Liu Ying thought, they should be the daughter of the year, and He Yichen, the husband of the daughter that the elder brother said.He is not bad looking, his facial features are correct and there is no evil spirit, one can tell that he is a decent man who knows how to love his wife.

"Auntie's gift?"

Looking at the overly young aunt, He Yichen's heart was shocked, and he couldn't believe that the young and beautiful woman in front of him was actually five or sixty years old.After marrying his daughter, He Yichen always knew that the Liu family was not easy.Business is like a fish in water, and there are always noble people to help.Through Nannan's pointing out, He Yichen knew that everything was because of this aunt who had never had the chance to meet.He Yichen was taken aback by what Liu Ying gave to his two sons.He opened his mouth to refuse, but was interrupted by Lin Zhuzhu.

"It's okay, your aunt doesn't need these things. Elder sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. Zhuzhu thought that her sister had forgotten about Zhuzhu, and she would never see her again in this life." Lin Zhuzhu casually looked for her as if she had arrived at her own home. Sit down at a nearby location.Muttered with reddish eyes, although he looked old, his heart was old.

"Yes sister, 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye, everyone misses my sister." Sitting next to Lin Zhuzhu, Liu Tao stared at Liu Ying with burning eyes.I was afraid that Liu Ying in front of me was just a dream, and in the blink of an eye Liu Ying disappeared again. Liu Tao, who is over 50, is dressed in a suit and collar, which makes people feel like a successful person at first glance.Maybe it's because he has been in the business world for a long time, and there is always a shrewdness of a businessman in his eyes.

"Sister?" Ge Xiaotian was also similar to Liu Tao, his eyes were glued to Liu Ying's body from beginning to end, and he couldn't bear to look away for a while.Before the words were spoken, most of the eyes were red, and if there were tears that seemed to have no crystals, it made people feel sad.

The juniors present, seeing their grandparents like this, shut their mouths one after another.For fear of disturbing everyone, anyone with eyes can tell how much grandparents and fathers are fond of aunts or aunts.Seeing the previous side, tears of excitement burst out.

"It's rare to get together, everyone should be happy, don't be sad. If I have time in the future, I will come back to see you more, Ya Ya, you and Li Ji, go wash some more fruits, so that everyone can have a good time. I haven't eaten for so many years, I must Everyone should be very concerned." Glancing at the expressions on everyone's faces, Liu Ying didn't want to have a good reunion, and it turned into a day of venting tears.Sighing softly, Liu Ying hurriedly changed the subject, and signaled Ya Ya and Li Ji with her eyes to go to the kitchen to cut some fruit.

"It's the master." Ya Ya and Li Ji didn't like this dull atmosphere either. After receiving Liu Ying's order, they immediately carried a bag of fruit into the kitchen without saying a word.

"I'm sorry sister, we are just too happy, there is no other reason. What my sister said is right, we should be happy when we get together so rarely, Xiaotian, don't cry. If you scare my sister away, everyone will not punish you. "Handing a tissue to Ge Xiaotian, Li Shuxin blinked and took back the tears in her eyes.With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he hurriedly agreed.

The whole family happily ate the fairy fruit brought by Liu Ying, instantly conquering everyone who had never tasted this delicacy.Immediately, Liu Ying distributed gifts and asked everyone to choose by themselves. Anyway, they brought a lot of things and they were not empty.Knowing Liu Ying's ability, Liu Hai and the others didn't think anything of it, but He Yichen and the younger generation who met Liu Ying in the Liu family first met.Seeing Liu Ying's generous gifts, everyone was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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