Chapter 786 The Butterfly Effect (1)
"Brother Luo, I found that we are really old and can't keep up with the trends of these young people." Looking at the casual and open-minded men and women on the street, Liu Ying sighed dumbfounded.

"Yeah, but this trend is really bad. It's shameless. It's better not to learn it. If our child dares to do this in the future, I have to break his dog's leg. You can't learn it either. Of course, if Just show it to brother Luo, it’s fine." Luo Cheng was born in the army, and his family education was very strict.Looking at the clothes of these young people, I only feel that they are corrupting the atmosphere, and I don't think there is anything to learn at all.Thinking of something, Luo Cheng suggested with a rare humor.

Sensing Liu Ying's displeased gaze, Luo Cheng kept his eyes fixed on him for fear that Liu Ying would be jealous.Even if you want to look, you can only look at Liu Ying. It's not a loss anyway. Luo Cheng can guarantee that none of the women on this street is as beautiful as his wife.No, it should be that even Liu Ying's fingers can't compare.

"You?" Luo Cheng's sudden outburst startled Liu Ying.It never occurred to me that Luo Cheng, who usually wears a serious face, has been together for so long and dare not even French kiss in public.Unexpectedly, without warning, he said such suggestive words.

You can't judge by appearance, it turns out that Luo Cheng is also an extremely boring man.Now that Luo Cheng has said it, does that mean that she can play some new tricks with Luo Cheng.If you have been together for a long time, if you are like this every day, you are either practicing or retreating.If she didn't cultivate and strengthen her relationship well, if she was snatched away by some vixen when she wasn't paying attention, it would be a big loss.Men, sometimes you still have to give some passion and stimulation to make him fall in love with you.

"Hey, what a beautiful couple. Are you a couple? How about it? Are you interested in exchanging partners with us and playing a new game of exchanging couples." Just as Liu Ying was talking to Luo Cheng In the meantime, a young couple walked up to the two of them.The man was about 30 years old, wearing a pair of glasses and looking gentle, but what he said made people want to go crazy.

"Yeah, what's the matter, haven't you played it before? That's just right, we hand it over to you, it's not only interesting but also very exciting, I guarantee you will fall in love after playing it once." The woman next to her looked like 27 or [-], her eyes widened. Staring at Luo Cheng brightly, he agreed to himself.She is decently dressed, dressed like an urban white-collar beauty, but the words she speaks are quite different from her dignified appearance.

A game of swapping couples?Hearing what the couple suddenly said, the corners of Liu Ying's mouth twitched uncontrollably.I can't believe it, but the social atmosphere has been reduced to such a level that even morals and etiquette are gone.Even the immoral behavior of exchanging husband and wife can be spoken out at will, and even attract people to participate in the street.

This, this is what kind of society, even if time changes, the society is constantly improving, and people's minds are also opening up.However, the most basic ethics should not be lost, and the face of the ancestors should be lost.

"Why are you staring blankly? Say something. You look pretty good, why do you look like a fool, you have no interest at all, bumpkin." Sensing Liu Ying's strange gaze, the white-collar beauty glanced at Liu Ying in dissatisfaction. He snorted with contempt on his face.

"Your mother's country bumpkin, who looks like a dog, has completely lost the face of your ancestors. How did your parents teach you that you don't even have any manners and shame, and you are shamelessly looking for someone to exchange in the street? Husband and wife games. Exciting? Isn’t this more exciting? No brains, let me teach you a lesson on behalf of your parents, you shameless and skinless couple.”

Furious, she hummed arrogantly when she heard that the white-collar beauty didn't know how to repent.Liu Ying was so angry that she almost vomited blood, she couldn't bear it anymore, she stretched out her hand and slapped the opponent hard on the face with a loud slap.With a snap, a bright red five-finger print appeared on the face of this white-collar beauty.

Then without giving the two of them time to react, Liu Ying slapped the left and slapped the shameless couple so dizzy that they didn't even have a chance to fight back.Blood mixed with bloody teeth flew to the ground, making people feel horrified.In the blink of an eye, the faces of the two of them became swollen worse than a pig's head.

"Ah, help, you crazy woman, you're hurting me to death." With burning pain on her face, the white-collar beauty and the man with glasses screamed and screamed after being beaten.Like killing a pig, the screams attracted everyone's attention.Seeing Liu Ying's cruel and merciless methods, everyone opened their eyes and watched, no one dared to rush forward to help pull Liu Ying away.

"Well done, these shameless people who have disgraced their ancestors should stand up and teach them a lesson." Some older people watched Liu Ying teach this dog-like couple a lesson.Not only did he not step forward to persuade him, but he acted to relieve his anger and helped to reprimand him.Obviously, looking at these young people with distorted thinking, they also felt angry in their hearts.

It doesn't matter what you wear, how many clothes you wear on your body, and the length or thickness of the skirt can be said to be personal preference.However, there is no standard in the code of conduct in the bones, and it is enough to do anything wrong.It’s better not to learn to pick up those missed lessons from foreign countries, and even if you fail to learn it yourself, you still want to come back and make everyone learn as well, which is even worse than pigs and dogs.

"That's right, the world is getting worse and worse. These young people who have returned from studying abroad have learned badly. It's fine if they learned badly. They want to come back and bring everyone to be like them. Brazen, it's worse than chickens. At the very least, they are still It’s considered a business, collecting labor fees.”

"Kill them to death." Someone yelled, and the other onlookers also shouted excitedly.Obviously, everyone is also very dissatisfied with the changes in the social atmosphere in China over the years.The Huaxia Kingdom is an ancient country, and the ancestral precepts passed down all of them regulate everyone's code of conduct and conduct themselves.However, the current descendants are born in a country, and when they come back from abroad, they forget everything about their ancestors.

How can we not disappoint these elders who have high hopes for them.

"Don't, don't fight, forgive us, we don't dare to do it again. We will change, and we will not dare to do this again." Seeing that they aroused the anger of the crowd, the white-collar beauty and the man with glasses were startled and terrified.He caught the straightforward murderous look in Liu Ying and Luo Cheng's eyes.It even made the two of them tremble in fright. Regardless of the burning pain on their faces, they knelt down in public and begged for mercy in fear.

And some young couples who also like this couple like to play this exciting game.Seeing the appalling scene in front of them, their faces changed greatly in fright, and they secretly vowed not to play this kind of game again next time.Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to be beaten to death in the street.

Secretly, many exciting young people like to play the game of exchanging couples, but in the eyes of the previous generation.Those are shameless behaviors that cannot be tolerated, although the social atmosphere is much more open than before.However, these two idiots dared to be so aboveboard, and they couldn't help but find people to join them on the street. They deserved their death.No matter how open it is, the conservative style of Huaxia people still cannot be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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