Chapter 838 The Grand Finale (1)
The blood mist Gu that she worked so hard to raise with her own blood was eaten by Liu Ying's Gu as food without even touching Liu Ying's body.The new hatred and the old hatred made Wu Feng almost mad, she never imagined that she was defeated by a little girl.Furious, Wu Feng no longer held back, and decided to fight Liu Ying.

He raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, under the stunned gaze of everyone, Wu Feng's fiery figure changed suddenly.Rapid berserk growth, continuous crazy growth, turned into a giant with a small mountain in the blink of an eye.What's even more frightening is that Wu Feng obviously has the cultivation base of the late Immortal Emperor, but with Wu Feng's incarnation, his cultivation base has also soared to the cultivation base of a god king in one fell swoop.The terrifying air pressure emanating from that body made everyone present suffocate so much that their hearts almost stopped beating.

"Crazy, you exploded at the cost of sacrificing your lifespan." Seeing Wu Feng who was screaming ferociously, Liu Ying's face was sombre, and she murmured in horror.With Wu Feng's current cultivation level, he can hold on for at most 10 minutes.If not, it will be life-threatening. It's just that if you don't talk too much in 10 minutes, you can talk a lot less.If you want to kill her with the cultivation base of a god, it is easier than crushing an ant.

Liu Ying knew very well in her heart that if she could hold on to Wu Feng in the late stage of Emperor Shangxian, the victory or defeat would be hard to determine.But facing the cultivation base of a god, Liu Ying felt as if she was hanging fifteen barrels in her heart, pulsing and thumping.

"Old ancestor?" A group of disciples of the Wu Clan exploded wildly when they saw Wu Feng sacrificing his life.Everyone was petrified, unable to believe this fact.Seeing that Wu Feng's cultivation had suddenly risen to the realm of a god, she was so shocked that her eyeballs almost fell to the ground.There are only two words left in my heart, so strong.

As for the ancestors of the other two immortal emperors, before they had time to rejoice, one was distracted and was besieged by three corpse emperors.Almost at the same time, the fairy baby was taken out abruptly, without even screaming.The fairy babies of the two were swallowed by the corpse emperors in one gulp. Without the fairy babies, the two fairy emperors would not even have the chance to be reincarnated, and those who died could not die again.

"Patriarch Wutian?"

"Ancestor Wudi." Seeing the two fallen ancestors, all the disciples of the Wu Clan turned red-eyed.I couldn't believe it, so I was distracted by Xiaohui. The two supreme ancestors of the Wu Clan were wiped out like this, and even the fairy baby couldn't be kept.What was even more unacceptable to the elites of the witch clan was that while they were distracted, many disciples were brutally murdered, and their lives were mercilessly harvested by Xiao Ling and others.

"No, if you dare to hurt my child, I won't let you go." Finally, the mad explosion was successfully completed, and Liu Ying was killed before he could make a move.Unexpectedly, the most promising junior in the clan was wiped out at the first sight, Wu Fengqi's face turned black, and he glared fiercely at Xiao Shitou and the others, waving a violent gale of immortal power towards everyone.

"No, this old hag is getting ruthless." Seeing Wu Feng's attack, Liu Ying's back shivered.Knowing that Xiao Jin and the others would definitely not be able to stand it, Liu Ying's face turned pale in an instant, and her nerves tensed into a straight line.Using the contract induction, Liu Ying quickly brought all the contract partners into the space without thinking about it.At this moment, Liu Ying knew very well that even if they met Wu Feng one by one, it would be difficult to be sure of winning.

Furthermore, Liu Ying didn't dare to take the risk, no matter what, Yiyi's current body was once Luo Cheng's former body.How could Liu Ying have the heart to watch them being destroyed by Wu Feng one by one, as for Xiao Jin and the others, Liu Ying did not want to see them all fall here.Not only that, even Luo Cheng and Liu Ying were afraid that something might happen, so they took everyone into the space together.

However, everyone escaped a catastrophe, but Liu Ying was locked by Wu Feng's consciousness, and there was no way to dodge and hide in the space.Her complexion changed drastically. Seeing Wu Feng who came back to her senses and was about to deal with her with all her strength, Liu Ying felt terrified in her heart and cried out inwardly.The power of Shenjun is too terrifying, it can lock her into a vacuum, preventing her from entering the space at all.

Damn old witch, damn crazy explosion, the witch clan is all a bunch of perverts, come up with something like this.The brows were so frowned that there could be several knots, Liu Ying cursed in her heart.


"Yingying." There wasn't even time to react, everyone just felt their whole bodies relax, and the horrifying coercion that was pressing on them like a mountain suddenly disappeared.Seeing the familiar scenes around them, everyone immediately guessed that Liu Ying had taken them into the space.However, when they saw that Liu Ying was still outside and did not follow in, everyone's expressions changed drastically.Calling out in panic, when she sensed that Liu Ying was locked by Wu Feng's divine sense and couldn't get in at all, she became even more anxious.

"Little bitch, you reacted quickly and took them all into the space. But, do you think everything will be fine if you put them into the space? It's so stupid. The star ring has formed a soul contract with you. If the deity will When your soul is scattered, the star ring will also dissipate, and at that time, everything in the star ring will also be destroyed. Haha, die little bitch."

Seeing Liu Ying's stupid face with satisfaction, Wu Feng proudly raised her head and laughed again.Staring at Liu Ying viciously, the killing intent in her eyes was full, thinking of Wu Tian Wudi who was killed by the corpse emperor, Wu Feng couldn't get angry.With a wave of his hand, a rain of stones fell on Liu Ying's head. Each boulder was the size of a small mountain. Even if Liu Ying had an immortal body, his cultivation had reached that of an immortal emperor.

However, if they were hit by these boulders, they would become meatloaf even if they were not dead.The most important thing is that Liu Ying was locked by Wu Feng, she couldn't move at all, she could only watch the countless huge boulders fall down on her head.

"No, Yingying." In the space, Luo Cheng saw that Liu Ying was about to be hit by these sharp boulders, his face suddenly changed in fright, and he yelled out of control.

"Master." Xiao Shitou, Suzaku and other partners, seeing this thrilling moment, were so frightened that they almost lost their souls.

At this extremely dangerous moment, a strange golden light suddenly burst out from Liu Ying's body, which tightly protected Liu Ying.Throwing the sharp boulder at Liu Ying, under the astonished eyes of everyone, not only did not hurt Liu Ying's vellus hair.Instead, she was split in two by this weird golden light. Not to mention others, even Liu Ying herself was shocked, wondering where the golden light came from.

However, when she heard Tiantian's voice, Liu Ying's heart warmed up.Immediately, he knew the origin of this golden light. It turned out that it was the trick of Tian Tian.Due to the seal, Tian Tian failed to kill Wu Feng, but Tian Tian had a strong defense ability.It is still no problem to protect Liu Ying's safety for a short time, but it is only a small god, and he sacrificed his life in exchange for it.From Tiantian's point of view, it's not the same thing at all.

In just 10 minutes, just grit your teeth and persist for a while, and it passed.

"Master, don't worry, if Tiantian is here, this idiot won't be able to hurt the master." Tiantian had Liu Ying's warning in advance, so he didn't dare to show up, so he could only use this trick to protect Liu Ying.Although he couldn't kill Wu Feng, who was almost like a clown, Tian Tian felt a sense of accomplishment in keeping Liu Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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