Chapter 839 The Grand Finale (2)
"Tiantian, it was Tiantian who saved the master." Concerned about it, everyone protected Liu Ying, and there was also a sky-opening ax to protect her.One day, it was a joke that a mere god after a little madness could do nothing to win Liu Ying.Seeing Wu Feng's instantly livid face, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help laughing in the space.

And Luo Cheng also breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't dare to relax, staring at the situation outside without blinking.

But the elite disciples of the Wu Clan who were lucky enough to escape unharmed, saw a strange scene in front of them.They were also stunned. They couldn't believe that a mere golden light could resist the attack of the gods.However, the facts were in front of them again, and these Wu brothers were so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time.

"No, how is it possible, how is this possible. I don't believe what the hell it is, I don't believe it." Looking at Liu Ying who was intact and still smiling at her energetically.Wu Feng was so angry that he almost vomited blood, gritted his teeth and let out a roar, Wu Feng continued to attack again.

Earth thorns, tornadoes, and even the insidious ghostly will-o'-the-wisps were used.He raised everything he could think of, and finally used his physical strength to attack with punches, but he still couldn't shake a single inch of the golden light protecting Liu Ying's body.This discovery made Wu Feng want to kill people, and she couldn't believe this fact.A mere ray of golden light can actually make a god king try his best to suck it up, but it can't hurt half of it.

Spiritual consciousness swept towards Liu Ying, wanting to see the origin of this golden light, but.To Wu Feng's surprise, he hadn't seen the origin of the golden light, but his consciousness was severely injured by this strange golden light, and he was forced to withdraw his consciousness quickly.The spiritual consciousness was severely wounded, and Wu Feng's consciousness of the sea was so painful that he almost collapsed.

You can't lose a lot of rice if you steal a chicken, that's what Wu Feng looks like now.

Of course, Liu Ying also sensed Wu Feng's consciousness. Seeing that Wu Feng's consciousness was severely damaged by Tiantian, Liu Ying couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Haha, the old witch is asking for trouble, there is less than 1 minute left, let's see what skills you have, just invite it." Looking at Wu Feng who kept screaming with her head in her arms, Liu Ying couldn't stand the provocation.

"Old Ancestor?" Seeing Wu Feng's distressed appearance, the faces of the disciples of the Wu Clan changed greatly in shock.If even Wu Feng fell, then not only would they suffer, but in a short time, even the other members of the Wu Clan would also be exterminated.Thinking of this possibility made all the elite disciples of the Wu Clan break out in cold sweat.

"Ah, damn bitch, I can't spare you. Even if I die, I'll drag you to hell with me." With red eyes, Wu Feng was almost insane after being hit again and again.Gritting her teeth and ignoring the heart-piercing pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, Wu Feng roared fiercely with a ferocious face like a female devil running from hell.

"Hmph, it's fine to drag me to hell, but it also depends on whether you have the ability." Adding fuel to the fire, Liu Ying sneered, not afraid of death, and continued to provoke.The idiot can also see that this old witch is now a strong outsider, and she has all the skills at the bottom of the box, so what other tricks can be used to win her.

"Don't be complacent, you bitch, I'll see how long you can laugh." Being hit by Liu Ying, Wu Feng decided to go all out.Activate the fairy baby in the body, trying to blow up Liu Ying by self-explosion.Following Wu Feng's words, Wu Feng's body, which was originally as tall as a mountain, immediately inflated rapidly, like an inflated balloon, constantly soaring.

But after a few breaths of effort, he was puffed up like a rubber ball.

Sensing Wu Feng's intentions, the disciples of the Wu Clan behind him all turned pale with fright.Because they clearly knew that even if they fled at full speed, they would definitely die if they blew themselves up like a god.However, when things got to this point, they each knew in their hearts that if they didn't do this.Wu Feng has fallen, and it won't be long before it will be their turn to fall too.Instead, perhaps such a result is more satisfactory.

After understanding this point, some disciples of the Wu Clan who are loyal to death are putting what they have learned into practice.He also activated the fairy baby in his body, and wanted to use self-detonation to help Wu Feng, just in case.

"As expected of the ferocious Wu Clan, it really shouldn't be underestimated. It's really eye-opening to be able to even seek death together." Liu Ying naturally saw the intentions of Wu Feng and the Wu Clan disciples behind him.His eyes sank, and although he still had a smile on his face, he couldn't help becoming nervous in his heart.So many people blew themselves up together, plus Wu Feng's accident, the power of the explosion was greatly superimposed together.

Liu Ying was worried that Tian Tian, ​​who was sealed away, would be too much to bear.Now, Liu Ying can only pray anxiously in her heart, the time will pass quickly, there are only a few seconds left, if she survives Wu Feng's violent explosion.Before Wu Feng blew herself up and recovered her free body, she could hide in the space to avoid it.Otherwise, even if Tian Tian endured the power of self-destruction, Liu Ying believed that Tian Tian would suffer a lot.

"Haha, you're afraid, but it's useless to be afraid. Let's go to hell together, bitch." Seeing Liu Ying's uncertain expression, Wu Feng suddenly laughed maniacally.With a ferocious face, Wu Feng's eyeballs popped out of their sockets as her body continued to swell.As soon as the words fell, Wu Feng's body had stretched to the limit, no more hesitation, Wu Feng immediately detonated her body.

Opportunity, seeing the last chance, at the most thrilling moment.Liu Ying sensed the disappearance of the power pressing on her body, without even thinking about it, Liu Ying flashed into the space with lightning speed.Before he had time to think about other things in the future, when waves of explosions outside the space were violent like sparks hitting the earth, fearing that the space would be affected, Liu Ying hurriedly closed the space firmly.However, at the same time, he controlled the space to quickly flash away from the center of the explosion, just in case.

Even so, Liu Ying's speed was extremely fast, and the space was still shaken by the aftermath, and there were violent tremors from time to time.Simply because Liu Ying closed the space in time, the force of the impact was not too serious, except for trembling unsteadily for a while, there was no major damage.

Not daring to relax, Liu Ying once again controlled the space and flashed thousands of miles away, feeling that the space was no different.Only then did Liu Ying breathe a sigh of relief, thinking of that extremely dangerous moment.Although Liu Ying was not hit by the frontal impact, she was still violently churned by the aftermath of the explosion.Coupled with the fact that there was no time to recover from the internal injuries in the future, she focused on controlling the space to escape, and after she stabilized, Liu Ying couldn't help but spat out a few mouthfuls of golden gore.

As expected of a self-destruction at the level of a god, it really destroyed the world, and it was only a momentary aftermath.It can also seriously injure her who already has the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor and has an immortal body.If he hadn't hid in the space in time, Liu Ying would have been terrified thinking about the superimposed power of countless self-explosive forces.

The threat of death is so clearly in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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