Chapter 316 Battle against the Shinobi!

Ninja, the oldest occupation in the island country, is actually similar to the ancient assassins of our Great China. In recent years, due to the fire of a Naruto ninja, many islanders have once again made the ninja myth of their country, I think that ninjas can really fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and their ninjutsu is awesome.

In fact, the so-called ninjutsu is just a relatively secret assassination technique, and ninjas are not so powerful. When they meet ordinary people, maybe they will bring pressure to others, but when they really meet Lianjiazi , It's just a clown.

Let's get straight to the point. Those who attacked Tang Chen were two ninjas, considered the lowest level among ninjas. It's just that Dashu is an idiot who is arrogant. He thinks it's just to deal with one Chinese. Two ninjas are enough. Who knows... …

The two ninjas shot very quickly, and their attacks had been trained for a long time, so they were able to attack every part of Tang Chen's body in the most tacit understanding. Due to the effect of the strengthening potion, Tang Chen naturally would not be afraid of their sword skills.


Tang Chen let out a low cry, sideways the ninja's sword on the right, and slammed his fist hard on his chest. He jumped up with his right foot, and kicked the ninja on the left hard with a side kick.

It was unexpected that Tang Chen could fight so well. He instinctively chopped Tang Chen's leg with the steel knife in his hand. With a clang, the tremendous force knocked him back a few steps, blood even sprang from the tiger's mouth on his right hand.

"Bullshit ninjas, they're all rubbish!" Tang Chen snorted coldly, pointed at the left and right ninjas with the middle fingers of both hands, and said arrogantly: "You idiots, come and chop me up!"

They don't understand Chinese, but if they don't understand such a provocative gesture, then they are really idiots. They made strange noises from their mouths. The two of them pulled off the face scarves from their faces at the same time, and opened their mouths to spit , two clouds of black air sprayed towards Tang Chen.

Tang Chen frowned. Although he didn't know what the black air was, it didn't look good. He jumped up, spread his legs, and blocked the big trees on both sides in the shape of a herringbone. The black air blew past his crotch, but it didn't hurt him at all.

The two ninjas were enraged again. They met first, and then the ninja on the right kicked on the knee of the ninja on the left. He jumped up and slashed at Tang Chen's head.

How could Tang Chen be afraid? With a roar, he retracted his legs and jumped down. He cut off his steel knife with a palm in mid-air, kicked his chest fiercely, and kicked him to the ground with a bang. .


The other ninja yelled, and took advantage of the time Tang Chen had just landed, swung his knife and slashed. Tang Chen shrank his neck to avoid the attack, then stepped on his foot, tilted his body, and hit him with his head. his chest.

The guy was hit with a mouthful of blood, and he backed up involuntarily and leaned against the big tree behind him. Before he could react, Tang Chen greeted his face and chest with his huge fist.

Bang bang bang!
After being hit by more than a dozen punches in a row, he was powerless to defend, with blood gushing out of his mouth. Tang Chen twisted his wrist hard, and then put his knee on his crotch. Seeing that it was impossible to create a human being. .

At this time, the ninja who was first kicked to the ground by Tang Chen rushed over again, holding a half-cut knife in his hand, and was about to sneak into Tang Chen's chest.

Tang Chen spat out the blood from the ninja in front of him mixed with his teeth with another punch, then dodged sideways, grabbed the broken knife of the ninja behind him, and pulled him forward with all his strength. The broken knife in his hand was just a coincidence Unfortunately, it was inserted directly into the chest of the ninja in front of him.



The ninja leaning against the big tree raised his eyeballs, grunted, tilted his head, and died directly.

Tang Chen let go, and snatched the steel knife from the dead ninja's hand. He turned around and bumped into it. The ninja who was sneaking up behind him was knocked back two steps. Before he made any defensive moves, the steel knife in Tang Chen's hand slammed hacked at his head.

The huge force directly chopped off his head from his neck, and rolled to the ground. The blood on his neck spurted Lao Gao, and the scene looked very scary.

Tang Chen's body and face were not stained with blood. He threw the steel knife on the ground, then turned his head to look at the tree, and said coldly, "Tell me, how do you want to die!"

Dashu's lips trembled a little, two ninjas, just dead, paralyzed, how many ninjas are there in total in the organization, you just killed one of them, damn it!

"Ba Ga Lu, you kill our ninja, you will die!"

"You must die, you are paralyzed!"

Tang Chen rushed in front of the big tree in an instant, and then stepped forward with a kick. He was so weak that he fell directly to the ground. Tang Chen flipped up on the spot, kicked the whip kick, and smashed his right foot hard on his chest.

Dashu spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and he felt that his chest was about to explode. The guy gave a ferocious roar, hugged Tang Chen's leg with his right hand, took out a grenade from left and right, and shouted loudly: "Let's go together!" Die, damn Chinese!"

Tang Chen's eyes widened. This insanity is actually carrying a grenade with him. Do you really think that you are on the battlefield now, and you want to die with this young master? You are paralyzed, the plot doesn't develop like this!

"Hahaha, long live the Great Japanese Empire!"

Dashu laughed and yelled like a lunatic, and then he bit the pull tab on the grenade with his teeth, pulled it hard, and with a click, the fuse was ignited.

"Fuck you!" Tang Chen didn't want to die with this idiot, he stuck his fingers in Da Shu's eyes, Da Shu let out a pained cry, and let go of his hand, Tang Chen turned over and snatched Da Shu's grenade , stuffed into his mouth at once.

"Go to meet the Emperor with your Great Japanese Empire!"

Tang Chen yelled, grabbed the tree's legs, and flung him 30 meters away with all his strength. Just after he flew out of the woods, there was a bang explosion. It is estimated that the tree was flesh and blood that would be blown up. It was too horrible to look at.

Tang Chen lay on the ground panting, paralyzed, it was quite dangerous, if the grenade really exploded in front of him, he would probably be half-dead even if he had system protection.

"Dear host, good news, Yang Mi has been rescued." The system brought good news at this time, which completely relaxed Tang Chen's tense nerves.

Tang Chen exhaled heavily, laughed loudly, and said, "It's over, your paralysis is finally over."

The system said: "Dear host, although the matter has temporarily come to an end, don't you think that things are abnormal recently?"

Tang Chen sat up and said, "Why don't you think it's abnormal? The last time Momoe Yamaguchi leaked the news, people from the Yamaguchi-gumi might have come to our Huaxia to a large extent. Today I met a ninja again. If there is no connection between the two, this young master will never believe it."

Tang Chen has two doubts. The first is why Momoe Yamaguchi asked Mr. Yi Rongcheng to contact Sima Yan, and what is wrong with them. The second is this idiot who is a big tree but not a big tree, and these two ninjas What is the identity, is it also a Yamaguchi group?If so, why did the Yamaguchi group lurk in China in such a big way?Start World War III?

Tang Chen rubbed his head, and said helplessly: "It would be great if that idiot just now was in a hurry to get back together with this young master. If this young master keeps him and tortures him severely, maybe there will be clues. That's good, the clues are completely cut off. gone."

Jingle Bell!
The phone rang, Tang Chen took it out and saw that it belonged to Yang Mi, he quickly connected and said concerned: "Wife, where are you, are you okay?"

Yang Mi said suspiciously: "Of course I'm fine, husband, I just came to the playground with Xiaoqing, you shouldn't call bodyguards to follow us."

bodyguard?Tang Chen understood. It was probably the genetic robot who told Yang Mi and the others. It seemed that this guy had silently dealt with the people arranged by Zeng Zhiseng.

"Oh, it's okay. It's just that the society is a bit chaotic right now. I'm just worried about you. I'm going home soon, so I'll see you at home." Tang Chen said quickly and hung up the phone, giving the system and genes in his heart. The robot gave a thumbs up. If it wasn't for the genetic robot protecting Yang Mi in the past, even greater changes might have happened today.

(End of this chapter)

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