Chapter 317 The Birthday Party Disturbance
Now Tang Chen was already driving back. He made an appointment with Yang Mi to meet at home. Yang Mi and Lu Xiaoqing originally wanted to have fun in the amusement park, but the genetic robot bodyguard was behind him, and he didn't have the heart to stay. Let's play.

Tang Chen adjusted the local tyrant chariot to the automatic driving mode, and took out his mobile phone to call Chen Laosan. After the call was connected, Chen Laosan said in a weak voice: "Young Master Tang, you are looking for me!"

Tang Chen said with concern: "San Chen, your injury is getting better, did you ask the doctor to come and see you?"

Chen Laosan said emotionally: "Don't worry, Young Master Tang, the doctor has come just now, my wound is fine and will recover soon, but where are you now?"

Tang Chen said calmly: "It's good that it's okay. I just killed Zeng Zhiseng just now. It's just that the matter is a bit complicated, and we still have to investigate it for the time being."

"What? Zeng Zhiseng's grandson has been killed by you?" Chen Laosan was horrified in his heart. Although Tang Shao said that the matter would be handled by him, Chen Laosan never thought that Tang Shao would handle it so fast.

It has been less than three hours since I told him the matter. Is it still possible for humans to find Zeng Zhiseng and kill Zeng Zhiseng in such a short period of time?

Tang Chen didn't explain too much, let alone that it was Zeng Zhiseng who took the initiative to call him, and then said, "Zeng Zhiseng's rebellion can't be accidental. The people under your command should pay more attention, if you find anyone who shows signs of rebellion, kill them directly, don't wait for others to use knives behind their backs!"

What happened to Zeng Zhiseng made Chen Laosan hate and feel ashamed. He hated that his brothers would betray him. The shame was that he had been in the business for so many years, but he was betrayed by others. Greatest shame!

"Young Master Tang, don't worry, I assure you that this kind of thing will never happen again." Chen Laosan made up his mind and said the last sentence, his eyes lowered.

Tang Chen said: "That's good, let's end this matter here, and just take more precautions in the future. I don't have anything to say, let's not talk about it, hang up."

When Chen Laosan hung up the phone, Tang Chen drove to the outside of the apartment, opened the door and walked in, only to see Yang Mi and Lu Xiaoqing sitting on the sofa with displeased faces, while the genetic robot was standing in the living room. Central, silent.

Tang Chen felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he said with a smile, "Honey, sister Xiaoqing, I'm back."

Yang Mibai glanced at him and said, "It's fine if you come back, hurry up and get your bodyguard away, it's like being a wooden stake here, it's not annoying."

Tang Chen twitched the corners of his mouth, making Yang Mi, who has always been well-behaved, say such things. It seems that robots are robots, and they are always unpleasant.

Tang Chen nodded helplessly, and said to the genetic robot: "You go out first, I will look for you later."

The genetic robot nodded, and then walked out quickly, without saying a word from the beginning to the end.

Holding a pillow in her arms, Lu Xiaoqing said dissatisfiedly to Tang Chen: "I said, Tang Chen, if you are worried about your wife in the future, you can just follow him. Why let that guy come over? He will follow us wherever we go. Why, this guy actually wanted to follow him when he was going to the bathroom, if he didn't say he was our bodyguard, he would have thought that Mimi and I were prisoners temporarily guarded by the police."

Tang Chen had a black line on his forehead, and he complained to the system in his heart, "The system, you didn't tell me that the robot you designed is still a pervert."

There were three cold sweats in the system in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he said proudly: "Dear host, have you forgotten that the genetic robot is made by taking your DNA, what he thinks in your heart is what you think in your heart, so you call him a Being an idiot means that you are an idiot yourself."

Tang Chen was speechless, what he said made sense, but this young master was speechless...

"Hey, then I have something to do, my wife, don't be angry, I promise, I will never let this guy show up in front of you in the future." Tang Chen hurried forward and hugged Yang Mi, putting his hands on her buttocks After rubbing it, Yang Mi's face flushed instantly.

"Ahem!" Lu Xiaoqing coughed in embarrassment, and said contemptuously: "Mimi, actually I don't want to disturb you flirting with your husband, but if you are lonely and unbearable, you should go to the room. I hate live broadcasts."

"Xiaoqing, what nonsense are you talking about? It's all your fault, big rascal!" Yang Mi blushed again, pushed Tang Chen away and hit him.

Tang Chen laughed loudly, and didn't care about anything, the atmosphere finally became harmonious, and the rest of the time was spent on eating, so there wasn't enough space to describe it.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Chen was taking a nap with Yang Mi in his arms, when the phone vibrated suddenly. Since it was placed next to his ear, even the vibrating sound disturbed him.

Tang Chen opened his eyes in displeasure, looked at the number on the phone, and found that it was Fang Wenxin's caller. He walked gently off the bed, then walked into the bathroom to answer the number.

"Hey, Fang Wenxin, do you want to die by waking me up to take a nap?!" Tang Chen cursed angrily. If there is nothing serious about this kid, he must be dealt with properly.

Fang Wenxin smiled and said, "Young Master Tang, don't take a nap. Today is my birthday. Would you like to celebrate with me? What are you doing with your sister-in-law?"

"Your birthday?" Tang Chen frowned, without hesitation, and said, "Okay, tell me where you are now, and I will go over immediately. As for your sister-in-law, forget it, she is sleeping, it is not good to wake up my wife's dream man."

Fang Wenxin said happily: "That's great, brother, we're in the Phoenix Bar now, if you come, I'll introduce you to my new girl."

"Okay, wait for me for a while." After speaking, Tang Chen hung up the phone, then walked out of the bathroom again, put on a coat, kissed Yang Mi's forehead, and then walked out quietly.

Fang Wenxin was the first brother to follow him, so Tang Chen naturally wanted to join him in celebrating his birthday. Along the way, the chariots of local tyrants were speeding very fast. At this time, there was a sound of horns behind him, and three motorcycles passed by Tang Chen's side. Galloping past, shuttling in the traffic flow.

"Paralyzed, he's really looking for death. It's not a pity for this kind of person to die." Like this kind of drag racing party, Tang Chen always thought that even if they died, no one would feel sorry for them, because they were all self-inflicted.

At this time in the Phoenix Bar, Fang Wenxin, Yu Tianyi and several other brothers were bustling in the bar. This time Fang Wenxin's birthday party did not call many brothers over, mainly because Fang Wenxin didn't want to make himself too grand, after all he It's my younger brother, if the birthday party is too popular, it will inevitably displease Young Master Tang.

"Young Master Fang, I'll toast you a glass of wine." Beside Fang Wenxin was a girl with light makeup, about 22 or three years old, with black and beautiful hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, she looked very pure and pleasant.

Fang Wenxin laughed loudly, put his arms around her shoulders, and said with a smile: "Baby, you are my girlfriend now, so you don't need to call me Fang Shao or anything. It's ugly, and it's almost the same as your husband."

"You hate it!" the girl said coquettishly, without any sign of affectation.

The door was kicked open at this time, and three men in leather clothes came in, the leader with a big back opened his mouth and cursed: "Where is that bitch Fang Xiaoxiao, how dare you betray me, I will kill you!"

The girl next to Fang Wenxin was frightened and quickly grabbed Fang Wenxin's arm. Fang Wenxin patted his hand, then stood up with Yu Tianyi and the others, and said in a cold voice: "Zhang Liang, who are you trying to kill! I'm here Birthday, why don't you come here to spoil the fun, get out!"

"Birthday?" Zhang Liang, who had a big back, sneered, then pulled out a dagger from his waist, thrust it into the door, and said angrily, "Birthday shit, you pried my woman , how dare you celebrate your birthday here, to pass your paralysis!"

(End of this chapter)

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