Chapter 328 Sheep into the Tiger's Mouth (2: The TV shows are all lies!
This guy Sancun is actually quite handsome, but there is one thing, he is more playful. Although he already has a fiancée, he still often goes to such romantic places.

After Sancun and Daotian walked into the room, they threw her on the bed, then undressed and entangled with her, kissing, stroking, and entering.

Paddy hugged Sancun in a compliant manner, panting coquettishly, and then cooperated with his offensive.

"Ba ga ba ga!"

Shancun was sprinting and yelling at the same time, when he was about to reach the critical moment, when he looked up, a young man appeared in front of him, grinning and showing him a bloodthirsty smile.

"Ah..." Sancun was frightened, let out a low cry, and directly let out the public grain. The rice field, which was already approaching the clouds, did not expect that Sancun would vent the fire at a critical moment, his forehead was covered with sweat, and then he said: "Mr. Sancun , why are you so fast today, is it because I didn't serve you well?"

Sancun did not answer her words, but stared at Tang Chen closely, and said word by word: "Who are you, why are you here, get out!"

Tang Chen sneered, and said slowly, "I am from Huaxia, and I came here to kill you!"


"Baga, you are paralyzed!"

Tang Chen cursed angrily, approached him in an instant, then went up and slapped Sancun on the face, jumped up and strangled him by the neck, directly knocked him down on the ground, rolled his eyes with a punch Passed out.

"you you……"

"You bitch, let me die!"

Paddy was stunned. Where did this guy come from? He remembered that he was Hualing's guest. Why did he rush here and knocked Mr. Mimura unconscious? Who the hell is this guy!

She took a step back instinctively, covered her body with the white sheet on the bed, and opened her mouth as if exclaiming: "Help..."

"Go to hell!"

How could it be possible for Tang Chen to make her cry out? He stepped forward extremely quickly and punched her to the ground, and then stomped on her face fiercely, holding her head against her face. The ground hit the ground, and with a bang, blood splashed everywhere, and the paddy field died on the spot.

Tang Chen smiled ferociously, and then said to the system in his heart: "System, call up the traffic map of Osaka for Major General, it will be of little use to me."

"Yes, respected host, please wait a moment, it is buffering..."

Fifteen minutes later, on the Yanghua Bridge in the suburbs of Osaka, Mimura slowly woke up from a coma. When he looked up, he saw white clouds and blue sky. On the bridge of Yanghua Bridge, I can't move.

"You're awake, idiot." Tang Chen said coldly at this moment, and met Sancun's gaze. Since this place is relatively remote, he didn't have to worry about passing cars passing by and hindering him.

"Baga, you let me go quickly, who are you, you dare to kidnap me, do you know who I am, I am the captain of the second group of the Yamaguchi-gumi!" Shancun yelled loudly like a mad dog, I am the deputy leader of the noble Yamaguchi-gumi, but at this moment, I am tied naked to the Yanghua Bridge. If others find out, I will lose all my old face.

Tang Chen sneered, stepped forward and slapped him, spat in disdain, and said, "Fuck you, you idiot, if you weren't from the Yamaguchi-gumi, I wouldn't have arrested you, you Yamaguchi-gumi Do all the people think that they are awesome, dare to offend this young master, believe it or not, this young master will let you go for a swim in the river below?"

Sancun is almost scolding, swimming, you are paralyzed, this is the Sanzang River below, okay, if you f--- if you throw me down, will I still be alive?
Mimura said softly, "Then tell me what you want to do. We are all compatriots. Even if there is any grievance with the Yamaguchi-gumi, it seems that I haven't offended you. You don't have to be so cruel."

"Compatriots, you are paralyzed!"

Tang Chen went up and slapped him again. Several teeth flew out, grabbed his neck coldly, and said murderously: "You idiot, listen to me, I am not your fellow asshole. , I am a descendant of the dragon, I am from Huaxia, you have no grievances with me, and the person I am looking for is not you, let me ask you, do you know a fool named Longze in the Yamaguchi group, this young master I have something to do with him."

Sancun was full of horror, this guy turned out to be a Chinese, and more importantly, his enemy seemed to be Team Leader Longze!

"I, I don't know." Sancun's eyes were a little evasive, and everyone could tell that he was lying.

Tang Chen sneered, let go of his hand, and said, "You want to play tricks with this young master, don't you know? Okay, this young master will send you to take a bath and drink!"

He shouted loudly, and kicked on the guardrail that bound Sancun. The cement guardrail was hit by Tang Chen's kick, and cracks appeared immediately, faintly looking like it was toppled over.

"Don't, don't kill me, you're a devil, you're a devil!" Sancun was about to cry, the character of islanders who are greedy for life and afraid of death is fully revealed at this moment, this guy is scared and paralyzed, this is a lunatic, He really wants to let himself fall into the Sanzang River, doesn't he know how awesome our Yamaguchi-gumi is?

Tang Chen retracted his feet, and said coldly: "Young master only used [-]% of your strength just now, and this concrete pillar can withstand Ben Shao's two attacks at most, which means you only have one last chance, or you Say now, or you die!"

"I said, I said, Long Ze is my team leader, we are in a team, don't kill me, don't kill me!" Sancun's nose was dripping, Tang Chen's voice sounded tepid, But even an idiot can tell that he is threatening himself, should he be so cruel.

"It's your team leader? It's such a coincidence." Tang Chen lamented once again that Goddess of Luck is enough to take care of him. She even let a blind cat meet a dead mouse, and randomly caught a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi who turned out to be Long Ze's subordinates. That's great.

"Tell me his number, I have something to tell him." Tang Chen punched Sancun in the chest again, and ordered coldly.

Sancun reluctantly gave out the number, Tang Chen dialed a number with his mobile phone as he said, and the call was quickly connected, and Long Ze's voice came over: "Mr. Sancun, are you causing trouble again?"

"Long Ze, this young master finally found you, where is my wife!" When Tang Chen heard Long Ze's cell phone, he was so angry that he almost smashed his cell phone into pieces. It was this grandson who caused his wife to be arrested. Go, he must die.

Long Ze was silent for a while, and then said arrogantly: "Tang Chen, it was you, haha, I never thought that you would actually dare to come to our island country, you are sending yourself to die, do you know that?"

"Stop talking nonsense, where is this young master's wife!" Tang Chen clenched his fists tightly, wishing he could rush over to kill Long Ze and rescue Yang Mi right now.

"Your woman is here with me now. I use my Bushido spirit to assure you that she is absolutely safe, but it is not so simple for you to see her." Long Ze is very proud now, after all, Yang Mi is so big. The chess piece is in his hand, and he can play it however he wants.

"What the hell do you want? You come at me for everything. You grab my woman. How dare you talk about your bullshit samurai spirit. You islanders are a piece of shit!"

When Tang Chen thought that Yang Mi's life and death were uncertain now, his heart felt like a knife. He made up his mind this time. If Yang Mi is to be rescued, the Yamaguchi group must be wiped out!

Long Ze snorted coldly, and then said: "It's easy for you to save your woman. The headquarters of our team is in Maokou Building. If you have the guts, come here. As for whether you can take your woman out, It depends on your ability!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

He frowned, with a gleam in his eyes, and said to himself: "Tang Chen, you killed so many of my brothers, even if you dare to come here this time, I won't let you go out so easily After finishing speaking, he made another call, and said respectfully after connecting: "Second group leader, I am Long Ze, are you free tomorrow, can you come to my place, I have something to report to you .That’s right, Hay, I know, then I’ll wait for the team leader’s visit.”

Tang Chen on the side also threw the phone on the ground, crushed it with one foot, and said with a cold snort, "Maokou Mansion, right? Do you dare not go to your old lair when you are young?"

Maokou Mansion is Longze's lair, this guy dared to tell Tang Chen that he and Yang Mi were both in Maokou Mansion, that means he was fully prepared, not afraid that Tang Chen would kill him, but The more this happened, the more Tang Chen wanted to go.

"Huaxia people, I've already told you everything you need to know, so you can let me go!" Sancun said with some expectation. Huaxia people on TV are all about honesty and trustworthiness, and he felt that Tang Chen would let him go too. .

"Go to hell, idiot!"

Tang Chen kicked out with his right foot, breaking the concrete pillar all at once. With a click, the concrete pillar tied to Sancun fell directly into the Sanzang River, splashing out with a huge splash. He probably died. .

Sancun didn't realize the truth until his death, that the TV shows are all lies...

(End of this chapter)

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