Chapter 329 Entering the Maokou Building!
Maokou Building is a relatively prosperous business building near the Ginza Commercial Street, but few people know that the boss behind the scenes here is Ryuze from the Yamaguchi-gumi!

"Dear host, I advise you to calm down. This is simply knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, and you are biased towards the mountain. Let alone how strict the defense of the Maokou Building will be, Longze may lie to you. In fact, Yang Honey isn't here at all."

When Tang Chen walked into the Maokou Building, the system in his mind advised him again. In fact, this was the nth time the system advised him since Tang Chen decided to come to the Maokou Building.

As Tang Chen walked, he answered it in a deep voice in his heart: "To force the system, maybe this young master's behavior today seems a bit stupid to you, but no matter whether Yang Mi is here or not, this young master will come here to settle accounts with Long Ze." , What nonsense, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, maybe there are not tigers here, but a bunch of sick cats!"

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" At this moment, two security guards walked towards Tang Chen, speaking authentic Japanese with a serious look on their faces.

Tang Chen also replied in Japanese: "I don't have an appointment, I have something to do with your boss."

The security guard on the left replied politely: "Sir, it is like this. Our Maokou Building has rules. If you are just an individual visitor without an appointment, please turn to the World Trade Center there on the left. As for what you said, you want to see us." It is even more impossible for the boss, our boss generally does not see outsiders."

The security guard on the right said with a sneer: "Mr. Kojima, why are you explaining so much to him? Hey boy, you look like a poor guy. Our boss won't interview you. You'd better go!"

Tang Chen shook his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said in Chinese with a cold tone: "I never thought that things like dogs looking down on people would happen in any country, but it's okay, I'll use you two idiots to beat Ben Shao's teeth." Bar."

"Aren't you from the island country? Are you from China?" The two security guards were stunned at the same time, and then their faces immediately turned cold, with a very disdainful tone.

In the minds of islanders, Chinese people are all inferior. In fact, in the eyes of this group of pigs who pride themselves on being noble, no nation can be compared with them.

"I'm not from China, I'm the god of death!"

Tang Chen said this sentence again in Japanese, then went up and punched the security guard on the right with a nosebleed, then turned around and kicked the security guard on the left hard in the crotch, jumped up, and bumped his knee into his face On the ground, there was another bang, directly knocking him out.

"Baga! You are looking for a dead China pig!"

The security guard on the right didn't expect Tang Chen to beat him as soon as he said he wanted to. He directly pulled out an electric baton from his waist, and then pressed the switch, and pierced Tang Chen's body with a few crackling sounds.

"You fool looking for death!"

With a curse, Tang Chen went up and kicked his electric baton. With a bang, the shocking looking electric baton was kicked out by Tang Chen, and then a whip kick severely scratched his face. , Several teeth flew out of the security guard's mouth, vomited blood, his body involuntarily spun and fell to the ground, and passed out directly.

"Ah! Hit someone, hit someone!"

The sudden change caused all the guests in the hall to scream and run around in chaos. The girl at the front desk bent down and pressed the alarm bell on the table, and then lay on the ground.

Ding Ding!

The alarm bell rang piercingly. Tang Chen walked straight to the front desk in a calm manner, and then kicked the front desk with a bang. Debris flew around the front desk, and the girl at the front desk was so frightened that she quickly pretended to be dead. .

Tang Chen arrogantly turned his head to look at the second and third floors, and yelled loudly, "Long Ze, get out of here, I'm here to kill you!"

At this time, a large group of security guards with batons rushed down from the second and third floors, each of them bared their teeth and claws, looking as if they were going to eat Tang Chen alive.

Tang Chen laughed a few times, and flew out quickly and swiftly like a god of war, jumped up and rushed out, punching and fighting with more than 50 security guards.

In the conference room on the fourth floor, Long Ze was wearing a kimono and kneeling on the floor. There was a square table in front of him, and there were teacups and so on.

Islanders like to drink tea, which is also passed down from our Great China.

Sitting opposite Longze was another middle-aged man, with a broad head and brain, and a very rich appearance, just like a sumo wrestler.

Long Ze took a sip of the tea in front of him, and said respectfully: "Second group leader, your presence really makes the humble house shine."

This guy is Hua Mu, the second group leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi. The Yamaguchi-gumi is just the general name of their gang. The biggest is the group leader, followed by the five major group leaders, and then there are group leaders like Long Ze.

Huamu smiled, and then said: "Longze-Jun, don't talk about words, you invited me all the way today, you must have something important to discuss, please speak directly."

Long Ze still respects his immediate boss. Just as he was about to speak, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and then an island devil in a security uniform walked in, knelt on the ground and shouted: "Report and the team leader still has Team leader, a Chinese person who doesn't know where he came from has rushed into our building and has already clashed with our people just now, and now all the security guards in our building are going to deal with him."

A gleam flashed in Long Ze's eyes, and he said angrily: "What a fuss, it's just a Chinese person, so why did you scare you like this? Besides, Team Leader Huamu sits here in person, how can a small Chinese person turn the world upside down? "

Huamu was greatly appreciated by this flattery, and turned to the security guard and said, "Go and tell my attendants to lock the second floor for me. You must not let this Chinese person come up to disturb me and Team Leader Longze." Talk, or else they will all go to harakiri!"

"Hay, the second team leader!" The security guard agreed, and hurried downstairs.

Long Ze said apologetically to Hua Mu: "I'm really sorry, Your Excellency, the second group leader, you came to my place after all the trouble, but you still encountered this kind of thing. It's due to your negligence of duty. Please punish me."

Huamu waved his hand and said domineeringly: "It's okay, Longze Jun, this time is also an emergency, don't worry, I brought all the elites in our group, I will never let him in, don't worry .”

"Hay." Long Ze nodded respectfully, and a smile inadvertently crossed the corner of his mouth.

On the first floor, Tang Chen is already red-eyed at this moment. He will not easily feel pity for this group of island pigs looking for death. Although there are more than 50 people on the other side, it is impossible for Tang Chen to be defeated by crowd tactics. !


With a roar, Tang Chen snatched the electric baton from a security guard, strangled him by the neck and threw him to the ground, kicked another guy back a few steps, and then stepped forward and inserted the electric baton in his hand into the ground. into his mouth and pressed the switch at the same time.


The body that was forced to be shocked involuntarily kept shaking, foaming at the mouth, and fell directly to the ground, losing consciousness again.

Frightened by Tang Chen's vicious attack, the security guards surrounding him trembled a little. Why is this Chinese man so powerful? Is he a human or a God of War?

"A bunch of rubbish, let's all go to hell!" Tang Chen roared again, and he rushed forward and kicked a security guard flying away. Due to gravity, he also knocked several brothers behind him into the air. Tang Chen Chen rushed up to sweep his legs again, kicked his fists and elbows, and every move was aimed at the important parts of the body of the security guards of the archipelago. Every shot was very simple, but it was very effective. He opened With all his strength, from time to time, he directly smashed the security guard's head or legs.

Although the group of security guards also attacked Tang Chen, Tang Chen's body had been strengthened, so he didn't have to be afraid of their tickling attacks at all. With three punches and two kicks, there were more and more corpses around him.


Tang Chen twisted the arm of the security guard in front of him hard, then kicked him on the knee, pierced his eyes with his fingers, and at the same time turned around and kicked his body flying.

Like a bowling ball, he knocked down more than a dozen people by himself. Tang Chen gave a bloodthirsty smile, then stepped on their corpses on the ground and slowly walked up to the second floor.

(End of this chapter)

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