Chapter 305
Zhou Hai asked a question, which was extremely simple and the answer was well known, but it was just such a question that made him directly avoid the choice given by Zhao Yufan.

Zhou Hai asked, "Are you Zhao Yufan?"

Although it was just a simple sentence, it was enough to prove his attitude.First of all, he didn't make a clear choice, that is to say, he would stand on Liu Man's side; second, he left some leeway for himself, refusing to choose in the name of the sword god not Zhao Yufan. It can be seen that Zhao Yufan is very important in Zhou Hai's heart.

This seemingly shrewd answer made Zhao Yufan very disgusted. He stared at Zhou Hai indifferently, and said coldly, "It's ridiculous that Zhao Yufan has a friend like you! are just ordinary friends!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Qing and Yuanyuan looked a little embarrassed, because they and Zhou Hai knew Zhao Yufan at the same time, did the words of the Sword God also refer to them?
Zhao Yufan seemed to have noticed the changes in Zhang Qing and Yuanyuan, so he changed the topic and said, "It seems that you are really incomparable with Zhang Qing and Yuanyuan."

Hearing this, Zhang Qing and Yuanyuan had faint smiles on their faces. They were not like Zhou Hai, and Zhao Yufan didn't want them to be just ordinary friends.

For Zhao Yufan, Zhang Qing, Yuanyuan, and Zhou Hai are all his good friends, but if it is more important, Zhou Hai will definitely be at the bottom, because Zhou Hai and Zhao Yufan don’t get along much, and the two are not together. After experiencing something together, the relationship is naturally relatively indifferent.

"Will you drink my tea?" Suddenly, Liu Man asked.

Zhao Yufan glanced at Zhou Hai and said with a smile, "Drink!"

Liu Man narrowed his eyes and waved his hands: "Zhou Hai, please make us a pot of tea."

Zhou Hai's expression was startled, and he left immediately. Looking at the mocking, disdainful, and disgusting eyes of the people around him, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, and secretly vowed that one day, sooner or later, he would make all those who looked down on him kneel in front of him. beg him.

After Zhou Hai left, Liu Man pursed his lips and said, "I've seen too many people like this."

The person he was talking about was Zhou Hai, Zhao Yufan didn't say anything, he didn't know Zhou Hai well, "He has nothing to do with me!"

"But he has something to do with Zhao Yufan." Liu Manyin said with a smile.

"If you want to use this kind of person to threaten Zhao Yufan, forget it."

Liu Man pursed his lips and chuckled, "Of course he has his uses!"

The conversation fell to a dead end, Zhao Yufan didn't speak, neither did Liu Man.

At this time, Zhou Hai came with a teacup and walked up to Zhao Yufan. He handed the teacup to the sword god in front of him, and said bitterly, "Please drink."

Zhao Yufan took the teacup and looked at the steam rising from the teacup, feeling a chill in his heart.

When Zhou Hai turned to leave, the teacup he was holding suddenly loosened.

"Clap! Clap!"

The teacup fell to the ground and was shattered into pieces. The heat slowly rose, floating in the air, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The tea was cold, and Zhao Yufan's heart was also cold, "Zhou Hai, you're just a villain!" As soon as the words fell, black smoke suddenly rose from the tea on the ground, and there was a piercing sound of "stinging, stinging" after a while. , the ground is calm.

Everyone stared at the ground just now, and was shocked to find that the ground had been corroded into a deep pit.

"There is poison in the tea!"

Someone exclaimed.

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and everyone accused Zhou Hai of his shameless behavior, but Zhou Hai seemed a little dazed, as if he didn't know that tea was poisonous.

Zhao Yufan stared at the deep pit on the ground, a cold light flashed in his pupils.Before he could ask, Liu Man suddenly glared at Zhou Hai and cursed, "Bastard, who told you to poison it?"

Zhou Hai's face was bewildered, and his expression was even more puzzled.

Things seemed to be getting a little weird, and everyone couldn't figure out who was behind the poison. At first they thought it was Zhou Hai, but later they thought it was Liu Man, but now they couldn't tell who it was.

Zhao Yufan waved his hands and sneered, "Forget it, does it matter who poisoned you?"

Liu Man and Zhou Hai looked slightly embarrassed, because the person who poisoned was among them, doesn't matter who poisoned them, and what made them even more embarrassed was that Zhao Yufan ignored the matter of poisoning .

Everyone also looked at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, wondering why he didn't pursue this matter.

Zhao Yufan didn't care who poisoned him, because he hadn't been poisoned, so he didn't want to pursue it. Of course, a big reason was because of Zhou Hai, he didn't want to make Zhou Hai too ugly.

Before leaving, Zhao Yufan scanned the crowd slowly, and warned solemnly: "Everyone, I am here to warn you, if anyone offends Zhao Yufan, it will offend me and the Sword Demon!"

Looking at the sword god who was about to leave, many people's faces suddenly darkened, because many of the people present were hostile to Zhao Yufan.

Zhou Yiming frowned slightly in the crowd and thought for a long time. He was unwilling to challenge the Sword God at first, but now he heard the words of the Sword God, and he felt the need to suppress Zhao Yufan's arrogance. Although Zhao Yufan is powerful, his friend Can it be as powerful as him?He didn't believe that the Sword God's sword could beat him!


Hearing Zhou Ming's words, everyone was slightly surprised.

Zhao Yufan continued to walk forward, seemingly not hearing Zhou Ming's words.


Zhou Ming's voice increased, and he had already taken out his sword.Suddenly, he quickened his pace and charged forward with his sword.

At this moment, Zhao Yufan made a shocking move. He suddenly took out an iron sword from the storage ring, threw it back without looking at it.

With the sound of piercing through the sky, the iron sword seemed to have the power to penetrate the world, stabbing Zhou Ming unstoppably.

A surge of anger surged in Zhou Yiming's heart. This feeling of being ignored and despised made him extremely uncomfortable. In the past, this kind of ignorance and contempt was given to his opponents, but this time it was just the opposite.

The moment he was thinking, the iron sword had already galloped in front of him.

Zhou Yiming has already calculated that he will use the most graceful posture, the most perfect sword, and the most domineering momentum to break the sword, and at the same time give the sword god a fatal blow.

The sword in his hand flickered coldly, and he directly used the eight-style obliteration of the Excalibur.

A wave of berserk energy spread around him, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters in an instant. The strong wind raged, the air currents danced wildly, and violent dust was raised on the entire ground.

The two powerful swords collided with each other, making a metallic clash.

Everyone stared at Zhou Ming intently, and immediately saw him jump up, the sword in his hand suddenly fell out of his hand, and 'shot' at Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan was taken aback, surprise flashed across his pupils, and then a sly smile appeared.

The iron sword had long been turned into dust, the raging wind dissipated, the flurry of air currents subsided, the violent dust returned to the ground, and the whole world finally became quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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