Chapter 306 Surprised You

Zhao Yufan stood still, and Zhou Ming's sword slammed at him, merging with his shadow.

With a sound of "Puff!", the sword touched the real object.

Everyone stared at the trembling sword in astonishment, with extremely complicated expressions.

The sword was inserted tens of centimeters behind Zhao Yufan's back, just a little bit short of hurting him, but it was still a little bit short.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the sword that was still radiating with coldness, and they were extremely puzzled. Could it be that Zhou Ming made it crooked?But with Zhou Yiming's cultivation base and strength, it is impossible for his sword to deviate.

While everyone was contemplating, Zhou Ming, who jumped up, suddenly fell headfirst to the ground.


"what's the situation?"

"what's up?"

Everyone exclaimed, they didn't understand why Zhou Ming dived to the ground with his head down.

When Zhou Yiming was about to fall to the ground, his body turned violently, and finally adjusted his body, and his feet landed smoothly.The moment he landed, he couldn't help but take a few steps back, his face pale.

At this moment, everyone seemed to understand.It turned out that after the iron sword collided with Sword God Eight Forms, Zhou Ming was knocked into the air, and the sword in his hand didn't stab Zhao Yufan on purpose, but he couldn't control the sword, which caused the sword to fly out naturally.

"We lost again!" Someone shook his head and sighed.

Someone also expressed a sad sigh: "Hey, Shen Jianzong is really lonely."

Everyone looked at Zhou Yiming, feeling a little sympathetic in their hearts. A few days ago, he was defeated by Zhao Yufan, and now he was defeated by Zhao Yufan's friends. All glory was almost destroyed, and all of this had something to do with Zhao Yufan.

Zhou Zhouming panicked inexplicably, thinking to himself, is he really a frog in a well?Is it true that your own strength is not enough?Soon, he denied this idea, stared at Zhao Yufan for a long time, and suddenly smiled.

Sensing Zhou Yiming's smile, Zhao Yufan's heart tightened, and he immediately became vigilant.

Zhou Yiming clasped his fists and praised: "Brother Sword God, your swordsmanship is really powerful, I am willing to bow down. In my knowledge, only Zhao Yufan can fight you. I wonder if he can beat you?"

Zhao Yufan was puzzled. He didn't think Zhou Yiming was a gentleman. After a moment of silence, he replied softly: "In terms of swordsmanship alone, Zhao Yufan can't defeat me!"

"Really?" Zhou Ming asked excitedly.

Frowning and looking at Zhou Ming, Zhao Yufan nodded silently.

Zhou Yiming took a few steps forward, came to Zhao Yufan, and asked in a low voice: "Can you teach me the martial arts to defeat Zhao Yufan? I can give you a reward, any reward is fine!"

Staring at Zhou Yiming in astonishment, Zhao Yufan suddenly realized that he wanted to learn his own martial arts, so that he could almost defeat Zhao Yufan.Pursing his lips, he chuckled and said, "Hehe, do you think I will harm my friend?"

"This..." Zhou Ming was speechless, frowned slightly, and said, "Since you are here at Qilin Mountain, you must need spirit stones, right? I can give you spirit stones and martial arts, or give you the unique knowledge of the Excalibur sect...Excalibur Eight styles!"

Hearing the Eighth Form of Excalibur, Zhao Yufan's dark pupils suddenly lit up.

Observing Zhao Yufan's changes, Zhou Ming continued: "Not only will I give you the Eight Forms of the Excalibur, but I will also give you one billion spirit stones, ten books of mysterious martial arts and one local martial art!"

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched, and he looked at Zhou Ming in surprise. He didn't expect him to pay such a high price. These things were enough to invite a Martial Emperor to kill him. Why should he get martial arts from himself?
No matter what purpose Zhou Ming had, Zhao Yufan still nodded and agreed to Zhou Ming.Seeing that Zhao Yufan agreed, the smile on Zhou Yiming's face grew stronger, and he couldn't wait to ask, "When will the deal be made?"

After thinking for a while, Zhao Yufan said, "The spiritual stones in Qilin Mountain have been mined. If we have a chance to meet, we can trade them."

Staring at the back of the sword god leaving, Zhou Ming's face was gloomy and uncertain, frowning and thinking, why didn't the sword god give him a clear trading time?Is he guarding himself?Or is there another conspiracy?

Everyone looked at Zhou Yiming and the sword god who was fading away in wonder, and started discussing one after another. They didn't know what the two said, let alone thought that they would trade.

Zhao Yufan disappeared into the jungle, looking around vigilantly and thinking at the same time.

Zhou Yiming definitely wouldn't make a deal with him so easily, maybe he was trying to get rich and kill himself!Looking up at the sky, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed that it was going to rain.

The sky was gloomy, and everyone's mood was equally gloomy, as if there was a stone in their hearts, which made them unable to breathe.

In a remote location, Zhao Yufan built a tent, preparing to use it as a temporary resting place.


Thunder rang out, and the torrential rain slanted down, instantly covering the whole world with a layer of white mist.

Zhao Yufan opened the curtain of the tent, stretched out his head to look out, and saw the torrential rain rushing down in front of him, and the front was completely white.

At this time, under the white rain curtain, a little fat man was running towards the tent with his head in his arms.

Seeing this person, Zhao Yufan showed a smile. This person is the little fat man who sells bowls.

The little fat man was very fast, and got into the tent in no time, and said out of breath, "I'm sorry, I'm here to take shelter from the rain." As he spoke, he wiped the rain from his face and asked, "Do you have any towels?" ?”

Zhao Yufan handed him the towel, and he didn't even look at Zhao Yufan, so he lowered his head and began to wipe his face.After wiping for a while, he raised his head and handed the towel to Zhao Yufan, and said, "Thank you..." After saying this, he froze in place, and asked in surprise, "Why is it you?"

Zhao Yufan shrugged helplessly, and joked, "Did you just know it was me?"

The embarrassment on the little fat man's face disappeared in a flash, he sat on the chair with a big grin, and said, "It's all your fault, if it weren't for you, my bowl would have earned a lot of money."

Glancing at the little fat man faintly, Zhao Yufan shook his head dumbfoundingly, "Are the members of the Qian family still short of money?"

The little fat man rolled his eyes, and instead of answering Zhao Yufan's idiotic question, he asked instead, "Aren't you surprised? I'm from the Qian family."

"Is it very powerful?" Zhao Yufan said casually, and immediately felt that there was something wrong with this sentence. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I'm not surprised, even if you are the emperor's illegitimate son, I won't be surprised. There are very few things that surprise me, let alone who you are and does it matter to me?"

The little fat man smacked his mouth, and said with great interest: "Is that so? There is nothing in the world that our Qian family can't do. I'll surprise you today!"

The rain outside was "squeaking". Zhao Yufan took a look outside and felt that the rain would not stop for a while, and it would be boring to be idle, so he would play with the little fat man. He did not believe that the little fat man could let him surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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