Chapter 307 Surprised or not?

The two stared at each other, neither convinced the other, a game with the theme of 'surprise' was staged in the tent.

The torrential rain was pouring outside, and the water droplets hit the puddles, splashing out countless sprays, like jumping elves, full of joy.

Inside the tent, Zhao Yufan stared at the little fat man, expecting him to come up with something that would surprise him.

The little fat man came from a family of merchants, and he was quite smart and witty. As a businessman, he naturally wanted to exchange the smallest benefit for the greatest benefit, so he planned to surprise Zhao Yufan with some stories.

"Let me tell you a secret about the Qinglan Sect. Your Qinglan Sect has an evil scepter, which is called the Nine Python Entanglement!" The fat man secretly observed Zhao Yufan. Speak up.After finishing speaking, he stared closely at Zhao Yufan, hoping to see Zhao Yufan's surprised eyes, but Zhao Yufan's pupils were extremely calm, there was no surprise at all, but a hint of sarcasm instead.

"Go on, your story is not exciting!" Zhao Yufan grinned, reached out and grabbed an apple, and took a bite.

The fat man bared his teeth and stared at Zhao Yufan. After a moment of silence, he continued, "You know the Eye of Troubled Times, right? Let me tell you, the Eye of Troubled Times is actually nonsense. People's eyes are red, which is a normal phenomenon!"

"I don't need you to tell me." Zhao Yufan's words immediately made the little fat man's face cry.

Staring at the sword god in front of him in surprise, the little fat man said in admiration, "Oh, you know a lot." He stood up from his seat, lingered for a while, and suddenly took out a seven Pin Bao Dao waved in front of Zhao Yufan, "Is this sword powerful enough?"

"The knife is good, but don't surprise me!" Zhao Yufan replied shaking his head.

"This knife has a lot of history, listen to me tell you!"

Seeing the little fat man walking towards him, Zhao Yufan quickly waved his hands: "Needless to say, I won't be surprised."

With a sad face, the little fat man immediately took out a sword, and asked disappointedly: "Are you surprised? This is...forget it, I know you won't be surprised." He wandered in the tent with his hands behind his back, squinting his eyes from time to time. Xiang Zhao Yufan kept cursing this damn sword god in his heart. He was not surprised at all by telling so many secrets and taking out so many treasures?Is he blind?Deaf?Why not surprised?
"Looks like Fat Lord, I'm going to take out the real treasure!" The little fat man stared straight at Zhao Yufan, and suddenly took out a book from the storage ring. This is a book of martial arts, a local martial art.

Zhao Yufan still had a calm expression on his face, and his eyes were calm, but he was a little surprised in his heart. This little fat man has too many treasures on him, and he even has earth-level martial arts. You know, even the six major sects can't take it out at will. Earth-level martial arts.

The little fat man's expression was a little unhappy. The sword god was not surprised when he saw the earth-level martial arts. He was obviously cheating. He could feel that the sword god was surprised in his heart, but he couldn't do anything if the sword god didn't admit it.

Curling his lips, he asked with some dissatisfaction: "Aren't you surprised?"

Zhao Yufan pointed to his silver mask and said with a chuckle, "Look at my eyes."

The little fat man rolled his eyes, put the earth-level martial art into the storage ring, and immediately took out another book, this book was still a martial art, and it was still an earth-level martial art.

When Zhao Yufan saw this martial art book, he stood up abruptly, his eyes full of surprise.

His actions startled the little fat man. He didn't react when he saw the earth-level martial arts just now. Why is his reaction so strong at this moment?

The little fat man looked at the martial arts book carefully, and the corner of his mouth twitched, showing some disdain.

Ordinary prefecture-level martial arts, Zhao Yufan, naturally wouldn't be surprised, but the name of this martial art was very familiar to him. This martial art was called "Dragon Transformation Art".

When he saw "Dragon Transformation Art", he immediately thought of another martial art "Dragon Control Art" he got in Bishuiyan City. He vaguely felt that these two martial arts books seemed to be related in some way.

"You like it?" The little fat man looked at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, and said happily, "I can give it to you if I like it, but you were surprised just now."

The corner of Zhao Yufan's mouth twitched, a little dazed, this little fat man was still thinking about 'surprise', didn't he know the preciousness of prefecture-level martial arts?As for the little fat man saying that he would give him martial arts just now, he thought he was joking.

As the name suggests, the Dragon Transformation Art can transform into a dragon, while the Dragon Control Art can control a dragon.This made Zhao Yufan think of a possibility. If he used the Dragon Transformation Technique to transform a divine dragon, and then used the Dragon Control Technique to control the transformed divine dragon, what would it be like?

Seeing that Zhao Yufan hadn't spoken for a long time, the little fat man slammed the martial arts book on his chest impatiently, and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"Ah!" Zhao Yufan exclaimed, shook his head and said, "I just feel that this martial art book is very powerful."

"Excellent?" The little fat man threw the book on the table nonchalantly, and said with curled lips, "Excellent ass, I studied it for a long time before, and found that this martial art is rubbish, and what about the magic dragon, it's just nonsense."

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan looked at the little fat man in surprise, a little speechless, staring at the books on the table, he frowned and said, "Maybe you are not strong enough?"

"I don't know." The little fat man waved his hand impatiently, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it's useless to me. When we meet for the first time, I'll give you this book of martial arts."

"Not so good?"

Zhao Yufan said something seriously, then looked at the little fat man, and seeing that he hadn't changed his mind, he said, "I advise you to keep it."

A shrewd look flashed across the little fat man's eyes, he stared straight at Zhao Yufan, and asked seriously, "Hey, do you know the secret of this martial art?"

Zhao Yufan was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "I know a little bit."

This time it was the little fat man's turn to be surprised. He has met many people since he was a child, but he is really rare like a sword god. If others know that this martial art has a secret, they will definitely find a way to get it, and stick to it. It's a secret, but this sword god actually told the truth.

"You're a good friend!" He chuckled, pushed the book in front of Zhao Yufan, and said impatiently, "I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you."

Seeing that Zhao Yufan was about to accept the martial skill, he suddenly put his hand on the martial skill, and said with a sly smile, "I'm giving you such an expensive gift, so we can be regarded as good friends. If I ask you for help in the future, you can't refuse."

"Okay!" Zhao Yufan accepted the Dragon Transformation Technique without being pretentious, "Since you gave me the Dragon Transformation Technique, then I'll give you something too."

"Do you have anything valuable on you?" The little fat man looked at Zhao Yufan, looking a little disgusted, "Don't say I look down on you, your things are worthless in my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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