Chapter 326 The Union of Good and Evil
Walk?Easier said than done.

Even if there is no obstruction, it may take a month to rush from Wu Hongshan to other empires, not to mention that the Excalibur Sect will never let him leave easily.

Everyone fell silent, Han Bingyue and the others frowned and remained silent. They thought that Zhao Yufan could hide himself as a sword god or sword demon to avoid the wrath of the Excalibur sect, but Zhao Yufan didn't think this was a safe way, because His enemies will never let go of Sword God and Sword Demon.

The little fat man rubbed his hands, looked around, squinted his eyes and said: "Leaving the empire is a matter of the future, should you find a way to leave Wu Hongshan first?"

After being reminded by him, everyone suddenly realized that Zhao Yufan was already in crisis.

The masters of the Divine Sword Sect were not far from Wu Hongshan. They knew that Zhou Yiming was abolished, and they definitely couldn't let it go. Adding Liu Man and other enemies, it was enough to block Zhao Yufan.

At this moment, let alone leaving the empire, it is still unknown whether he can leave Wu Hongshan.

"With the help of the battle between good and evil, I will take advantage of the chaos and leave, and you all take care, I will come back when I have a chance."

What Zhao Yufan said was saying goodbye to everyone.

Hearing his words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

"Where are you going?" Han Bingyue asked, she was asking which empire Zhao Yufan went to.

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I don't know, but I will use my real name in other empires. One day when you hear my name rising in a certain empire, you will naturally know my whereabouts."

Seeing that he was still in the mood to joke at this time, everyone also smiled.

Thinking about it carefully, they felt that there was really no need to know where Zhao Yufan was going, because there were often big troubles where Zhao Yufan appeared, so it should be easy to inquire about him.

Everyone reluctantly parted and disappeared into the jungle.

In order to help Zhao Yufan leave, Han Bingyue and others also began to provoke the demons one after another.Soon, the contradiction between good and evil intensified. From the beginning, they fought with dozens of people, and finally formed battles with hundreds or hundreds of people.A large-scale battle broke out, and the powerful among good and evil also came forward one after another. In the end, the entire Wu Hongshan fell into chaos, but among the forces of chaos, there were few people from the Sword Sect.

Several Martial Emperors of the Divine Sword Sect and a group of masters gathered together, their expressions were extremely ugly. Looking at Zhou Ming who was jumping up and down, their hearts ached, and they were extremely angry at the same time.

By abolishing Zhou Yiming, Zhao Yufan was tantamount to humiliating their entire Excalibur School, and what made them even more furious was... Zhou Ming turned out to be a fool.

"Leave people here to wait for news from the sect, and the rest of the people will all besiege and kill Zhao Yufan. If Zhao Yufan is not dead, we will never return to the sect!" A Martial Emperor got up and roared angrily.

The battle between good and evil had already begun. It was not an easy task for the members of the Excalibur School to find Zhao Yufan among tens of thousands of people. Besides, there were still some people who did not want Zhao Yufan to die. Of course, there were more people who were willing to let Zhao Yufan die.

More than a dozen tyrannical forces including Liu Man, Qinglanzong, Xingju Pavilion, Warrior Alliance, and Zuo Cheng wanted Zhao Yufan to die. After they learned that Zhou Ming was abolished, these people unanimously prepared to assist the Excalibur Sect to siege and kill Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan.

The Twelve Envoys of the Sacred Flame, Zhang Qing and others did not want Zhao Yufan to die, so they tried their best to create opportunities for Zhao Yufan to escape.

Swords, swords, and explosions fluctuate with each other.

The fresh air was already filled with the smell of blood, the dense forest fell in pieces, and the mountain road with strange rocks was filled with smoke and dust, flying sand and rocks.

Zhao Yufan didn't go too far. He knew that many people wanted to kill him, and many of them thought he would leave, but he didn't leave. Instead, he was near the Shenjianzong camp.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest, people from the Excalibur Sect would never have thought that he would still be here.

Looking at the sound of explosions and fighting everywhere, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. After this battle, the battle between good and evil will soon come to an end, and he doesn't know how many people will die in vain. The most ridiculous thing is that he clearly exposed Tianhuo The conspiracy of the Holy Gate, but whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, they seem to want to avoid this problem on purpose.

Thinking about it now, these forces are actually not afraid of fighting at all, and even want to fight more, because only when fighting happens, they will get huge benefits.

Staring at many people passing by in front of his eyes, Zhao Yufan sighed slightly in his heart, he was leaving here soon, and he didn't know when he would come back in a bright and righteous way, maybe a year, maybe two years, maybe even longer.

"Strength!" Zhao Yufan muttered, clenching his fists. If he could avoid this crisis, he would definitely come back.Because only when he becomes Emperor Wu, can he be able to sit on an equal footing with Mu Tianzuo of the Qinglan Sect and the suzerain of the Divine Sword Sect. At that time, he will personally rush to the Qinglan Sect, and then completely solve the trouble of the Nine Pythons.

The surrounding battles are spreading far away, and as the scope of the battle spreads, the distribution of personnel becomes wider, and in this way, it is extremely beneficial for Zhao Yufan to leave.

Those who chased and killed Zhao Yufan also understood the truth. After not seeing Zhao Yufan for a long time, they also focused on their immediate interests and battles. Only the members of the Excalibur Sect were still frantically searching for Zhao Yufei.

Sunrise and sunset.

The fighting continued into the night and finally calmed down.

At night, Zhao Yufan squinted his eyes and rested near the Shenjianzong camp.He didn't know how long he had slept, but the sound of fighting suddenly sounded in his ears, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking not far away.

In the Shenjianzong camp not far away from him, a battle broke out at an unknown time.Under the black sky, the battle between the two sides was extremely fierce. The members of the Divine Sword Sect were already in danger, and even several Martial Emperors were covered in scars.

Zhao Yufan frowned and looked at everything in front of him, gradually showing suspicion. Among the fighting crowd, he found many disciples of Qinglanzong, and even a few elders of Qinglanzong Wuhuang, and none of these Qinglanzong people Helping the Divine Sword Sect is actually helping the Heavenly Fire Sect to fight the Divine Sword Sect.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan understood the mastermind of this battle. The mastermind must be the people from the Holy Fire Tianmen, because they are the only ones who have lurking personnel in each sect, and they are now using people from the Qinglanzong to kill the people from the Shenjianzong. It is in line with their intention to provoke the battle of righteousness.

Zhou Yiming of the Divine Sword Sect was just abolished by Zhao Yufan of the Qinglan Sect, and shortly thereafter, the camp of the Divine Sword Sect was massacred by the disciples of the Qinglan Sect. Putting these two things together, the Divine Sword Sect and the Pill Artifact Sect will definitely become sworn enemies!

Silently watching the battle between the two sides, and waiting for all the members of the Divine Sword Sect to die, Zhao Yufan woke up from the shock. All the Martial Emperors of the Divine Sword Sect were killed. This was something he did not expect.

And with the death of several Martial Emperors of the Excalibur Sect, the situation of the entire empire will also change drastically. Before that, the primary purpose was to encircle and kill Zhao Yufan,

The scope of this siege will cover the entire empire!

(End of this chapter)

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