Chapter 327 Tension

In the dark night, fighting was staged.

The conspiracy of Tianhuo Sacred Gate quietly unfolded. Not only the Shenjianzong suffered from this strange attack, but other sects also suffered heavy losses to varying degrees, and the Shenjianzong was the most tragic force. All personnel died overnight. Death in battle, even Emperor Wu could not escape death.

The people of Danqi Sect were also attacked by a few members of Tianhuo Sacred Sect and Qinglan Sect.The people in Ling Xiao Pavilion were attacked by people from Tianhuo Sacred Gate and Xingju Pavilion.The people of Tiandao Sect were attacked by Tianhuo Sect and Tiangang Sect, and the situation of other righteous sects was basically the same.

The attacks encountered by the various sects not only came from the evil way, but also from the forces of the righteous way, which caught many people by surprise.

Soon, the members of the Tianhuo Sect left quietly, but the battle of the Zhengdao Sect did not stop, they were still fighting.

When the sky was just getting dark, the battle of the righteous people was finally coming to an end, and at the moment when everyone was exhausted and ready to cease fighting, a sudden change occurred.

A group of strong men united by small families, small sects, and small forces suddenly launched an attack on the entire righteous sect, causing the members of the righteous sect who had already suffered heavy losses to be almost wiped out.

So far, the battle of Wu Hongshan ended with the almost extinction of the orthodox sect.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Just after the battle of Wu Hongshan ended, the Divine Sword Sect summoned the suzerains of the five major sects, as well as the suzerains of other sects and leaders of various forces, hoping that they could rush to the Divine Sword Sect immediately.

The leaders of all the forces knew that the purpose of the Excalibur School was to hunt down and kill Zhao Yufan.After discussing with each other, they immediately set off for the Divine Sword Sect. The first one to arrive at the Divine Sword Sect was Mu Tianzuo, the suzerain of the Qinglan Sect.

Mu Tianzuo has been in a rage these days. Zhao Yufan's abolishment of Zhou Ming is enough to upset him, but there are people from the Qinglan Sect besieging and killing the Divine Sword Sect, resulting in the death of several emperors of the Divine Sword Sect. To make matters worse, Qinglanzong and Shenjianzong had some grievances, and with the recent incidents, he was really afraid that Shenjianzong would be disadvantageous to Qinglanzong.

Powerful men from various forces rushed to the Divine Sword Sect. After everyone arrived, they began to discuss the matter of Zhao Yufan, the battle of Wu Hongshan, and the future situation.

On the matter of arresting Zhao Yufan, everyone was surprisingly unanimous, but when it came to the battle of Wu Hongshan and what happened in the future, everyone had sharp differences of opinion, especially regarding the attack on Wu Hongshan's Tianhuo Sacred Gate at night, everyone had different opinions , no one is convinced.

Like Mu Tianzuo of the Qinglan Sect, he directly left the matter clean. According to his understanding, the Tianhuo Sacred Sect and the Qinglan Sect disciples besieged and killed the Shenjianzong that night, in fact, it had nothing to do with their Qinglan Sect However, those members of the Qinglan sect who besieged the Shenjian sect were not considered Qinglan sect members at all, they should belong to the Tianhuo holy sect.

What he said seems to be reasonable, but among the members of the Qinglan sect who besieged the Shenjianzong, only a part of them were latent members of the Tianhuo Sect, and the rest were indeed disciples of the Qinglan sect, but they were only following orders , this matter has nothing to do with them in essence.

Other forces have also made clear what happened that night, but some forces that suffered heavy losses are naturally unwilling, and they hope to be compensated.

The two sides had been in a stalemate for a long time, and there was no compromise. Although they were very discordant, they did their best to kill Zhao Yufan.

The imperial forces headed by Prime Minister Zuo and Liu Man have issued a high reward order, and at the same time deployed heavy troops throughout the empire to block all roads.Especially on the borders of the empire, there are a large number of soldiers and experts conducting scans.

The sect headed by Divine Sword Sect and Qinglan Sect gathered [-] Martial Kings, [-] Martial Emperors, and [-] Martial Emperors, and they were divided into [-] teams. They spread from Divine Sword Sect to the surrounding area, and carried out a blanket search. method, is chasing and killing Zhao Yufan.

At the same time, various forces jointly requested the help of the ten countries near the Zimang Empire, hoping that they could prevent Zhao Yufan from sneaking into other countries.After promising multiple benefits, the emperors of the ten countries issued an order, ordering their border troops: blockade the border for one month, no one is allowed to trespass without authorization, and if anyone is found, they can be executed directly!

The news caused a sensation throughout the empire, and even people from the other ten countries had heard of Zhao Yufan's name.

In the slums of Kyoto, more than a dozen men basking in the sun are discussing.

A man with a big arm and a round waist rubbed his hands, and said with a smile: "This Zhao Yufan is really amazing. He actually angered the entire orthodox sect. Even if he dies, his name will last forever."

"Hmph, Zhao Yufan doesn't die so easily." A well-dressed man said mysteriously, "I've met Zhao Yufan before. I'm afraid it will be difficult for him."

"Blow it, you've only met Zhao Yufan? You're just a deliveryman from the Zuo Xiangfu. If you've met Zhao Yufan, I've also met the suzerain of the Qinglan Sect."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

The man who just spoke was speechless, because he was too lazy to argue with this group of guys who had never seen the world. He had really seen Zhao Yufan. When he was driving the carriage home to deliver food, he ran into Zhao Yufan on the way to inquire about Zuo Xiangfu. At that time, he advised Zhao Yufan not to go, but at that time he didn't know that person was Zhao Yufan. These days, because Zhao Yufan's portraits were everywhere, he recognized it.

Back then, when Zhao Yufan sneaked into Zuoxiang's mansion and met countless masters, he was safe and sound. This time there must be hope of escape.

The man thought in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

In many parts of the empire, there were similar remarks. Everyone talked about each other, analyzing whether Zhao Yufan could leave the empire.

In fact, everyone knew very well that with the current tense situation, Zhao Yufan basically had no hope of leaving the empire. However, because he was Zhao Yufan, everyone had such an unrealistic hope in their hearts, hoping that Zhao Yufan could create a miracle.

But how could he escape from the pursuit of fifty Wu emperors, four hundred Wu emperors, and three thousand Wu emperors?
At this time, Zhao Yufan was still in Wuhong Mountain. After staying here for two days, he was about to rush to Wuhongcheng to buy some daily necessities. Next, can only leave.

It is impossible to sneak into the city wearing a mask, because all people who cover their faces need to be checked. If he reveals his whereabouts, then those who chase him will determine his location, thereby narrowing the encirclement, which will increase his danger.

Boring on the mountain path, he decided to set off for the snowy area, pass through the snowy area, and go straight to the 'Linsa Empire'.

(End of this chapter)

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