Chapter 331
Xia He was very angry. He thought Zhao Yufan was a good person, but who would have thought that this guy would refuse to save him.

Sun Ming stared at Zhao Yufan suspiciously, wanting to see whether he cared about this girl, "You, do you have the heart to watch her die?"

"You have the heart to kill him?" Zhao Yufan asked back.

"I don't know her either!" Sun Ming raised his neck and curled his lips. Suddenly, the smugness on his face disappeared, because he could kill Xia He, so Zhao Yufan could definitely ignore Xia He, because Zhao Yufan didn't know Xia He either. load.

Invisibly setting up an enemy made Sun Ming very unhappy. He glared at Zhao Yufan, then suddenly looked at Liu Teng and the others, and said coldly, "If you want her to live, kill Zhao Yufan."

The corners of Liu Teng's mouths twitched, and they secretly scolded Sun Mingming for being an idiot. Even your majestic Martial King is no match for him. How could we high-level warriors beat Zhao Yufan?Isn't this letting them die?But the few people also had a glimmer of hope. Zhao Yufan must have consumed a lot of strength just now. If he attacked Zhao Yufan at this time, if he had a chance of winning, wouldn't that be a fortune?
Liu Teng rolled his eyes and immediately said, "Okay! We will besiege him, but you must ensure Xia He's safety!"

Sun Ming nodded and looked at Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan looked at Liu Teng and the others indifferently, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. Before they could make a move, he rushed in front of Xia He like lightning, and then slammed Sun Ming's right arm with his right hand.

In an instant, Sun Ming's right arm felt numb, and at the same time he involuntarily let go of Xia He.

Looking at the astonished Sun Ming, Zhao Yufan turned around slowly, glanced at Liu Teng and the others indifferently, and hurried away.

A fight ended with Zhao Yufan's departure.

Sun Ming looked at Liu Teng and the others warily.Liu Teng and the others looked at Sun Ming and left cautiously.After Liu Teng and the others left, Sun Ming frowned and looked at his seriously injured companion. After hesitating for a moment, he turned his head and left. Although he didn't kill Zhao Yufan, at least he knew Zhao Yufan's whereabouts. , that will definitely get a big reward.

At this time, Zhao Yufan was running wildly in the jungle. Since his identity had been exposed, he didn't need to hide anymore. He just used the fastest speed to get out of here.

The news of Zhao Yufan's appearance quickly spread throughout the empire, and countless warriors rushed to six cities and twelve towns, hoping to meet Zhao Yufan.

Among the 20 teams formed by the sects, [-] teams rushed to the six cities and twelve towns day and night, and the imperial army also mobilized [-] people to block all the six cities and twelve towns. exit.

The tense atmosphere spread in the six cities and twelve towns. The people in these places rarely go out, especially at night, and no one will come out to walk, just like a dead city.

Zhao Yufan ran all the way and finally arrived at Bafang Town.At this time, the guard in Bafang Town was a Wuhuang.

Now that it has been exposed, Zhao Yufan does not intend to cover it up, he will use the fastest, most ruthless, and most domineering method to leave this place.

When he strode to the gate of the city, Zhao Yufan charged like a lion.

After a brief obstruction, the surrounding soldiers fled one after another.

Zhao Yufan walked with a knife in his hand. In the houses on both sides of the road, the sound of doors and windows opening could be heard from time to time, and someone would peek at him through the gaps in the doors or windows.Seeing his domineering appearance, everyone clicked their tongues and secretly admired him.

Admiration is nothing but admiration, but they are not optimistic about Zhao Yufan's situation.

Dozens of Martial Emperors gathered in the entire Bafang Town, hundreds of Martial King masters, plus thousands of other martial artists, it was almost impossible for Zhao Yufan to rush out.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of orderly footsteps sounded, and thousands of soldiers rushed out in front of the street. The soldiers quickly dispersed around, and at the same time, some soldiers circled around from both sides, directly surrounding Zhao Yufan.Afterwards, a large number of warriors also appeared in the rooms on both sides of the street and above the rooms.

The cultivation base of this group of warriors ranges from elementary warriors to warriors. Judging from their stern attitude, it seems that they have been lying in ambush here for a long time.

Soon after, a group of people emerged in front of the road blocked by the soldiers. There were hundreds of people in this group. The strongest was Wu Huang, and the worst was Wu Wang.

Zhao Yufan stood facing the wind, holding a fifth-grade precious sword, and his eyes were full of killing intent. He used to use the most common steel sword, but now facing a crisis, he needs to make himself stronger.

The sword shot coldly, and everyone's killing intent surged.

Among this group of people, the strongest Martial Emperor is 'Huang Guoli', who was one of the ten emperors who were famous in the empire.There are a total of ten people in the Ten Emperors. Because of certain physical constraints, they cannot be promoted to Emperor Wu, but they are extremely powerful existences among Emperor Wu, and they can even fight with Emperor Wu.

At this time, all the ten emperors came to the six cities and twelve towns, and in the first ten towns, there would be a person from the ten emperors temporarily sitting in the town.

There is no need for everyone to say much, they all know the purpose of coming here.Huang Guoli raised his sword high and shouted: "Kill!" The crowd rushed forward like a tide.

Eyebrows furrowed, Zhao Yufan used a knife dragging technique to traverse more than ten meters, and the warriors behind him were knocked into the air and fell to the ground.And the last knife of the dragging knife technique knocked all the people in front into the air.

Stepping forward, Zhao Yufan cast Burning World, and the scorching energy spread around. The whole street was like a big furnace, and people's faces were red.

As soon as Fen Shi came out, except for the masters of the Emperor Wu within a hundred meters, he couldn't advance an inch.

Walking horizontally, Zhao Yufan at this time is full of domineering, giving people an aura that one man is in charge of the other.

More than a dozen Martial Emperors were shocked, and even Huang Guoli, who had once fought against Wudi, had to admire Zhao Yufan's strength.With his eyebrows upside down, he slashed at Zhao Yufan.

Zhao Yufan performed ghost steps, bypassing the saber energy at a strange speed, and spun behind Huang Guoli, slashing fiercely.

This knife is very ordinary, but extremely fast.

With one blow, Huang Guoli's waist was damaged and he fell limp to the ground.

The other Martial Emperors were surprised and attacked one after another.

When the greatest danger was lifted, Zhao Yufan brandished the treasured saber and ran amok. Facing the Emperor Wu, he did not retreat but advanced instead. The dozen or so Emperor Wu had to get out of the way.

The Martial Kings gave way, and there were countless other Martial Kings and warriors who were not afraid of death. They poured into the dense crowd like moths to a flame.

The blood gathered into strange patterns, explosions sounded one after another in the air, and bright rays of light just rose and then disappeared.

Zhao Yufan was like a god of death, reaping life mercilessly. I don't know how many of his fifth-grade treasured swords were broken, but he was still extremely ferocious, comparable to a dying monster. His rampage made countless people tremble with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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