Chapter 332 There Are Few People Who Can Hurt Me

Gradually, no one dared to step forward to besiege Zhao Yufan, because they discovered a serious problem, that is, Zhao Yufan would not die for a while, and whoever dared to step forward would die first to make wedding dresses for the people behind, so No one wants to step forward.

Zhao Yufan walked with a knife in his hand, with firm steps.

Suddenly, the half bodies of a group of archers appeared on the roofs on both sides, and countless arrows shot at Zhao Yufan in the street.

Staring at the densely packed arrows, Zhao Yufan's lips moved slightly, and he roared, "Get lost!"

Qinglanzong's ten-fold curse was cast, the surrounding air was surging, the wind was strong, countless arrows were turned into powder in mid-air, and the archers were in a panic, some fell from the roof, and some were directly fainted by the shock Death, some of the seven orifices bleed.Almost instantly, hundreds of archers were completely abolished.

Looking at the figure going away, everyone froze in place for a long time, and then began to discuss.

Someone said in surprise: "Is this too overbearing? So many people didn't stop him?"

"Hmph, that means no one dares to stop him!" Someone said disdainfully, and then added: "Emperor Wu will not come out, Zhao Yufan will not die."

This sentence is a very high evaluation. Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, this sentence has been crazily spread in everyone's ears in a short period of time.

If Emperor Wu does not come out, Zhao Yufan will not die!

This sentence showed that Zhao Yufan was powerful, but it also caused him a lot of trouble. Many Martial Emperors who did not intend to participate in the siege of Zhao Yufan were all ready to move at this moment. Zhao Yufan was just a Martial King. Was Zhao Yufan scared?So many Martial Emperors rushed to Six Cities and Twelve Towns one after another to compete with Zhao Yufan.

What Zhao Yufan was most worried about was the appearance of Emperor Wu. If he was facing Emperor Wu, even if he couldn't beat him, he could still escape, but facing Emperor Wu, he didn't even have a chance to escape.According to his speculation, Emperor Wu should not have appeared in the Six Cities and Twelve Towns, so he had to leave the Six Cities and Twelve Towns as soon as possible.

After breaking out of Bafang Town, he rushed directly to Jiulong Town.

Kowloon Town is relatively small, and the people here live in poverty, so the surrounding houses are scattered and messy, just like a maze.

The person who sits in Jiulong Town is Zhang Lei, one of the Ten Emperors, and Zhang Lei uses a sword.He had always wanted to compete with Zhao Yufan, and now he finally had the chance.

When Zhao Yufan stepped into Jiulong Town, there were very few people besieging and killing him in the town. At a glance, there were only a few hundred people, and they were all warriors with low strength.There are many reasons for the lack of warriors. Some warriors are unwilling to come to this kind of place. Some warriors feel that the terrain here is not suitable for besieging and killing Zhao Yufan.And Zhang Lei himself did not agree with besieging and killing Zhao Yufan, and did not give any help to other warriors. According to him: He will use the sword in his hand to defeat Zhao Yufan!

The sky was a little gloomy, and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, as if it was going to rain.

Zhao Yufan walked slowly on the dirt road, sometimes he could see a woman sitting at the door picking vegetables, an old man sitting under the shade of a tree playing chess, and a child squatting on the side of the road playing with stones. They were the most common people here.For Zhao Yufan's appearance, they didn't rush to panic and surprise. It wasn't that they didn't know Zhao Yufan, but that they didn't want to cause trouble for themselves. This is the true thinking of many ordinary people.

The sky became more and more gloomy, and the pedestrians on the road gradually became rare, until there was no one left.

Walking to an open place, Zhao Yufan finally stopped and took out a fifth-grade sword at the same time.In front of him is the Martial Emperor Zhang Lei, holding a sword, Zhang Lei seems to have been waiting for a long time.

"Come?" Zhang Lei asked.


Zhang Lei continued: "I will have a fair fight with you, and then...someone will surround and kill you."

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, Zhao Yufan smiled gratefully, glanced around from the corner of his eyes, and said slowly, "Thank you, come on."

Both of them gave each other enough respect, and the swords in their hands stabbed almost at the same time.

It is still a sword, and a sword can still determine the outcome.

The sword glow flickered, and the swords of the two rubbed against each other in the air, sparking a cluster of sparks.

The spark disappeared, and the battle between the two stopped at the same time.

Looking down at the blood slowly flowing out of his left arm, Zhang Lei pursed his lips and said, "It really is not your opponent."

Zhao Yufan felt a little embarrassed when someone said that, and said modestly: "You are not bad, there are almost no people who can hurt me, and you are the only one."

Zhang Lei was speechless for a while, he didn't know whether Zhao Yufan was comforting himself or laughing at himself, because he didn't really hurt Zhao Yufan, but just punctured the corner of his clothes.Looking at the sincere eyes of the young man in front of him, he was extremely embarrassed, and thought to himself, if Zhao Yufan was given a few more years, would he become a strong man in the empire?Really wish to see him become strong?But... can he escape this crisis?

"There are hundreds of people around, I'll help you stop for a moment, you go!" Zhang Lei said, feeling a little inappropriate, and said: "Just thank you for not killing me."

Clasping his hands into fists, Zhao Yufan said "thank you" and walked forward quickly.

As soon as he took a few steps, hundreds of warriors appeared around him.

Zhang Lei charged into the crowd with a sword in his hand, using the "Wan Jian" move directly.

The Wanjian he used was stronger and more tyrannical than the Wanjian used by Zhao Yufan back then.

Tens of thousands of sword glows slanted down from the air and fell to the ground in an instant.

Taking advantage of the panic, Zhao Yufan easily left Jiulong Town and continued on to the next town 'Xiaowang Town'.

Xiaowang Town is a special town. There lives a prince here. This prince is a Emperor Wu, and he holds an "Iron Armored Army" in his hand. It is said that the Iron Armored Army is composed of high-level warriors. .Moreover, the people in the whole town looked up to the prince as his leader. It could be said that as long as the prince said a word, these people would attack Zhao Yufan with kitchen knives and wooden sticks.

There is also "Li Buyu" among the Ten Emperors in the town. Li Buyu is alone and uses a long spear. Because he is alone, he spends almost all his life practicing spears, and his spear skills are almost popular in the entire empire. They are all top notch characters.

In addition to the prince and Li Buyu, there are dozens of Martial Emperors and hundreds of Martial Kings in the town, and the rest of the warriors are rejected by the prince, and the reason for the rejection is: to deal with a master like Zhao Yufan If they can't stop Zhao Yufan, the rest of the people can't stop them, unless hundreds of thousands of troops come forward, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to outnumber Zhao Yufan!
Since the prince has spoken, no one dares not to obey.

Zhao Yufan didn't directly step into Xiaowang Town. The two battles had exhausted him a lot, and he needed to replenish his energy.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was estimated that he would arrive in Xiaowang Town in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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