Chapter 333 Who dares to drink

In the evening, Zhao Yufan finally set foot on Xiaowang Town.

The sky was still gloomy, with thunder and lightning, but the rain never fell, as if it was waiting for something.

The only mansion in Xiaowang Town was brightly lit, but it was extremely quiet inside. Although it was quiet, there were quite a few people in the mansion, at least thousands of people gathered here.These people were scattered around the mansion, especially in the hall of the mansion, which was even more overcrowded, and the people here had the lowest cultivation level of King Wu.

In the middle of the living room, there is a rectangular table top, about ten meters long, on which there are delicacies from mountains and seas, but no one eats them.Around the table, a group of people sitting upright are staring out the door, with different expressions.

At this time, Zhao Yufan had just stepped into the gate of Xiaowang Town.

As soon as he entered the city, a servant from the prince's mansion greeted Zhao Yufan and said respectfully, "You are the young master Zhao, right? The prince and all the masters have been waiting for you for a long time, please come with me?"

Zhao Yufan nodded and followed the servant.

The servant was walking on the road, admiring Zhao Yufan's courage in his heart. He obviously didn't have to follow him, but this Zhao Yufan followed him anyway. As expected, this person was just like the legend, not only arrogant, but also extremely courageous.

Stepping into the mansion, walking into the living room, looking at the overcrowded courtyard, Zhao Yufan smiled slightly, and walked straight into the living room.

There are people sitting on both sides of the table in the living room. An old man sits in front of the table. This person is the prince of Xiaowang Town. There is an empty seat directly opposite the prince. This seat is specially reserved for Zhao Yufan. .

Sitting casually on their seats, Zhao Yufan and the prince looked at each other for a moment, then glanced at the rest of the people, rolled their eyes, and asked, "Do you want to treat me to dinner?"

The prince smiled slightly and said softly: "It's not too late to eat after drinking."

Looking down at the wine that had been prepared on the table, Zhao Yufan sniffled and said softly, "The wine is cold, won't your lord let guests drink this kind of bar?"

A Martial Emperor frowned slightly, and scolded: "When you are about to die, you still pick and choose, you are really arrogant."

Another Martial Emperor approached and satirized: "Hey, I think he just doesn't dare to drink, so he wants to change the wine."

The prince didn't say anything, but waved his hands and shouted: "Change the wine!"

The mellow wine was brought to the table, and everyone's eyes were on Zhao Yufan. They were thinking, would Zhao Yufan dare to drink this glass of wine?

Everyone here is someone who wants to kill him, and this glass of wine is naturally not a good wine. If it was replaced by everyone here, would they dare to drink it?
Li Buyu kept holding the gun in his hand, even if he was sitting on a chair, he still held the gun, seeing that Zhao Yufan didn't pick up the wine glass, he said, "Why?Afraid of poison in wine? "

This sentence seems to be a reminder, but it also has the meaning of intimidation. No one knows whether there is poison in the wine, but the possibility of poison in the wine exists, and the probability of this possibility is very high. Most people would rather die in battle. Nor will I drink this dangerous wine.

Picking up the wine glass, Zhao Yufan put it near his nose and sniffed it lightly. Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, the wine glass in his hand flew towards Li Buyu, "How dare you drink the first glass of wine, junior. This glass of wine is my respect to you. "

Li Buyu's complexion changed, he stared at the wine glass that was falling steadily in front of him, then he slapped the wine glass in front of Zhao Yufan, and said in a cold voice, "Thank you. We don't know each other before, so I won't drink your wine."

With a tricky smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhao Yufan stood up abruptly, slapped the table, and shouted loudly: "Who dares to drink?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a complete silence in the living room.

Who dares to drink?No one dared to drink.

The prince ordered someone to prepare this glass of wine specially for Zhao Yufan. When everyone asked the prince whether the wine was poisonous, the prince did not speak, but smiled mysteriously.

The people present are not stupid. If anyone of them stands up and dares to say: "I dare to drink?", then Zhao Yufan will definitely go along with the flow and let him drink this glass of wine. It's a fatal thing.

People outside the living room also approached the living room one after another, hoping to see a certain brave warrior drink up the wine, but to their disappointment, no one dared to speak alone.

"Ha ha……"

Zhao Yufan laughed mockingly, and before everyone could speak, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Wiping his mouth, he looked at everyone present with contempt, and arrogantly sarcastically said: "Are you also worthy of being my enemy?"

Hearing this, everyone was furious, but there was nowhere to attack, who made them dare not drink this glass of wine.

"Good! Good! Good!"

The prince clapped his hands and praised three times, raised his eyebrows, and said sternly: "I have been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, and there are not many people who admire me, but you, Zhao Yufan, are worthy of my admiration!"

"I don't need your admiration. Your admiration is of no use to me." Zhao Yufan sarcastically said, "For a person like you, it's better to admire some villains."

Hearing that Zhao Yufan dared to humiliate the lord, everyone got up one after another, clamoring to chop Zhao Yufan into pieces, even the people outside the living room almost rushed in and tore Zhao Yufan to pieces.

The prince waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then looked at Zhao Yufan: "I really admire you." After saying this, he changed the subject and said coldly: "However, if you want to leave Xiaowang Town, you must overcome My son and grandson."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan almost yelled, this prince is too shameless, this is the three generations of ancestors who want to be enemies with him? "Don't you feel a little shameless?"

The prince laughed "haha", pointed to the middle-aged man on the right and said: "This is my son Lei Batian!" Then he pointed to the young man on the right and said, "This is my grandson Lei Fengyun."

"I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen a prince as shameless as you. Your grandson was defeated by me. Your son will come on. If your son is also defeated in a while, do you want to come out in person?" Zhao Yufan curled his lips. , I am a little dumbfounded, what exactly does this prince want to do?

Hearing Zhao Yufan's arrogant words, Lei Fengyun was furious, "Zhao Yufan, stop talking nonsense, I'll teach you some tricks from your grandfather!" Before he finished speaking, he jumped in front of Zhao Yufan, and raised his hand to slap him.

The palm wind rolled, and arc-shaped lightning power spewed out from his hand.

"The Lei family's unique technique "Lei Bajue"!"

Someone exclaimed and immediately guessed the martial skill that Lei Fengyun used.

Lei Bajue is an extremely domineering martial skill. Using this martial skill can fill the whole body with the power of thunder and lightning, and its attacks are quite domineering and vicious.

Zhao Yufan turned around to avoid Lei Fengyun's attack, and kicked him in the face.Lei Fengyun didn't dodge or dodge, with a wave of his right arm, he slammed into the kicking right leg.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Zhao Yufan flew back a few steps, while Lei Fengyun remained motionless.

Seeing this scene, everyone almost dropped their eyes in astonishment. Just now, when the two of them exchanged moves, Zhao Yufan actually seemed to be quite low. Could it be... is it possible for Lei Fengyun to defeat Zhao Yufan?If this is the case, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire empire.

(End of this chapter)

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