Chapter 362
The violent gust blew the towering ancient tree in half. This gust was not a natural phenomenon, but the terrifying impact formed when the Earth King Beast charged.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Old trees were broken, and green grass was uprooted.

"Brutal impact!" Qin Long secretly thought it was bad, and reminded loudly.

The savage impact is the only attack method of the Earth King Beast, and it is also the strongest method for him to run rampant in the jungle. If this move is used, even the Martial Emperor has to stay away.

After the four teenagers saw the savage attack of the Earth King Beast, the hope in their hearts was instantly shattered. Which one of them will die, so at this time, I can only silently look forward to the young man in front, hoping that he will not die.

Zhao Yufan is familiar with many monsters, and he also knows how powerful the barbaric impact is, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying. The violent hurricane alone forced him to use his defense. If such a large body directly hits him, he will definitely be hit into meat paste.

He has a lot of fighting experience, but he doesn't fight monsters many times, so the first method that pops up in his mind is to attack, kill the Didiwang Beast during the charge, and prevent its body from rushing over.

But people who have been fighting monsters for a long time will not choose this way, they will use a safer method to deal with the king beast.

Qin Long and the others are a group of experienced veterans, and they will choose to avoid such a situation of disparity in strength.

"Run, you idiot!" Qin Long slapped his thigh and almost rushed forward angrily.

One of the teenagers stomped his feet angrily, "You are stupid, run quickly, don't confront him head-on."

"Yeah, you are not his opponent!"

Several people were talking, and they had already stepped back more than ten steps.

At this time, Zhao Yufan's steel knife had already been raised.

The sparse sunlight shone on the steel knife, and a cold light reflected from the blade reflected in the eyes of the Earth King Beast.

Seeing the steel knife, the Earth King Beast's mouth opened, and its eyeballs rolled slightly, showing a bit of disdain.

Qin Long and the others twitched their mouths and looked at each other. They already guessed the ending in their hearts. The idiot boy in front must be finished. He was not the opponent of the Earth King Beast. The King Beast's defense is extremely strong, let alone an ordinary steel knife, even with a second-grade weapon, it is impossible to break through his defense.

Although there are sharp attacks such as sword light and sword energy, they are not enough to kill the earth king beast, let alone that idiot boy is not strong.

Panting heavily, Qin Long shouted, "Idiot, run!"

When the voice fell, Zhao Yufan's steel knife also fell, and if he wanted to run at this time, there was still time.

With a flash of the sword light, Qin Long and the others immediately closed their eyes.One of the teenagers even sighed: "It's over, it's dead."

Qin Long looked angry and sad. If it wasn't for him, maybe this idiot boy wouldn't have died.

Suddenly, a rock-shattering roar sounded.

The ground shook slightly, Qin Long and the others couldn't stand still, they leaned on the ancient tree in front of them and looked forward.

In front, the Emperor Beast's entire body was pressed against Zhao Yufan's position just now, and Zhao Yufan was gone.

"Where are people?" A boy asked.

Qin Long rolled his eyes, turned around and ran, shouting as he ran: "Idiot, that idiot has turned into meatloaf, of course there is no one."

Realizing that Qin Long had escaped, a young man cursed, "Bastard, where's your ultimate move?"

"Fart, that idiot died too fast, no time to prepare the trick. Run!"

Suddenly, the body of the Earth King Beast moved. This movement startled the other three teenagers who hadn't run away, and immediately turned around and ran away.

After they ran, the body of the Earth King Beast rose slowly, and finally the whole body was lifted off the ground. The moment the Earth King Beast got up, a black shadow also jumped out. This black shadow was Zhao Yufan.

Looking around, the surrounding area is empty, except for the dead Earth King Beast, the four teenagers are missing.

Zhao Yufan's ears are very sensitive, but unfortunately he was dizzy from being hit by the dead Earth King Beast just now, and he didn't hear the conversation of several people at all. If he did, he might laugh out loud.

Looking at the Earth King Beast, Zhao Yufan scratched his head and smiled wryly. Before, he might have been very happy. After all, the Earth King Beast is worth a lot. Killing him is equivalent to getting a fortune, but getting so many spirit stones in Qilin Mountain , he really despises the value produced by the Earth King Beast now.

"Hey, whoever sees it will belong to him."

Shaking his head regretfully, Zhao Yufan slapped the Earth King Beast with his palm, and performed the star-absorbing method, absorbing all the energy in its body.

Just as he was absorbing energy, there was a rustling sound in the jungle.Zhao Yufan quickly removed his hands from the body of the Earth King Beast, and looked sideways at the jungle, thinking that the four teenagers had just returned.

There were indeed several teenagers in the jungle, but they were not Qin Long and others, but another group of teenagers. There were seven teenagers in this group, five teenagers and two girls. Like a flower, it is beautiful and delicious.Their cultivation bases are between the Martial Lord and the high-level warriors. The young man at the head is a Martial Lord with a haughty expression. Among the two girls, the older one is the Martial Lord, and the younger one is the senior warrior Shizhong.

Smacking his mouth, Zhao Yufan thought to himself, since he met them, he should give them the body of the Earth King Beast.

Before he could say a word, the leading boy had already walked to his close relatives. He first looked up at Zhao Yufan, and then his eyes fell on the Earth King Beast. He asked arrogantly, "How did it die?"

The boy's tone made Zhao Yufan extremely resistant, and his smiling face turned indifferent in an instant, "I killed it."

"Just you?" The boy glanced at him with disdain on his face: "Are you killing one for me?"

"Uh..." Zhao Yufan was speechless. If there was really an Earth King Beast in front of him, he wouldn't mind letting these people see it. Unfortunately, there are no monsters around, "There are none around. If there is, I will kill it for you to see !"

As soon as the words came out, the young man frowned slightly, stared straight at Zhao Yufan with his eyes wide open, his face showed a condescending expression, and his tone was extremely dissatisfied and disdainful: "My young master Wu Jun's cultivation base can kill the King Beast, and you can kill it!" ?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a high-ranking martial artist with sly eyebrows immediately walked up to the arrogant young man, and echoed, "The little prince is right, I think this Earth King Beast must have been killed by a senior, but the senior left for something to do." That's why I left the body of the emperor beast here, but I didn't expect it to be obtained by this villain."

The little prince nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face, "Wang Xiaosong, you have become smart recently."

"Hey...following the little prince, I naturally gained knowledge, and I became smart, and I was also influenced by you, the little prince." Wang Xiaosong said shamelessly.

The two sang together, and directly described the emperor beast in front of them as an ownerless thing.

(End of this chapter)

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