Chapter 363 Who Loves Picking Up Who Picks Up

Zhao Yufan was angry and funny, it seemed that these people were planning to take over the King Beast, and originally wanted to give it to them, but it seemed that even if they didn't give it, they would take it away without hesitation.

But it's obviously not easy to take something away from him.

He frowned slightly, ignored the little prince and Wang Xiaosong, but looked at the other five people, and asked politely, "Who are you?"

The bald boy scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "We are disciples of Shuiyuemen, and we were ordered by our master to come to the Dragon's Covenant Mountains for training. The members of our team were chosen by the master himself."

His words had other meanings, and everyone understood what he meant.

Zhao Yufan couldn't help laughing when he heard him say that.

The meaning of the bald boy is obvious, the members of their team are forced to be together, so what the little prince did just now is only on behalf of the individual, and has nothing to do with other people in the team.

As the young prince's right-hand man, Wang Xiaosong's face suddenly darkened, and he said seriously: "Baldhead, what do you mean? Don't you understand what team spirit is? Since we are in a team, we are a family and should be united. Follow the lead of the little prince."

The handsome boy 'Lu Feng' next to the bald boy shook his folding fan, nodded gracefully and said, "I agree with the team spirit you said, but I don't agree with your last sentence."

Seeing this group of people arguing endlessly about 'team spirit', Zhao Yufan couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seems that the team is not in harmony.Shaking his head, he politely said to the bald boy, "I'll see you again when I have a chance. Let me go."

As soon as he finished saying this, he turned around and was about to leave, because he was going to the Dragon's Covenant Mountain Range, so he needed to continue walking forward, and in front of him was the corpse of the Earth King Beast.

His movement like this startled the little prince, Wang Xiaosong, and Lu Feng.

The same idea came into their minds, that this person wanted to take away the Earth King Beast.

Wang Xiaosong immediately stopped Zhao Yufan, frowned and said, "Wait, you can go, but what about the Earth King Beast?"

"Whoever wants to pick it up can pick it up!"

After Zhao Yufan finished speaking, he pushed Wang Xiaosong with his right hand, and Wang Xiaosong immediately took a few steps back.

His words were very tricky, he said whoever picks up whoever picks up, the faces of the little prince and Lu Feng immediately became gloomy.

Wang Xiaosong stared, and immediately retorted: "Hmph, our little prince won't pick up this kind of garbage." He paused, then changed the subject, and said, "But our little prince has always been diligent and thrifty, and loves the people like a son. For the sake of the people who are suffering, I accept the body of the Earth King Beast for the little prince."

When Lu Feng heard the words, he stopped immediately: "Wait, this brother saw this thing, so the so-called seer has a share, it seems inappropriate to swallow the earth king beast alone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald boy immediately said, "It's really not right, I should give him a share of this."

The other two women and one man who did not speak also supported the bald boy. Their idea was the same as that of the bald boy, that is to help Zhao Yufan get his share of benefits.But Lu Feng's words are for himself, he is afraid that the little prince will take it all by himself, so he said that those who see have a share, since those who see have a share, then he must be included in this share.

The little prince looked gloomy, looked at the bald boy angrily, then looked at the older girl with a smile on his face, and said impatiently: "All right, for Mo Yu's sake, let's divide the land king beast equally." .”

Several teenagers thought that Zhao Yufan would be very happy, but his calm expression made them a little disappointed.

The little prince pursed his lips, cursing in a low voice: "You bumpkin, I guess you don't even know what a land king beast is, so giving him a copy is really a waste of money."

After distributing the things, Zhao Yufan was about to leave. He didn't want to have too much contact with this group of people.

But he wanted to leave, but someone didn't want him to leave.

Mo Yu has been observing Zhao Yufan, and she found that this young man is not simple, so she asked to stay: "Excuse me, what is your name?"

Blinking his eyes, Zhao Yufan said flatly, "I've never met you before, so why do you need to know my name?"

"There's a lot of nonsense, listening to your name is for your face, don't be ignorant." Wang Xiaosong frowned and scolded, his words fit the mood of the little prince, so the little prince nodded appreciatively.

"Hmph!" Zhao Yufan didn't speak, but instead hummed softly, expressing his disdain, and at the same time he was about to leave.

When he turned around, Wang Xiaosong suddenly rushed up and was about to kick him.Just when everyone thought they were going to kick him, his body suddenly turned and he dodged the kick naturally. However, because of the empty kick, Wang Xiaosong couldn't stand firmly and fell on his back.

Hurt others and hurt yourself.

Wang Xiaosong's embarrassed appearance made everyone present burst into laughter, even the little prince couldn't stop laughing wildly.

Angry, Wang Xiaosong got up from the ground, roared, and rushed up again, "Bastard, you dare to play me."

Just now he kicked with his feet, just wanting to teach Zhao Yufan a lesson, but now he is using a fist, if this fist hits, it will definitely injure someone.

Zhao Yufan turned around abruptly, and waved his hand like a palm.


A crisp sound sounded.Wang Xiaosong turned three times on the spot and fell down again.

Several teenagers were still laughing, but the little prince didn't laugh. After hitting Wang Xiaosong, he just didn't give him face, so how could he laugh.


Zhao Yufan said lightly, his tone was rather disdainful, even a contemptuous tone.

After saying this, the laughter of the teenagers stopped abruptly, and their expressions were a little unnatural.

Just like what Wang Xiaosong said just now, they are a team after all, although they can watch Wang Xiaosong being humiliated, but that sentence of overreaching seems to be mocking their entire team.

The first person who got angry was naturally the little prince. He took a few steps forward and said in a cold voice, "Oh, you have some skills."

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, and said in a more arrogant tone than his voice: "I'm not afraid if you go up together." He was extremely aggressively provocative, and then sarcastically said: "You guys are famous geniuses at Shuiyuemen, In my eyes..." After a pause, he glanced at several people lightly.

Lu Feng frowned and asked: "What is it?"


Zhao Yufan's words completely irritated several people, even the bald boy and the two girls were very displeased, and his words were too arrogant.

The little prince stared at Zhao Yufan gloomyly, peeked at Wang Xiaosong out of the corner of his eye, and then chuckled: "Hehe, is it? If that's the case, then let's compare." At this point, he turned his head and looked at the one who hadn't spoken. A young man said sharply: "Coward, how can you say that you are also a Martial Lord, let's compete with this life-or-death guy."

The coward 'Guo Taihe' nodded, and lingeringly came to Zhao Yufan, lowered his head, blushed slightly, and looked a little embarrassed, "Me, shall we start?"

(End of this chapter)

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