Chapter 379 Flowers Are Not Flowers

Jiangxi old man's tambourine is not an ordinary tambourine, it is a fifth-grade weapon, its power is extremely terrifying, even the drum surface that seems to be able to pierce with a finger is extremely hard.


Drums sounded.

Zhao Yufan hit the drum with a punch, and suddenly, he felt a churning force from the drum, coupled with the terrifying sound of the drum, he flew out with Ling'er in his arms.

"Pfft!" He opened his mouth, and blood sprayed directly on Ling'er's back, and Ling'er was completely frightened at this moment.

The Jiangxi old man's eyes lit up, knowing that the opportunity has come, and this is the best opportunity.He jumped up suddenly, and the drumstick in his hand fell into the air, hitting Zhao Yufan hard on the head.

If this drumstick fell, Zhao Yufan would definitely die.

But he is holding Ling'er now, and he was injured by the rebound force just now, so he has no strength to fight back, not to mention he is flying backwards, so he can't make an effective defense at all.

At this moment, only Changzheng and Wu Xinyi can save Zhao Yufan.However, the two of them could see that the drumstick of the Jiangxi old man would never hurt their daughter, which made them very hesitant.

After thinking about it, Wu Xinyi still decided to save Zhao Yufan, because he didn't want his daughter to see someone die, let alone someone with her arms around her. If Zhao Yufan died, it would definitely be a big blow to her daughter.

Changzheng didn't think too much, Zhao Yufan was in crisis after his daughter's failure to save her, so he naturally wanted to save her.

However, after the two of them hesitated for a moment, the Jiangxi old man had already rushed in front of Zhao Yufan.

Ling'er seemed to have just woken up, she shrank her neck in fright, and aimed at the old man in Jiangxi with the bunch of flowers clenched tightly in her hand, perhaps because of too much force, the branch at the end of a flower was crushed.

All of a sudden, the crushed flower seemed to come alive, and suddenly flew up, in front of Ling'er.

The Jiangxi old man's drumstick was very fierce, before the drumstick arrived, the terrifying aura rushed to the flying flowers in an instant.

When the energy hit the flower, the flower danced violently in the air as if it had been stimulated, and then twelve petals of different colors floated towards the old man in Jiangxi in the blink of an eye.

The sharp petals carried a cold light, and they came to the old man in Jiangxi within a breath.

The Jiangxi old man didn't react, twelve petals hit him in an instant, shot out from behind him, and embedded in an ancient tree more than ten meters away.


The Jiangxi old man blinked his eyes, fell from the sky, and died.

The scene was silent, no one thought that such a thing would happen in the end, not even Zhao Yufan.

Before he had time to tell the little girl about the usefulness of the fairy scattered flowers, the Jiangxi old man came, but in the end the little girl used the fairy scattered flowers unexpectedly.

He almost died because of the fairy scattering flowers, and he also survived because of the fairy scattering flowers.

Qin Long and his group were dumbfounded. The incident shocked them too much. How could those seemingly ordinary flowers be so terrifying?What made them even more unbelievable was where did Zhao Yufan get it?

Changzheng and Wu Xinyi stared at the flowers in their daughter's hands, shocked. They had already guessed the outline of the matter after a little thought. What shocked them was not the terror of these flowers, but the terror of Zhao Yufan himself?Who would have thought that Zhao Yufan was not only a heaven-defying cultivation base, but also a craftsman, and the crafting was so heaven-defying.

The flowers refined in five hours could easily take the life of an old man in Jiangxi. This terrifying power made the couple terrified.

Now the couple are a little embarrassed, not because they want to curry favor with Zhao Yufan, but because he saved his daughter and gave her such a big gift, which makes them a little embarrassed, and more embarrassing.

Zhao Yufan gave them a great gift, but how should they repay it?Help Zhao Yufan kill a few people?They do have that ability, but they really don't want to show it from the bottom of their hearts.

I didn't want to have too much to do with Zhao Yufan, but now they found that their family seems to be getting more and more involved with Zhao Yufan. It's just a Linger, which makes the couple unable to do what they want. They can stop Linger for a while, but what about in the future?How can I stop Ling'er in the future?
Taking their daughter from Zhao Yufan, the couple looked deeply at Zhao Yufan, then at their daughter, and remained silent for a long time.

People eat whole grains, so they have feelings.

Although Wu Xinyi strongly opposed dating Zhao Yufan, she was also a person who valued love and righteousness, and she was quite smart. It was because she knew her and her husband's personalities that she objected to dating Zhao Yufan.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Wu Xinyi can only go with the flow, "Hey...that's all, we will accompany you to the capital."

Hearing this, Zhao Yufan and the others were overjoyed. They saw the two couples stretching out their hands just now. Even the Jiangxi old man was afraid of them. It can be seen that the two of them have high cultivation bases. With their help, the road ahead will undoubtedly be easy. Not a lot.

Zhao Yufan was very grateful and did not stop him. Since the two of them had decided, he would definitely not be able to change it.

Everyone continued to move forward, there was Linger, and the atmosphere was very active.However, Changzheng and his wife only had a few words with Zhao Yufan, and they still ignored the others.

As night fell, everyone prepared to camp and rest near the mountain road.

Just as the tent was set up, there was the sound of flattery neighing from far away on the mountain road.

Zhao Yufan and the others looked at each other, looked behind vigilantly, and felt at ease. Since it was the carriage coming from behind, it was probably not the enemy.

Soon, a luxurious carriage came galloping. The driver on the carriage flicked his whip and made a crisp sound. At the same time, the two horses pulling the carriage stopped.

The luxurious carriage stopped in front of Zhao Yufan and the others. Immediately afterwards, three people jumped out of the carriage. Two of them were dressed in black with expressionless faces, while the middle one was smiling and slightly fat.

"Boss Qian?" Qin Long stared at Zhao Yufan from the corner of his eye.

Zhao Yufan took a few steps forward, looked at Qian Zhuang in surprise, and was very curious: "Is it a coincidence again?"

"Hey..." Qian Zhuang grinned lightly, shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to help you." As he spoke, he suddenly found that there were three more people in Zhao Yufan's group, and he couldn't help but stretched his neck to look around. This look startled him, "Are you also here?"

Changzheng was also a little surprised when he saw Qian Zhuang, and responded lightly: "Yeah." He heard that Qian Zhuang was here to help Zhao Yufan, and he was a little dumbfounded. It seems that Zhao Yufan has many friends, but this Qianzhuang is not simple. The power behind him It is not easy.

The atmosphere was slightly silent. Zhao Yufan and others entered the tent, took out some food, and chatted while eating.

Zhao Yufan was very surprised. The bank didn't come to help when they were out of the city, so why did they come here now?Did he get some other information?Since he came in person, the intelligence content must be a threat to him.

(End of this chapter)

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