Chapter 380
After eating, Zhao Yufan turned to Qian Zhuang and asked, "Boss Qian, what news do you have?"

Qian Zhuang wiped his mouth, and said quietly: "I heard that Li Shengji invited two Emperor Wu. I was worried about your safety at first, but now it seems that there is no need. With two seniors present, I guess even Emperor Wu can't threaten you .”

When he said this, Zhao Yufan and a group of young people immediately peeked at Changzheng and his wife, secretly surprised, they turned out to be Emperor Wu.

At this time, Qian Zhuang said slowly again: "The two emperors Li Shengji invited are 'Wang Songyun', the elder of Shuiyuemen, and 'Zhou Jun', Li Shengji's friend."

Hearing the names of the two emperors, Changzheng and his wife had no words, because they were not familiar with the two emperors, but other people were not familiar with the two emperors. First of all, Zhou Jun was Li Shengji's friend and Li Shengji's right-hand man. As a thug, he has cultivated well. Although Wang Songyun is not well-known, his grandson Wang Xiaosong and Zhao Yufan are acquainted.

Wang Xiaosong was abolished by Zhao Yufan, and Wang Songyun will definitely not let it go when he comes here.

The appearance of Emperor Wu made Zhao Yufan feel the pressure increased greatly.At this time, Changzheng smiled and said: "Hehe, Emperor Wu will leave it to us."

With Changzheng's words, everyone felt relieved, but what about those Martial Emperors?Zhao Yufan beheaded two Martial Emperors, but there were still eight Martial Emperors behind.

While everyone was thinking, the faces of Changzheng and his wife suddenly darkened, Wu Xinyi frowned slightly, and said sharply, "Who?"

After the words fell, Zhao Yufan stood up abruptly, and swung out a hidden weapon with his hands.

A cold light flashed, pierced the tent, and rowed towards the night sky.

Zhao Yufan's move shocked everyone in the tent, especially Qianzhuang and Changzheng. attacked.

Qian Zhuang was even more tongue-tied, provoking Thumbs up to praise: "Amazing, worthy of being the Martial Emperor." He is also the Martial Emperor himself, and two of his subordinates are also the Martial Emperor, but before they found the enemy, Zhao Yufan had already issued a warning to the enemy. The attack shows how powerful Zhao Yufan is.

While speaking, everyone jumped out one after another.

The sky is full of stars hanging in the dark night, under the starry sky is pitch black, and the cold wind blows the trees, making a whirring sound.

Everyone looked around and found that the enemy had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, but Zhao Yufan was sure that the enemy was nearby.

Zhao Yufan squinted his eyes and looked around. With his eyesight, if someone was hiding nearby, he would be able to spot it.Suddenly, he found a black shadow in the grass 400 meters away. Even if he looked carefully, he couldn't find it, but his vision was very good, and he saw the figure at a glance.

Frowning slightly, he thought about it.In order not to startle the snake, he whispered the location: "The person is in the jungle 400 meters in front of me. Near the grass is a willow tree with a piece of white paper hanging on it." Suddenly, he said again: "White The paper flew, don’t look where, just pretend not to know.”

Of course everyone understood what Zhao Yufan meant, and they still looked around blankly, but inadvertently they would go to see the place Zhao Yufan mentioned just now. Unfortunately, except for the Changzheng couple and Qianzhuang, no one else saw the black shadow brought by Qianzhuang. The Emperor Wu didn't see it either.

"I don't know if there are any other lurking enemies around, so we spread out and surround him, trying to kill this person with one blow." Qian Zhuang said in a low voice, and then raised his voice and said, "Everyone, search around."

Qin Long and a few people with low cultivation bases went to the shadow to search in the opposite direction, while Zhao Yufan and other experts scattered towards the shadow in a fan shape.

When they were less than 100 meters away from the shadow, Zhao Yufan and the others suddenly looked at each other, and Qian Zhuang suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the black figure a hundred meters away suddenly jumped up and ran backwards.Zhao Yufan and the others shot at the same time, especially Changzheng and his wife, they stopped in front of Heiying in the blink of an eye.

The black shadow backed away and found Zhao Yufan standing behind him with a sword in hand. On his left were two men in black, and on his right was Qianzhuang.

Looking at the surrounding environment, the man in black immediately made a decision. He jumped up and slapped Zhao Yufan with his palm. He thought that Zhao Yufan was the weakest among the people here.

Zhao Yufan's cultivation base is indeed the weakest, but his strength is definitely not weak.

The chain palm hit, the man in black wanted to force Zhao Yufan back.

Zhao Yufan flipped his sword over, and dozens of sword lights pierced out in an instant, scaring the man in black to dodge sideways, but other people also attacked one after another.The attacks of the two emperors and several emperors were all coming, even the man in black had three heads and six arms, it was difficult to resist.

In a moment, the man in black died on the spot.

When Qin Long and the others arrived, the battle was over.

Lifting the veil of the man in black, Zhao Yufan stared at it with frowned eyes. He seemed to have seen this man somewhere before, and he should be a member of the Excalibur Sect.

After burying the body, everyone returned to the tent and continued talking.Talking until midnight, everyone rested anxiously.The next morning, the group continued on their way in a mighty manner.

The luxurious carriage of Qianzhuang had already left yesterday, so everyone still walked on foot.

After walking for a day, no enemy appeared on the road. In the afternoon of the second day, Qin Long and the others panicked. The enemy did not appear for a long time. Is there some conspiracy?

The little prince peeked at the masters, and seeing their calm expressions, he couldn't help asking Zhao Yufan in a low voice: "Hey, why haven't the enemies come out yet?"

Zhao Yufan saw the worried gazes of the little princes and the others, pursed his lips and said with a light smile: "The enemy will not attack rashly if they have damaged the three Martial Emperors. They have not come for a long time. They should be calling for manpower. When there are enough manpower, It will definitely appear, we just need to keep going."

The little prince and the others nodded, and continued to move forward worriedly.

The weather was a bit hot, and everyone was sweating on their foreheads. Zhao Yufan kept Ling'er behind his back and remained silent.

Suddenly, the road ahead became noisy.Everyone paused, met each other, and continued to move forward vigilantly.

In front is a tea shed. There are many people in the tea shed, including hunters, farmers, wealthy businessmen, and warriors. The most eye-catching ones are these warriors.There are nine warriors in this group, and they are all very old in appearance, at least four to fifty years old.

When Zhao Yufan and the others saw the nine martial artists, they immediately understood who they were. This group of people must have come to kill Zhao Yufan, because the Zimang Empire sent ten martial emperors, and three of them died in the past few days. There were only seven people left, plus the two Emperor Wu invited by Li Shengji, there were no more, no less, nine people.

Zhao Yufan and his group sat at three tables. They ordered a pot of tea at each table, but they didn't drink the tea. They just stared at the nine warriors silently.

Sniffing, Zhao Yufan frowned, and said in a low voice, "It smells like blood."

As soon as these words came out, several people in Qianzhuang were taken aback. They smelled the surrounding air, but found nothing unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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