Chapter 386 A Sword That Is Not a Sword

The rain kept falling, and countless puddles of different sizes gradually appeared on the ground. The water droplets hit the water surface and splashed a series of ripples, like smiling faces crawling out of hell, baring their fangs eeriely.

Zhao Yufan took a step forward to show that he was facing the challenge.

Seeing that he was going to show up again, Changzheng and his wife frowned slightly. He had fought against two strong Martial Emperors in a row, and it would definitely not work if he continued like this. But besides Qianzhuang, is there anyone else who is the opponent of the Martial Emperor?
Emperor Wu of the Excalibur Sect stared at Zhao Yufan, and his heart was full of anger. The reputation of the entire Excalibur Sect was ruined, and it was Zhao Yufan who traced the root cause.

"Wash your neck and die!" said Emperor Wuhuang of the Divine Sword Sect.

Zhao Yufan nodded, turned around and left.

Everyone was startled, not knowing what tricks he was going to play.

The Martial Emperor of Shenjian Zong gritted his teeth and scolded: "Stop, what do you want to do?"

"Go and wash your neck."

Zhao Yufan's words made people laugh and cry, but made everyone helpless, even the Martial Emperor of the Excalibur Sect was stunned.

Everyone was speechless, very speechless.

The Martial Emperor of the Divine Sword Sect stood awkwardly at the same place and was at a loss. It was he who made Zhao Yufan wash his neck and die. Now that Zhao Yufan said to wash his neck, how could he stop him?But if he really left, with his shameless character, how could he come back?

"Sharp teeth!" Emperor Wuhuang of Shenjian Zong frowned and sneered: "How to fight?"

Zhao Yufan turned around and faced Emperor Wu of the Excalibur Sect again, smiled coldly and did not speak.

The Changzheng couple prayed in their hearts and kept looking forward in their hearts, hoping that Zhao Yufan would not say: one sword will determine the outcome.

Qian Zhuang didn't want him to say that either, because it was extremely difficult for Zhao Yufan to determine the outcome with one sword. No matter how he analyzed it, it would be difficult for him to defeat the Martial Emperor of the Excalibur Sect.

The feelings of Zhou Jun and Qian Zhuang were just the opposite. One Martial Emperor said provocatively, "Zhao Yufan...everyone says you are good at swordsmanship. Do you dare to decide the outcome with one sword?"

"Yes, do you dare?" The only remaining Emperor Wu of the Qinglan Sect sneered.

Another Martial Emperor of the Divine Sword Sect also sarcastically said: "Look at him like that, I dare not agree to it, haha..."

Zhao Yufan glanced at the group of people, curled his lips and counterattacked: "Is it aggressive? Do you think I will be fooled?"

Hearing this, Zhou Jun and the others were not talking, but looked at him with ferocious eyes.

Just when everyone thought that he would not decide the outcome with one sword, Zhao Yufan suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha... let's decide the outcome with one sword!"

His laughter was especially loud from the rain, piercing the eardrums, making Zhou Jun and the others furious. Zhao Yufan was playing tricks on them again, and they were really being played again.

The Changzheng couple and others also couldn't laugh or cry, their faces showed a little helplessness, why is this Zhao Yufan sometimes like a child?Even playing such a small trick, but even if it was a small trick, Zhou Jun and others were playing it around, and it made everyone vomit blood in anger.

But in the end, Zhao Yufan chose to decide the outcome with a sword.

This makes everyone admire his courage. Whether he is brave or full of confidence, his approach deserves the respect of many people.

Zhao Yufan and the enemy were ten meters apart. The two stood in the rain, quietly observing each other, observing the surrounding environment, and even observing the speed, time and trajectory of each raindrop falling.

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop, not only the wind does not stop, but the rain does not stop.

The sound of the splashing rain and the swaying of the trees are very pleasant in this evening.

Zhao Yufan and the Emperor Wu of the Excalibur Sect did not move, they seemed to be waiting for something.

A tense atmosphere surrounds everyone, and everyone's hands are covered with cold sweat. Qin Long and the others tremble slightly, and they don't know whether it's because of the cold or nervousness.

This battle is extremely unfavorable to Zhao Yufan. This is something everyone knows. What everyone is most concerned about now is what method Zhao Yufan will use to deal with this crisis. Is it a trick?Or use real skills?
Zhao Yufan's hand moved suddenly, he took out a handful of pills from his storage ring, stuffed them into his mouth suddenly, and laughed.

Suddenly, everyone suddenly thought of something, Zhao Yufan knows Pill God Wuxiang, and Pill God Wuxiang can improve his cultivation base!
Coldness instantly filled everyone's body. Not only Zhou Jun and others felt the cold, but Qian Zhuang and others also felt very cold.

They are asking themselves: If they face Zhao Yufan, will they win?
Even Emperor Wu was a little timid, but Zhao Yufan's tricks came out endlessly, and they shocked people every time.

Facing Zhao Yufan, the Martial Emperor of the Divine Sword Sect felt an inexplicable pressure, even danger.

His sword trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but make a move.The moment he shot, Zhao Yufan suddenly asked a question.

This sentence directly stopped Wu Huang's sword movement.

"What realm are you Martial Emperor?"

The Martial Emperor of the Divine Sword Sect did not react, because the distinction between the four realms of the Martial Emperor has not been mentioned for a long time.

"Four Realms of the Martial Emperor!" Zhao Yufan reminded.

Emperor Wuhuang of Shenjianzong reacted, and first scolded: "Bastard!" He was about to stab out with a sword that he had planned, but it was a pity that he destroyed it with a word.Glaring at Zhao Yufan, he said coldly, "Mortal Realm!"

"Come on." Zhao Yufan had a casual expression when he heard about Emperor Wu's cultivation, as if he didn't take this life-and-death struggle to heart.

His sword slanted down in his hand, and the raindrops slowly flowed down the blade on the ground, and the ground under his feet was instantly punched into a deep, small puddle.

Indistinctly, the sound of water droplets hitting the puddle can be heard.

"Batta! Batta! Batta!"

There was a very rhythmic sound, just like the breathing of Emperor Wuhuang of Shenjianzong.

All of a sudden, Emperor Wuhuang of the Divine Sword Sect pierced out. The thrust was a little sudden, and it was hard to guard against.

At the same time, Zhao Yufan's sword sank down suddenly, the tip of the sword sank into the puddle, and then he raised it.

The sword slid across the rain curtain, and a string of water droplets were thrown forward like sharp arrows.

At this moment, the sound of 'clicking' stopped, and the sound of breathing of Emperor Wuhuang of Shenjianzong stopped.

The world fell silent.

Emperor Wuhuang of Shenjianzong kept his forward posture, his eyes glaring at Zhao Yufan, but his whole body was like a stone sculpture, motionless.


His body fell to the ground, splashing countless water droplets.

The Emperor Wu of the Divine Sword Sect was dead, and was killed by the water droplets provoked by Zhao Yufan's sword.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in shock, there was no expression on their faces, only paleness.

A terrifying aura surrounded everyone. They were thinking about the strength of Zhao Yufan's sword. If it was them, would they be able to dodge it?With Zhao Yufan's strength after unleashing Pill God Wuxiang, can they fight against him?

Zhao Yufan blinked his left eye, and asked with a relaxed smile, "Who's coming?"

These words silenced the people present.

For a moment, everyone was shocked by his momentum, and no one dared to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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