Chapter 387
The sound of pattering raindrops was a little urgent, and everyone's breathing was also a little short, which seemed to merge with the pattering sound.

Time passed, and when the rain flooded over the soles of everyone's shoes, Zhou Jun finally let out a breath and said something that he didn't even think of: "I admire it!"

Wang Songyun stared at Zhao Yufan, admiring him naturally, but more hating, even if you Zhao Yufan is good, you can't destroy Wang Xiaosong's cultivation in a fit of anger.Even if Wang Xiaosong was seriously injured.Wang Songyun can leave now, but he can't if he wants to. His grandson has been deposed, and he, the grandfather, must come to revenge!

The other Martial Emperors were even more dull-faced, especially the Martial Emperor of the Qinglan Sect, with beads of sweat running down his face, and he doubted whether the suzerain's decision was correct. This sect of geniuses should be protected, how could they repeat it over and over again? What about the kill?
Qian Zhuang was full of smiles, and his excitement was beyond words, not only because of Zhao Yufan's strength, but also because of the fact that he had made friends with such a person. In addition, Zhao Yufan's future is boundless in time, although he does not have much power now, but in the future he , is definitely the top powerhouse on the mainland, knowing such a strong man, his status in the family will rise accordingly in the future.

The Changzheng couple were in the same mood as before. Zhao Yufan's strength was unquestionable, even stronger than they thought, but they were also very worried, because Zhao Yufan's troubles were not something ordinary people could solve. A genius like Zhao Yufan, but many of them died tragically at the hands of certain forces.

Qin Long and the others were the most excited, because Zhao Yufan's strength shocked them unceasingly. They were happy to have made such a friend, and excited that Zhao Yufan could defeat the Emperor Wu. In short, they didn't think too much, they were just happy for their friends .

Zhao Yufan didn't have any happy expression on his face, instead there was a trace of worry. Although Danshen Wuxiang can improve his cultivation, but there is also a certain time limit. Now he needs to kill the opponent quickly within the limited time, otherwise he will die. he.

"You were sent by Liu Man, right?" Zhao Yufan suddenly looked at the two Martial Emperors sent by Liu Man, and said very calmly, "Let's go together."

Hearing this, the faces of the two Martial Emperors were livid, and they were a little scared, but at the same time they were also very angry. Zhao Yufan was too arrogant. Even if he killed the Divine Sword Sect Martial Emperor with one sword, it didn't mean that he could kill all the Martial Emperors with ease. Opening his mouth to challenge the two of them now, this is not only arrogant, but also provocative.

The two Martial Emperors looked at each other without saying a word.Take a few steps directly and stand in front of Zhao Yufan.

Zhou Jun looked stern. Although he had two Martial Emperors on his side, he was still a little worried. He looked at Wang Songyun and suddenly asked, "Is there any chance of winning?"

"Yes!" Wang Songyun's voice was very loud, intending to remind the two Martial Emperors: "Pill God Wuxiang has a time limit, as long as the two of them can delay the time, then Zhao Yufan will die!"

The Martial Emperors of Qinglan Sect and Shenjian Sect also nodded frequently, agreeing one after another.

"Yeah, Pill God Wuxiang is domineering, but as long as you dodge his attack temporarily, when the time comes, you don't need to make a move, and Zhao Yufan will also collapse."

"That's right, even if you can't fight, but simple defense, with two Martial Emperors, it's a piece of cake!"

Hearing the conversation of their companions, the two Martial Emperors felt at ease, and they already had a countermeasure.

Qian Zhuang pursed his lips and scolded in a low voice: "How shameless, are you fighting Zhao Yufan in a group? After all, you are also the Martial Emperor, how can you be so despicable. And those two Martial Emperors, your IQ is really worrying, so You don’t understand simple questions, yet you still need your companions to remind you, tsk’s really hard to believe that you can beat Zhao Yufan.”

The two Martial Emperors stared at Qian Zhuang in embarrassment, and really wanted to beat him up severely. This guy's mouth was as vicious as Zhao Yufan's, and they really had the same taste, otherwise how could they be friends now.

Hearing the ridicule between the two sides, the Changzheng couple said nothing. They were more worried about Zhao Yufan. The enemies were two Martial Emperors, both of whom were not inferior to Zhao Yufan. If the two Martial Emperors were only defending, would Zhao Yufan be able to break through their defense?
At this time, the rain was a little urgent.

Zhao Yufan's sword seemed to have lost its luster, lying in his hands calmly and ordinaryly.

The two Martial Emperors both used knives, and they stared at Zhao Yufan nervously, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Suddenly, Zhao Yufan slowly raised his sword in front of everyone.

His speed of raising the sword was very slow, and the slowness made everyone present feel a little anxious.When the sword was slowly raised to balance on the chest, the sword suddenly thrust out.

This sword is very domineering, slow and fast thrust out together, first slowly causing illusion and nervousness in everyone, and then suddenly and extremely fast stabbing out makes everyone even more nervous.

Nine Heavens Sword!
A sword pierced Jiuxiao.

Many people think that this is Zhao Yufan's strongest sword, but no one knows that this sword can be used in different ways.

Just now the Emperor Wu of the Divine Sword Sect died with his ordinary sword, but now his sword is the Nine Heavens Sword, which is stronger than the previous sword in every way.

A cold light like lightning passed through the drizzle, and the surrounding drizzle seemed to stop at this moment.

The moment the drizzle stopped, Zhao Yufan's sword had already arrived in front of Emperor Wu.

Just as Emperor Wu raised his saber, before he was ready to defend, he felt a flash of sword light flashing in front of his eyes, and then he saw Zhao Yufan float back to his original position.

A chill rose from his body, and he shivered slightly from the cold, so frightened that the sword fell to the ground, he knew he was finished without thinking.

Before he died, he was still thinking about a question, where did he get hurt?But before he could feel it, he fell down.

In less than a second, the No.1 Martial Emperor was killed, and Zhao Yufan's terrifying speed made everyone pale in astonishment.

Zhou Jun, Wang Songyun, and Changzheng couple looked at the corpse at the same time, a cold light and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, the sword was too fast just now, but they didn't react, although the sword would not kill them , but enough to hurt them.

For a moment when everyone was stunned, the remaining Martial Emperor swung his knife in fright, then turned and ran away. Zhao Yufan was simply too powerful, he didn't want to die.

However, Zhao Yufan did not intend to let him run away. Since this group of people can chase him across the country, he will not be polite. Since he has come, he must stay here.

With a flash of his figure, he rushed to the back of Emperor Wu like lightning, and hit him hard on the back of the neck with the Eagle Claw Kung Fu.


There was the sound of bones breaking, and Emperor Wu let out an 'uh', and his body straightened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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