Chapter 388 Walking Without Fighting
Emperor Wu's body fell to the ground slowly, lying in the rainwater, and the rainwater mixed with soil faded into blood.

The two Martial Emperors were all killed in less than three seconds. Zhou Jun and the others were completely panicked, especially the Martial Emperors of the Qinglan Sect and the Divine Sword Sect. They are afraid of being scared to death.

The battle was over, and all that was left was shock.

Originally, Zhou Jun's expectations were good, and Qian Zhuang and others were also sweating for Zhao Yufan, but who knew that the result would come so suddenly, and they didn't give them any psychological preparation at all.

Zhou Jun and Wang Songyun looked at each other, a little powerless, how can we fight this?Going up, one Wuhuang was killed and another Wuhuang was killed. There was no way to fight at all. Looking at the only two remaining Wuhuangs, the two were even more speechless.

The Martial Emperors of Qinglanzong and Shenjianzong were so frightened that they all went behind them. It seemed that they wanted them to come forward, but when they came forward, it was not Zhao Yufan who was fighting, but Changzheng and his wife. But folks.

No one on both sides spoke. Zhao Yufan stood beside the corpse, staring at the two Martial Emperors on the other side, as if waiting for them to play.

Naturally, the Martial Emperor of the Qinglan Sect and the Divine Sword Sect will not play, they don't want to die, so their eyes are directly looking elsewhere, and they don't look at Zhao Yufan at all.

After a long time, Zhou Jun said: "You are very powerful."

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips, and said softly, "Leave or stay?"

His tone was a bit aggressive, but Zhou Jun and others were very helpless, because if they didn't leave, they would die.

Zhou Jun ignored Zhao Yufan, he was also Emperor Wu after all, and it was impossible for him to leave because of what a Emperor Wu said, so he looked at Changzheng and his wife.

Changzheng pondered for a moment, then said calmly, "Are you going or staying?" His words were the same as Zhao Yufan's, and he didn't leave any room for Zhou Jun and the others to ask them directly in the most domineering way.

Zhao Yufan and the others clearly meant that if they were afraid, they would leave, and if they were not, they would stay.

Zhou Jun gritted his teeth and did not leave.At this time, Wang Songyun said in a deep voice: "Changzheng, do you want to be enemies of Shuiyue?"

This sentence was a little threatening, and Changzheng's face darkened, as if to say: so what?But before he could speak, Wu Xinyi had already said, "You are just a Martial Emperor, do you think you can represent Shuiyuemen? Even if your sect master came, you wouldn't dare to speak like that."

Zhou Jun and the others were caught in a dilemma. If Zhao Yufan and the others gave a step, they would walk down the stage and leave directly. However, Zhao Yufan and the others had a tough attitude, which made Zhou Jun and others extremely angry.

They are indeed afraid, but they can't just run away because they are afraid, right?If this matter got out, how could they still have the face to call themselves Emperor Wu, so they didn't leave.

"Don't you guys want to kill me? Go on."

At this time, Zhao Yufan suddenly opened his mouth, looked at the two Martial Emperors, and shouted sharply: "The Martial Emperors of the Qinglan Sect and the Divine Sword Sect, dare to fight me?"

The Emperor Wu of the Divine Sword Sect and the Qinglan Sect looked at each other, turned around and left without saying a word.

Before leaving, the Martial Emperor of Qinglanzong said something: "Zhao Yufan, don't be too arrogant!"

The departure of the two Martial Emperors made Zhou Jun and Wang Songyun extremely embarrassed. Although they were able to come here for revenge, the main reason was because of the ten Martial Emperors of the Zimang Empire. But now that the people of the Zimang Empire have left, they So what?
"Farewell!" Zhou Jun gritted his teeth, said this, and then walked away.Wang Songyun turned and left without saying a word.

For a few seconds after they left, no one spoke.Everyone knew very well that apart from being afraid of Changzheng and his wife, the reason why they left was because they were scared away by Zhao Yufan.

The Zimang Empire dispatched ten tyrannical Martial Emperors, not only failed to kill Zhao Yufan, but lost eight of them, scaring two of them away.

"Pfft..." Suddenly, Zhao Yufan spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to his knees.When everyone rushed in front of him, he was already crawling in the rain, just like the corpses around him.

The panicked people picked up Zhao Yufan and walked into the tea shed. After a simple treatment, Wu Xinyi said, "Too much energy wasted, and after several battles, he was also seriously injured."

Several people nodded, taking it for granted. They would be really surprised if Zhao Yufan had nothing to do after defeating so many emperors.

But the embarrassment for everyone was that Zhao Yufan was unconscious now, and there was no alchemist among them, and they didn't know how to treat him. If it continued, it might be dangerous.

While everyone was anxiously discussing countermeasures, a carriage suddenly drove up on the bumpy road in the distance.

The coachman saw a tea shed nearby and said to the people in the carriage: "You two girls, there is a tea shed in front of you. How about we rest there for a while? Let's go when the rain stops."

"Yes!" The girl in the carriage replied.

The carriage drove into the tea shed, and it was too far away to see it just now, but now when it came to the tea shed, the coachman saw the corpse on the ground at a glance, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't say a word.

At this time, a girl in red jumped out of the carriage, and then a girl in white also slowly got out of the car.

The two girls frowned when they saw the corpse on the ground, and their pretty faces immediately became tense.They looked at Qian Zhuang and the others, and stood silently in a corner of the tea shed.

Qian Zhuang and others also ignored the two girls. Although the two girls were very beautiful, Zhao Yufan was seriously injured, and they were not in the mood to talk to others. Focus on Zhao Yufan.

Qin Long frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It's really not possible, let's feed him some healing elixirs, or energy-supplementing elixirs."

Wu Xinyi shook her head, frowned slightly, and vetoed: "No, the situation in his body is very complicated. Only an alchemist can refine a reasonable pill according to the situation in his body. If you give him some pills indiscriminately The medicine may have harmed him."

The two girls at the side heard the words, met each other, and started talking in a low voice.

"Sister Yurou, they seem to be sick, do you want to help?" Hongling, a girl in red, asked.

Yurou looked at the anxious people, and Meimou looked at the corpse on the ground, and sighed softly: "Look." As soon as she finished speaking, Hongling shouted: "My sister is an alchemist, I need help ?"

Hearing these words, Qian Zhuang and the others were startled, and instead of answering directly, they looked at the two girls vigilantly.

The Changzheng couple were well-informed, and they could tell at a glance that the two girls belonged to the Zimang Empire.Wu Xinyi reminded everyone in a low voice, "They are from the Zimang Empire."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone became even more vigilant, thinking that they were killers sent by the Zimang Empire to kill Zhao Yufan. However, Hong Ling and Yurou are not killers. If they knew that it was Zhao Yufan who was injured, they would definitely be more anxious than everyone else. .

(End of this chapter)

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