Chapter 389

Hongling has a pungent personality. Seeing that this group of people didn't say a word, but showed a vigilant look, she muttered unhappily: "There is no reward for kindness, so don't drag it."

The little prince licked the corner of his mouth, lowered his voice and said, "They shouldn't be killers, I don't think they look like them."

Qian Zhuang can be said to be scheming, pondered for a moment, and slowly analyzed: "Could it be the enemy's conspiracy? They knew that Zhao Yufan would definitely be injured, so they sent two girls who didn't seem to be in any danger, and why is this a coincidence? ? Zhao Yufan just got injured, they came here, and one of them is an alchemist."

His words were approved by everyone, Qin Long frowned, and kept observing the two girls, "It's really suspicious, ordinary girls are already scared to death when they see a dead body, but they are used to it, and two such beautiful girls came out alone, It's clearly out of line."

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Yurou took a few steps forward and said softly, "We are not bad people, you can rest assured."

Yurou was kind-hearted and didn't want to see death without help, so she tried her best to dispel everyone's suspicion, but what she said made Qian Zhuang and others even more vigilant.

When everyone was in a stalemate, Zhao Yufan blinked his eyes. He seemed to have heard a familiar voice. He endured the pain and thought about this voice. Soon, he thought of who it was.

Opening his mouth with difficulty, he asked weakly, "Is it Yurou?"

Although the voice was low, everyone present had good cultivation, so they could hear it naturally.

Qian Zhuang and the others thought Zhao Yufan was talking in his sleep, but Yurou and Hongling could hear it clearly, and they couldn't be more familiar with the voice just now.

Yurou and Hongling ran towards Zhao Yufan almost at the same time. This action scared the Qianzhuang people enough. They took out their weapons and looked at the two girls warily.

Hong Ling stared wide-eyed, took out a huge white axe, and roared angrily: "Get out of the way, who are you? Hurry up and let Zhao Yufan go, or Grandma's ax will chop you all up."


Qian Zhuang and the others were at a loss for words, and looked at Hongling and Yurou in surprise.

At this time, Zhao Yufan stood up reluctantly, licked his chapped lips, coughed a few times, and quickly said, "We're all friends, don't fight." After saying this, he rolled his eyes and fainted again past.

Hearing this, Qin Long and the others were dumbfounded. Thinking about the topic they were still discussing just now, they couldn't help being very embarrassed.

Hong Ling put away the white giant axe, and ran to Zhao Yufan, her eyes were wide open, her little face was a little terrified, thinking that Zhao Yufan was going to die, she kept encouraging him: "Don't die, hold on! You must hold on."

Yurou checked Zhao Yufan's injuries calmly, and then began to study what kind of pill to refine. After confirming the pill to be refined, she directly took out the alchemy furnace and started alchemy.

Soon, Yurou's elixir was refined, and after helping Zhao Yufan take it, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting in the tea shed, everyone waited for Zhao Yufan to wake up, and chatted first. When talking about what just happened, everyone couldn't laugh or cry.

Three hours later, Zhao Yufan woke up slowly, but his complexion was not very good, and he still needed to rest.

The crowd surrounded him, full of emotion.

It was already very late at this time, but everyone hadn't eaten yet.

However, since Zhao Yufan woke up, everyone decided to have a good meal. Today they fought a big battle and won, so they must celebrate.

Soon, food was piled up near everyone. While eating, Qin Long and the others started talking about you and started today's battle.

The little prince liked Hongling and Yurou very much, and now he started to talk about Zhao Yufan's prestige.

After listening to the young prince's narration, the two women were unexpectedly not surprised, and even showed no expression. It seemed that Zhao Yufan's victory over multiple Martial Emperors was an ordinary thing, which surprised everyone.

The little prince took a sip of the wine, moistened his throat, and asked a little boringly, "Aren't you surprised?"

Hong Ling looked at the little prince in confusion, and asked, "What's the surprise?"

"He has killed so many Martial Emperors." The little prince reminded in shock, and repeated: "That is the Martial Emperor!"

Hong Ling rolled her eyes, raised her small mouth, and said, "Rare is more strange."

Everyone was speechless. They already understood what Hong Ling meant. When you see this kind of thing too much, you really won't make a fuss.

Zhao Yufan leaned against an old tree and gnawed on a piece of chicken leg. Because of his health, the chicken leg in his mouth was not very fragrant, but rather unpalatable, and even made him vomit.

After a simple meal, Yurou and Hongling came to take care of Zhao Yufan. Zhao Yufan was now lying in the only carriage, and the driver of the carriage had already scared away.

Have a safe night, and everyone continues on their way.

Originally, Hongling and Yurou were going from the capital to Bailaocheng, but because of Zhao Yufan, they hurried back to the capital.

On the way, Zhao Yufan squinted his eyes and asked Hongling, "Why did you come to Shuiyue Empire?"

Carrying a huge white axe, Hong Ling replied with a smile: "Come to participate in the Alchemy and Artifact Refining Conference, such a big event, don't you know?"

Shaking his head, Zhao Yufan really didn't know. They lived and slept in the open air along the way, and they didn't see anyone at all. How could they know about alchemy and weapon refining conferences, "What alchemy and weapon refining conferences?"

At this time, Yurou wiped the cold sweat from Zhao Yufan's forehead, and said softly: "It is a grand meeting composed of multiple empires, and people call it the summit meeting. , so as to carry forward alchemy and weapon refining."

Zhao Yufan nodded thoughtfully, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Is it also a kind of competition between countries?"


Hong Ling nodded, blinked her eyes slyly, and said in a low voice, "We saved you again, are you going to help us?"

Yurou looked at Hongling dumbfounded, and softly reprimanded: "Hongling, don't mess around."

At this time, Zhao Yufan waved his hand and said in a low voice, "It depends on the situation. If there is nothing to do in the capital, I will try my best to help you, but remember... this is a secret!"

No one understood why Zhao Yufan went to the capital, only Zhao Yufan knew his purpose.

There are too many enemies in the Zimang Empire. He can escape in the Water Moon Empire for a while, but he cannot escape forever. How can he survive in the Water Moon Empire for a long time?That is to enter the capital and find a group of forces that can help him.

The forces in the capital are intricate, just like the capital of the Zimang Empire. There are countless forces gathered there, and there are even lurking forces from other empires, so it is most appropriate to find forces that can be relied on here.

(End of this chapter)

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