Chapter 417

Wang Baichuan's big face was like a rotten tomato, it was so red that it was about to bleed, he didn't dare to let the Qinglan sect members show up, anyway, these disciples were all Zhao Yufan's henchmen, so they wouldn't listen In my own words, I don't even think about Qinglanzong, I should get rid of them if I have the opportunity!
Lord Lei pondered for a moment, looked at Liu Man, and said helplessly, "General Liu, please come forward."

Hearing this, Liu Man jumped in front of the crowd, clasped his fists and sneered, "I'm Liu Man, that one came to enlighten me."

He is nothing in front of Zhao Yufan, but he is also a very powerful guy in the Zimang Empire. His cultivation is already the King of Martial Arts, and there are not many young people present who are his opponents.

Just when several teenagers in the Shuiyue Empire were eager to try, Zhao Yufan stood up suddenly and said with a sneer, "I'll do it."

Hearing the familiar voice beside his ear, Liu Man trembled in fright and was about to retreat, but just as he turned around, he saw Zhao Yufan smiling coldly behind him.

Liu Man stared back a few steps, calmed down the panic in his heart, and asked nonsense: "You, how can you play?"

When everyone saw Liu Man's tone and actions, they knew that he was finished. His expression was full of fear of Zhao Yufan, how could he fight?

"Admit defeat, or fight?"

Zhao Yufan questioned.

Liu Man's face turned red, and he stood there speechless.

He was not reconciled to admitting defeat, he was really afraid that Zhao Yufan would destroy him, and Zhou Ming from the Excalibur School was his best example.

At this moment, Wang Baichuan frowned and said, "Zhao Yufan, it's inappropriate for you to come forward, right?" He absolutely didn't want to see Zhao Yufan come forward, because if this guy came forward, then the group of elite youths from the Zimang Empire would definitely be no match.

Lord Lei also said in a deep voice: "Brother Baichuan said that you are from the Zimang Empire, and now the Shuiyue Empire and the Zimang Empire are competing. It is extremely inappropriate for you to come forward. Is there no one in the Shuiyue Empire? Do you still need an outsider to come forward?"

As soon as the voice fell, the great emperor Cai Dingtian laughed: "Hehe...General Zhao is not an outsider. Since he is the general of our Shuiyue Empire, he is also a member of our Shuiyue Empire. It's up to him to decide. But... I still hope that General Zhao can give in, after all, General Zhao's cultivation is too high, and there are not many young people in the world who can match you."

"Admit defeat, or fight?"

Zhao Yufan didn't seem to hear the emperor's words, and asked Liu Man again, his tone already contained killing intent.

"You, don't push people too much!" Liu Man gritted his teeth and growled, clenching his fists.

"I'll give you five seconds to think about it!" Zhao Yufan stared at Liu Man coldly, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, this murderous intent was not hidden, everyone could see it clearly.


Liu Man's pupils dilated, and he was constantly struggling.


Liu Man's expression was distorted, and he retreated involuntarily.


When the shout reached three, not only Liu Man, but also the great emperor Cai Dingtian, Lord Lei, Wang Baichuan and others became nervous. They knew that Zhao Yufan really dared to kill Liu Man.


Zhao Yufan muttered slowly.

"I, I admit defeat..."

Before he could shout out in the fifth second, Liu Man couldn't bear the terrifying pressure and opened his mouth to admit defeat.His whole body was as if he had experienced a big battle, his whole body was soaked, and he walked lightly, as if he might be blown away by the wind at any time.

Seeing Liu Man's state, everyone felt chills in their hearts. How capable is this Zhao Yufan? With just a few words, Liu Man was frightened into such a state. I don't know how much Liu Man has suffered at the hands of Zhao Yufan. .

Liu Man suffered a lot from Zhao Yufan's hands, but he had never fought against Zhao Yufan, but he had seen countless masters die in Zhao Yufan's hands, the most famous being Zhou Ming, the next lord of the Excalibur Sect. There is Wang Xing, the elder of the Qinglan Sect.

After forcing Liu Man back, Zhao Yufan turned around gracefully, ready to return to his seat.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind the Zimang Empire crowd: "Wait!"

Zhao Yufan stopped and looked at the speaker. The moment he saw the speaker, a ripple appeared on his calm face, "Want to challenge?"

Everyone looked at the young man who came calmly, and they were full of surprises. The young man had a vicissitudes of life, and the right sleeve was empty, and he didn't even have a right arm.

Many people have forgotten his name, but Zhao Yufan remembers it clearly. He is Ji Chen, Excalibur Sect Ji Chen, and he even remembers Ji Chen's father, Ji Zihao.

"You won't be too lazy to fight with a disabled person like me?" Ji Chen asked lightly, with a hint of teasing in his tone. In the years when he lost his right arm, he was addicted to drinking and sex. When he sobered up, his personality has changed from before Not the same, the current him can make Zhao Yufan feel a sense of crisis.

Zhao Yufan pursed his lips and said with a satisfied smile: "Hehe... yes, losing your right arm should be a good thing for you, what do you think?"

Ji Chen's pupils contracted slightly. Although Zhao Yufan's right arm was not severed, it was because of Zhao Yufan. If he had no conflict with Zhao Yufan at that time, maybe he would not have gone to Qinglanzong, and his right arm would not have been lost, but just like Zhao Yufan If so, if he hadn't lost his right arm, then his character would still be the same as before, still wanting to defeat Zhao Yufan, and with Zhao Yufan's temper, it is estimated that he would have died under Zhao Yufan's sword at that time.

"Yeah, so I regard you as a friend."

When Ji Chen said this, he felt a little nervous, his eyelashes trembling with his heart. He knew very well what the word "friend" meant to Zhao Yufan, and he also knew that Zhao Yufan was not someone who made friends easily.

"After you lost your right arm, there is no grievance between us. When we meet again, I will treat you as a friend." Zhao Yufan said softly, seeing that Ji Chen hadn't spoken, he added: "Otherwise ...How could you possibly enter the God of War Palace?"

Ji Chen had a smile on his face, but when he saw his empty sleeves, he made people feel a little sympathetic, "Come on." As he spoke, he pulled out a sword from his waist. It was an iron sword, very Ordinary, very ordinary iron sword.

Zhao Yufan sighed and didn't take out his sword. He didn't need to take out his sword when facing Ji Chen.

The surrounding air was a bit cold, and the iron sword was even colder, which made people tremble. Ji Chen's eyes were also cold, and his tone was also cold, "I don't deserve to let you use the sword?"

Zhao Yufan looked at Ji Chen and said seriously: "I use the sword to judge character, not strength. You can let me use the sword, but as a friend, I will let you clearly understand the big gap between you and me , isn't that what you want?"

Ji Chen stared at the iron sword in his hand, he knew he couldn't defeat Zhao Yufan, but he needed to know the gap between him and Zhao Yufan.

"Thank you!"

There was a smile on his face again, and at the moment the smile bloomed, his sword had already arrived in front of Zhao Yufan.

(End of this chapter)

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