Chapter 418 Iron Sword God Ni
This sword was surprisingly fast and extremely fierce.

"Excalibur Eight Styles, obliterate!"

Zhao Yufan contemptuously read out the name of the martial art performed by Ji Chen, his eyes suddenly became cold, and he yelled, "This kind of rubbish sword technique is impossible to defeat me!"

While talking, the two fingers in his right hand held Ji Chen's sword tightly, stared at him with deep eyes, and said sarcastically: "If you want to defeat me, you should quit the Excalibur Sect!"

Ji Chen was startled, and saw Zhao Yufan turn his wrist, and his iron sword snapped at the sound. He was prepared for failure, but he didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Yufan's words, "What do you mean?"

"The reason why you can use a sword now is because you have been instructed by an expert, but your current swordsmanship is still using the swordsmanship of the Divine Sword School. Do you know how stupid you are? Back then you used the swordsmanship of the Divine Sword School can defeat me, now that you have lost your right arm, can you do it?"

These words hit Ji Chen like a thunderbolt. Ji Chen looked at Zhao Yufan in astonishment, and after standing still for a while, he seemed to understand something.

"Thank you!" After finishing speaking, he threw away the broken sword in his hand and left slowly, leaving the palace, the Shuiyue Empire, and possibly the Zimang Empire as well. He will start a new life, and when he appears again The occasion was when he and Zhao Yufan fought.

Everyone remained silent from the beginning to the end, and only after everything was over did they start whispering.

"He is Excalibur Zong Ji Chen? What is his relationship with Zhao Yufan?"

A disciple of the Qinglan Sect coughed, attracting the attention of everyone nearby, and then talked about the grievances between Zhao Yufan and Ji Chen.

After listening to the disciple's narration, everyone nodded one after another, with a look of sudden understanding, but only they themselves knew what they understood.

Wang Baichuan pondered for a long time, then smiled slowly: "I really admire General Zhao, it's amazing that a master of the Excalibur sect quits the Excalibur sect with just a few words."

The members of the Divine Sword Sect knew that Wang Baichuan said this on purpose, but they had no choice but to vent their anger on Zhao Yufan. However, among the young people of the Divine Sword Sect, no one could beat Zhao Yufan.

Emperor Wu of the Divine Sword Sect looked stern, suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help sneering: "Does General Zhao know who Ji Chen's master is?"

"Not interested in."

Zhao Yufan answered very simply.

Although Zhao Yufan didn't want to hear it, Emperor Wu of Shenjianzong still said: "His master is Tiejian Shenni. This person is Emperor Wu, and he will never allow his apprentice to be bullied. Whoever dares to hurt her land, even if he is thousands of miles away I will come to hunt you down, I remember that Iron Sword God Ni wanted to kill you at the beginning, please be careful, General Zhao."

The words of Emperor Wu of the Divine Sword Sect were not half false, but knowing that no one in the Divine Sword Sect was Zhao Yufan's opponent, he could only attack him verbally.

Zhao Yufan had never heard of the name of Iron Sword God Nun, but he glanced at the expressions of Emperor Wu around him, and he knew that this Iron Sword God Nun was not simple.

But Zhao Yufan didn't take it to heart. After all, Ji Chen was different from the previous Ji Chen. He should stop the master, not to mention that it was a matter of the future, anyway, Tie Jian Shenni would not appear now.

Just as he was thinking, there was a sudden commotion in the distance of the imperial palace garden, and someone could even hear someone shouting in the distance: "Protect the Emperor! There are assassins!" The dense black dots are the arrows shot by the archers guarding the palace.

Zhao Yufan and the others looked up at the sky, and saw several sword glows cut out from the sky surrounded by black spots. The sword lights dissipated, and all the black spots in the sky disappeared. At the same time, a white shadow flew away in the blink of an eye. In front of Zhao Yufan and others.

"Who is Zhao Yufan?"

The figure fluttered to the ground, shouted angrily, looked around everyone with sharp beautiful eyes, and murderous aura rose from his body.

Jiuyin and Jiuyang immediately stood in front of the emperor, and the others were also at war. In a short while, the imperial garden was surrounded by soldiers.

"Are you Iron Sword Divine Nun?" The Great Emperor Cai Dingtian frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice.

Tie Jian Shenni looked straight at the emperor, and said coldly: "Exactly!"

Tie Jian Shenni is of the same seniority as King Yun and Elder Cimei, and they are all old monsters that have not been seen for a hundred years. Even Wang Baichuan, Jiuyin Jiuyang and others will respectfully call her senior when they see her, which shows that her strength is extremely terrifying.

Who would have thought that just as Wang Baichuan mentioned the Iron Sword Divine Nun, the Iron Sword Divine Nun would really appear.

Zhao Yufan looked at Tiejian Shenni in shock, and took a peek at Wang Baichuan. When he saw Wang Baichuan, his face was shocked, and he became even more suspicious. It was definitely not because of Wang Baichuan that Tiejian Shenni came here, but it couldn't be such a coincidence. , there must be something hidden in it, maybe some people wanted to kill him, and specially arranged the pawn of Iron Sword God Ni.

"Who is Zhao Yufan?" Iron Sword God Ni asked again.

"Senior, I am."

Hearing these words, Iron Sword God Nun turned around to look at Zhao Yufan, raised the iron sword in his hand, pointed at him, and asked coldly, "You hurt my apprentice?"

"Ji Chen? He shouldn't be injured." Zhao Yufan said calmly.

"Previous injuries!"

Tie Jian Shenni looked at Zhao Yufan indifferently, and said that Zhao Yufan was the number one master of the young and middle-aged generation in the Zimang Empire. Although he can't see his strength clearly now, he can be so calm in the face of himself, and he is by no means an idler. But the apprentice who dared to hurt her, even the emperor would have to pay the price.

"If you hurt his right arm, I'll cripple your right arm!" Tiejian Shenni was about to strike as he spoke.

At this moment, Jiuyang stepped forward to stand in front of Zhao Yufan, and said sharply: "Senior, you seem to have wronged him, right? He and Ji Chen are friends."

Tie Jian Shenni's expression was startled, then he sneered and said, "It has nothing to do with me, since you hurt Ji Chen, you have to pay the price."

Zhao Yufan raised his eyebrows and asked coldly, "Excuse me, senior, why are you here?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words. Why did Zhao Yufan ask such an irrelevant question if he didn't explain quickly?
Tie Jian Shenni did not expect Zhao Yufan to ask such a question, so he was a little surprised, "I have something to do, so I came here."

"what's up?"

Zhao Yufan continued to ask.

Tie Jian Shenni's face was a little displeased, and he replied coldly: "I heard that there is a medicine in Qianfeng Building that can cure broken arms, so I'll go and have a look." After saying this, he seemed afraid that Zhao Yufan would continue to ask questions, So he said in a cold voice: "Since the question is over, please send your right arm up."

After the words fell, the iron sword in her hand shook and stabbed Zhao Yufan's right arm.

Jiuyang's face darkened, and he slapped Tiejian Shenni with both palms.

The two hit each other instantly, and after a few moves, everyone could see clearly that Jiuyang was no match for Tie Jian Shenni at all.

At a critical moment, Lord Lei suddenly said, "Senior Shenni, please wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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