Chapter 437 Asura Hell
Everyone didn't know the identities of the two, but they could guess some clues from their words, so no one stepped forward to fight.

Seeing that no one dared to fight, Luo Xiang's face darkened, and he said unhappily: "No one came up, so I can just find someone."

As soon as these words came out, many people backed away in fright, fearing that Luo Xiang would point at themselves.

Master Yunlong and other assessors looked livid. They knew how powerful Luo Xiang and the other two were, but now they were the only ones who could fight with them, or Hong Ling and Yurou could do the same.But even these assessors are not sure, they don't want to die for being killed.

Master Yunlong's face was pale, and he knew that going up would mean death, but seeing innocent people dying before his eyes, how could he feel at ease.Just as he was about to show up, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, "I'm coming!"

According to the reputation, the person who spoke was a young man in his twenties. He was wearing a medal of a refiner on his chest, and his grade should be a third-grade refiner.

Seeing someone confronting Luo Xiang, Zhao Yufan and Qian Zhuang looked at each other, but they were silent.The current situation is obvious, whoever plays will die. Even if Zhao Yufan steps forward, he can't win against the two of them. Now he can only delay as much as possible. If such a big event happens, someone will definitely know about it.

The match between Youth and Luo Xiang has already begun.A fourth-grade weapon refined by Luo Xiang.After seeing the items refined by Luo Xiang, the young man turned pale, hesitated for a moment, turned around and was about to run.

However, as soon as he took three steps, Luo Xiang sneered sharply: "Die!"

The running body of the young man stopped suddenly, and immediately his legs protruded. The whole person stood upright and convulsed for a moment, and died of breath.

Focusing on the corpse of the dead young man, everyone was filled with a gloomy chill. Luo Xiang in front of him was simply a demon, a butcher who never blinked.

People were filled with righteous indignation, and finally some people couldn't help but stepped forward to compete with Luo Xiang, but it's a pity...

Under the venomous sunlight, there was a frightening smell of blood.

There were more and more corpses around Luo Xiang, and finally the corpses surrounded him, blood spread under his feet, and even if he took a step forward, a hideous and terrifying bloodstain would be formed.

In this eerie environment, everyone couldn't help but stand upright, their hearts beat faster, and they wanted to leave here quickly, but the dazzling cold light and brutal soldiers around them made them dare not move around.

After one of the strongest sixth-grade alchemists was killed, everyone felt that it was the end of the day. No one was an opponent of the black and white ghosts. Could it be that they could only wait here to die?Or pray for people from the five countries to come to support them?However, Luo Xiang's sinister smile made them shudder. If Luo Xiang keeps looking for someone to challenge, how many people will die?
Hongling and Yurou looked at Zhao Yufan, with pleading and helplessness in their eyes, they knew Zhao Yufan's strength well, and now maybe only he can compete with Luo Xiang, but... can he really do it?The sixth-rank alchemists are not the opponents of the black and white ghosts. Even if Zhao Yufan is super talented in alchemy and weapon refining, it is impossible to defeat them. What's more, the black and white ghosts can not only defeat the sixth-rank alchemists, but maybe the seventh-rank alchemists are in their eyes. It's nothing.

"Who can defeat them?" Hong Ling asked worriedly.

Zhao Yufan didn't speak, because he didn't know, the only thing he knew was... even if he came forward, it would be just one more corpse.

Qian Zhuang's obese body trembled slightly, and a trace of fear spread from the bottom of his heart, "Except for hundreds of years old monsters, it is probably useless for others to surpass them in alchemy and weapon refining." Cold sweat on the forehead: "I can't die here."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Yufan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, his face was gloomy and uncertain, did he really want to come out by himself?But he didn't want to die either.

At this time, the entire scene was silent, and everyone stared nervously at Luo Xiang who was pacing, wishing to find a crack in the ground to get down to prevent him from letting him play.

Suddenly, Luo Xiang's eyes fell on Hongling and Yurou, and he said with a strange smile: "You two girls, you are the leader of the alchemy this time, why don't you come up and compete with me? I see the strength of the two of you. The potential is great, if I am happy, maybe I won't kill you."

Hearing that Luo Xiang wanted the two girls to come forward by name, Zhao Yufan immediately took a step forward and said in a cold voice, "Do you dare to have a fight?"

"Hit?" Luo Xiang smiled openly, feeling that this was a good notice. Just when he was about to agree, a white shadow suddenly floated in the crowd, and at the same time, a scolding sound exploded in everyone's ears.

"Luo Xiang! Don't forget our purpose."

Hearing the voice, Luo Xiang's face was gloomy and he was very dissatisfied, but due to some factors, he didn't get angry.

When Zhao Yufan heard this voice, his pupils shrank involuntarily, and the figure floating over was none other than Feng Changle.

Feng Changle noticed Zhao Yufan's sharp eyes, couldn't help but smiled slightly, and looked at Zhao Yufan kindly: "Little guy, let's meet again."

"I really hope we don't meet each other." Zhao Yufan said lightly, looking directly at Feng Changle, and asked tentatively; "Can you let us go?"

"No!" Feng Changle replied decisively, with a firm expression: "No one can leave, or... die!"

How to do it?Do you really want to expose your identity and compete with the black and white ghosts?But even if you expose your identity, you won't be able to defeat them, but will put you in a deadly situation.

Zhao Yufan thought to himself, suddenly looked at Feng Changle, frowned and asked, "Who is in charge here?"

"Me!" Feng Changle said lightly.

Zhao Yufan nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "I have a few friends who are alchemists and weapon refiners, but they are not in the city. Since you want to compete with others, how about they come to compete with you?"

"You mean, let us let you go, and you go to find your friends?" Feng Changle looked at Zhao Yufan with a smile, and revealed his true intention in one sentence.

Zhao Yufan nodded and continued to look at Feng Changle. As long as he can leave here, he can compete in the name of Sword God and Sword Demon, and he can also take the opportunity to observe the surrounding situation and tell the news to those who came to rescue.

Feng Changle was silent in thought, Zhao Yufan saw him hesitate, and said again: "Don't you dare?"

When Luo Xiang and Luo Song heard the words, disdain flashed from the corners of their eyes, they obviously knew that Zhao Yufan was using the aggressive method, but they were still fooled, because there was nothing they dared not do.

Luo Xiang glared, and said coldly: "You can go, but you have to remember, if you dare to play tricks, they will die!" As he spoke, he looked directly at Hong Ling and the others with gloomy eyes, killing The intention rises from the body.

(End of this chapter)

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