Chapter 438 Sword God Rescue
Feng Changle frowned, looking very cautious. He really didn't want to let Zhao Yufan leave, because Zhao Yufan had always been weird, and letting him go would definitely be an unwise choice.However, the black and white ghosts spoke, they are two seniors, and this action is all up to them, they have already spoken, if they do not agree, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction between the two, "you go, I will give you two days time, and if you don't come within two days, I'll order everyone to be killed."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhao Yufan nodded, turned around to look at the people in the bank, and jumped directly onto the beam, and within a few jumps, they disappeared without a trace.

Under Feng Changle's order, Zhao Yufan left Bailao City smoothly and rushed to the jungle near the city. Just now he glanced at the situation in the city.The entire Bailaocheng is really under full control. Every street and every house is guarded. The streets are full of dead bodies. Anyone who tried to leave or resist was killed.

Feng Changle gave him two days, which seemed to be a long time, but it was not enough for him to do anything. He squatted on the ground and simply drew a blueprint of Bailaocheng's current defense, and then drew some more. He needs to send out the drawings and letters, to Wang Buqi's mansion, or to the hands of Qin Long's father.

However, two days is not enough time for him to go back and forth, so he can only find someone to take him off, but who can he find?
Quickly shuttled through the jungle path, Zhao Yufan was very anxious. Now that time is tight, there is no delay.

Suddenly, the backs of a dozen people appeared on the trail ahead. These people were on their way, but they didn't notice anyone behind them.

"Several, wait."

Zhao Yufan shouted, and he had already come behind several people. As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen people took out their weapons and looked at him vigilantly. Immediately shouted happily.

"Yes, it's Master Zhao."

"Master Zhao, it's really you."

"Master Zhao, how did you leave Bailaocheng?"

"Hey... Young Master Zhao." Xiong San also shouted honestly.

This group of people is Xiong San and the others. Last night, Xiong San and his group killed Liu Mu near the jungle. They planned to go back, but someone proposed to camp here, and then they lived on the mountain. This group of people played at night. It was very late, I didn't go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning, so I woke up very late, and when they rushed back to Bailaocheng, they heard what happened in the city.

Although Feng Changle and the others set up a solid line of defense, someone could escape after all, and Luo Xiang had already said it before the start, and the news had already spread.

Seeing Xiong San and the others, Zhao Yufan immediately took out the drawings and letters, and handed them to Xiong San: "Send the letter to Wang Buqi or Qin Long's father, must send the things to their own hands. The current defense of the old city, if you go to Bailaocheng, maybe it will play a certain role."

Xiong San nodded, and said solemnly: "Don't worry!" After speaking, he looked at Zhao Yufan strangely, "Master Zhao, what do you do?"

"Me?" Zhao Yufan grinned wryly; "I want to ask a friend for help."

Zhao Yufan briefly told Xiong San what he saw in Bailaocheng, and then they parted ways.

After finishing the matter, Zhao Yufan began to think about his next move. The black and white ghosts are definitely better than him in alchemy and weapon refining, so how can he beat them?

As night fell, the lights in Bailao City were brightly lit, and every household was flickering with miserable yellow light, as if it would go out at any moment. In the place where Qianzhuang and the others were, there were even torches set up, and the fiery red flames reflected on the Everyone's pale faces looked extremely terrifying.

Looking at Bailaocheng from a distance, one can see that the sky of Bailaocheng is a faint fiery red, just like the angry face of the sky, majestic and dignified.

Outside Bailaocheng, there was a dead silence. The carriages that used to drive one after another no longer appeared, and the crowded flow of people also quietly disappeared.

In this quiet night, a figure slowly came towards the direction of Bailaocheng.

The soldiers guarding the city wall immediately became vigilant, and the archers were on standby at any time. Several masters of the Martial Emperor held their weapons tightly and stared aggressively at the people in front.

This person was wearing a silver mask, carrying two swords without scabbards on his back, wearing a white robe, and a pair of pupils exposed outside the mask were shining brightly.

"Who?" Someone asked on the city wall.

"Zhao Yufan's friend...Sword God!" Zhao Yufan said lightly.

The people on the city wall were no longer asking, and a soldier had already rushed to the place where Feng Changle and others were.After Feng Changle learned that the sword god was coming, he immediately ordered the city gate to be opened and let people in.

Hearing that the Sword God was coming, everyone's expressions were downcast, and they were not very happy. They had never heard the name of the Sword God, and an unknown person came here, just to die.

Qian Zhuang's face was rarely relieved. He knew that the sword god was Zhao Yufan's friend. Since Zhao Yufan could let the sword god come, then this sword god must have a way to deal with the black and white ghosts, otherwise it would not be possible to come.

Incarnate as a sword god, Zhao Yufan slowly came to Feng Changle under the attention of everyone.

Hongli and Yurou were extremely nervous. They pinned their last hope on Zhao Yufan. If Zhao Yufan couldn't do it, then they could only resign themselves to their fate.

Feng Changle stared at Zhao Yufan, and asked coldly, "You are the sword god? Where is Zhao Yufan?"

Zhao Yufan's soft voice sounded faintly: "I am the sword god, and he has gone to find the sword demon."

When everyone heard the two sword demons, their spirits couldn't help but cheer up. Although the sword demon was from the Zimang Empire, the actions of the sword demon in the snowy area were still spread to the Shuiyue Empire. Few people are in admiration.

Master Yunlong heard that the sword demon was coming, his face showed joy, and then he became worried again. The sword demon's alchemy is very powerful, but compared with Luo Song, it is still far behind.

Luo Xiang stared at the sword god, and said impatiently: "Are you going to challenge alchemy or weapon refining?"

"Refining!" Zhao Yufan said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhao Yufan in surprise and began to discuss.

"Is he okay? I think he is here to die. The sixth-grade craftsman has died here, let alone."

Someone sighed and complained non-stop: "Is Zhao Yufan stupid? Why don't you find someone who is good? What's the use of finding such a person? Why don't you just let me go?"

As soon as this person opened his mouth, he attracted a lot of angry eyes, and one of them scolded angrily: "What are you talking about? I don't agree with you!"

"Yeah, they didn't come here to save people, why are you talking like that?"

Everyone said one sentence after another, and the final topic finally returned to Sword God.

"Hey, I don't know if he can do it."

"It's probably dangerous, and another life was lost in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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